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University A Conservative Harvest: November 2004

Monday, November 29, 2004

A Boston Tea Party …(Idiot Of Preference)

If you listen to a Democrat speak or pay attention to their political views you will find that they will often contradict themselves if their cause is helped. Take for instance the use of the word “idiot”

Democrats have been calling President Bush an idiot for more than four years. After the recent election they also felt anyone who voted for Bush is a ____ idiot. Now with the naming of new cabinet members we hear that Bush has failed to bring in the brightest of the brightest even if they disagree with him. Therefore insinuating that Bush has settled for idiot “yes” men and women rather than have intelligent dissenters as part of his cabinet. The Democrats certainly have made it known that idiots are only useful to Republicans, that is unless …

You are a crack addict, a drug dealer, a town drunk, an ex-con, or any other social degenerate. If you are that type of idiot and are eligible to vote then you are a valued member of the Democratic constituency. An idiot like this is needed to help vote for their candidate and therefore a more preferred idiot. They were even willing to help such idiots get to the voting booth all in the name of “get out the vote”. I know I feel the more crack addicts that vote the better of this country will be. Not! It may not be politically correct to call town drunks or criminals idiots but it is at least accurate. I wonder is a person who requires the help of an idiot also an idiot? I am willing to bet that more of the Democratic preferred idiots can be found in the blue areas of the country. I also know for certain those same preferred idiots are not members of the current administration.

Sunday, November 28, 2004

A Boston Tea Party …(18 Is To Young)

We have all been there. Reaching the age of 18 means the end of high school and the beginning of college or joining the workforce. It can involve leaving your parents home for good, relocating to a new city, or possibly joining the military. Reaching 18 also means being eligible to vote.

Very few people who turn 18 own a home, have families to feed, or for that matter pay any significant amount of taxes. In this years election it was said that young people would help make the difference in a Kerry election win. Watching newly eligible voters voice their opinions on television got me thinking. Did having young kids with a lack of any true-life experiences voting for a President make my parents generation as nervous as it made me? Does anyone really take seriously what 18 year olds have to say about politics? Why did we pass an amendment that would allow so many young people the right to vote? If you need to be 21 to drink why shouldn’t you be 21 to vote?

If you believe as I do that with age comes wisdom then why should I be comfortable with young kids helping to decide the future President? I am sure when I was that young I felt certain my opinions mattered as much as my mother and father, my grandparents, and my aunts and uncles but now that I am older I can see the errors of that thinking. I wasn’t qualified to vote at the age of 18. I also don’t have an answer for the argument that if an 18 year old can fight for his country than why shouldn’t he be able to vote for the man that sends him to fight. I also accept the argument that many middle aged and senior adults aren’t very well informed when it comes to politics but that is an article for another day. Maybe I am the only one who believes 18 is to young to vote. As I grow older I feel less and less comfortable with the ignorance of youth.

Wednesday, November 24, 2004

A Boston Tea Party …(A Big Turkey)

Imagine knowing someone who owns a mansion, has a dozen cars, goes on vacation six months of every year, and complains daily to you that he is broke. This example is similar to what we hear from our politicians. Congress adjourned last week after passing a $388 billion dollar spending bill that included $16 billion in additional pork spending. These same politicians continually preach about the ever-rising deficit.

Alan Greenspan warned last week that if the deficit is not brought under control the American economy would suffer and interest rates will rise. We see both Republicans and Democrats voicing their outrage over the lack of fiscal responsibility but when it comes time to create spending bills it is same old same old. Shouldn’t we be slowing the growth of spending and also eliminating any unnecessary spending? The Republican Party is now 100% in a leadership role. So why don’t they lead?

President Bush should veto the spending bill and go to the American public to gain support for more fiscal responsibility but he won’t. He can argue that he is for tax and social security reform but unless he is willing to hold Congress accountable for wasted spending, he isn’t being totally upfront with us. The only hope any politician has for reducing the deficit is for the economy to boom and/or to raise our taxes. The economy is a gamble. If we were to have another attack like 9/11 then it is back in the tank. We elect them to lead and lead they should. Make the hard choices whether they are popular or not and stop any unneeded expenditures. Washington is a big turkey that needs its head cut off and that goes for both parties. If federal spending was kept under control we could all keep more of our money and we would not have to hear how broke the federal government is. I don’t want to hear any more deficits talk, at least not as long as continue to line their pockets with pork. You can’t have it both ways. $16 billion in pork in spending bill after spending bill is outrageous. Why do we put up with it?

Monday, November 22, 2004

What Are You Thinking ...(Here's a Topic.....Talk Amongst Yourselves)

1. Were those Republicans or Democrats rioting in the crowd at the Detroit - Indiana game on Friday night?

2. Should the NBA now do promos with gansta rappers?

3. Will this help sell more Ron Artest rap cd's?

4. Does anyone genuinely believe any of the apologies from the athletes (thugs)?

5. Are the number of tattoos on the athletes equal to the number of punches thrown?

6. Do you think that Detroit is a progressive city?

7. Do you find it ironic that a city full of union workers will support the suspension of other union workers?

8. Does having a beer thrown in your face constitute being "disrespected"?

9. Do you think any of the fans involved in the mele were "evangelicals"?

10. Are Jermaine O'Neil, Ron Artest, and Stephen Jackson just being misunderstood and is it possible we really don't understand what is in their hearts?

11. Did you ever think people who spend $175 per seat to sit that close to the court were the fighting kind?

12. Will the players now have their "posse" attend most games and do their fighting for them?

13. How many of the people (in the crowd and on the court) involved in the fight can even spell the word "litigation"?

14. Do you think the players just had a pent-up frustration with Bush winning the election and just used this as a release for that frustration?

15. Do you think we could win the gold medal in the olympics again if we competed as hard as the players charged into the crowd?

16. Did the players that went into the crowd gain more "street cred" and did the other players lose "street cred"?

17. Does security now have "pat down" both the crowd and players before entering the arena?

18. Does NBA now stand for New Bad Ass?

19. Will arrests be made?

20. What amount of money will the lawsuits total?

Sunday, November 21, 2004

A Boston Tea Party …(Vindication)

Bill Clinton’s Presidential library was opened this week. He also had an interview with ABC’s Peter Jennings to discuss his legacy. Clinton lamented on the unfair treatment he believed he received from Kenneth Starr and the news media. Clinton felt that the media was willing to repeat any tid-bit of sleaze that Starr was willing to leak to them. Clinton also claimed he received his vindication when he received a standing ovation from the United Nations assembly after his impeachment proceedings.

It is my view that the former President and the current President operate in almost complete opposite ways. While Clinton would base his decisions on polls and what would be the most popular, President Bush bases his decisions on gut and conviction. Bush is willing to go to war without the approval of the rest of the world while Clinton would never operate in such a solo manner. Clinton was loved by the media and cultural elites while Bush is despised. Clinton lied to a grand jury and brought disgrace to the office of the Presidency while Bush has brought respect back to the office. While Clinton was in office the Democrats lost control of both houses of Congress while with Bush in office the Republicans have gained additional seats.

Clinton prefers to justify his actions as President by citing how popular he was with the United Nations. The same group of representatives that have Iraq in the human rights committee and had allowed Saddam Hussein to buy off their respective countries support in return for money. His self felt vindication from this corrupt organization is also vindication for the current President. A standing ovation for Clinton from the United Nations seems fitting for a person with his integrity. President Bush’s vindication comes from the exact opposite. As long as members of the United Nations remain in their seats America will know it is on the correct path.

Tuesday, November 16, 2004

A Boston Tea Party … (Silence Is Golden)

The United Nations stands as a pillar to world consensus for the left. It gives a voice to the many who feel America needs to be held accountable for its actions. The left feels that unless the United States gains approval from the United Nations, American foreign policy is illegitimate. We heard during the election cycle that Bush had alienated the world by not having the approval of the French, Germans, and Russians for going to war with Iraq. The media did its part to remind us of that on a very regular basis.

Just two short weeks after the election we now hear from a Senate committee investigating the oil-for-food program that Saddam Hussein has illegally siphoned $21 billion from this program to help buy foreign support for lifting U.N. sanctions against Iraq. It is no surprise that fraud is involved but the shocking news is how massive the fraud actually is. Even more alarming is the amount of cover-up being done by Kofi Annan and his staff. They are refusing to provide documents and access to officials that Senate investigators are requesting.

As each day passes and more information is gathered, it becomes easier to understand why America was never going to be able to get permission to go to war with Iraq from France and Russia. When the dust settles many embarrassing facts will point to very high levels of their governments as well as the United Nations. It is already being speculated that this scandal will require Kofi Annan to resign. At this point there has been very little outrage coming from the left over the disgraceful amount of fraud involved. As the credibility of their beloved United Nations goes up in smoke, the left’s silence is golden. Will we hear them speak out about United Nationsgate? My hunch says their lips remain sealed and they hope nobody notices. The left criticizes the United Nations. They would rather accept corruption than an aggressive American foreign policy.

Friday, November 12, 2004

Cry of the Loon …(I knew Jack Kennedy and Senator Quayle; You're No Jack Kennedy)

We all remember the words Lloyd Benson told Dan Quayle during the Vice Presidential debate. Well the liberal loon of the Red River Valley says he knows Ted Kennedy and Ted Kennedy is no liberal. Now when Ed says he knows Ted Kennedy, that means he met him once. Ed is such a great judge of character; he can talk to somebody for a short period and know exactly what that person is about. Forget forty years of Senate votes. As Ed did say, “He even voted for No Child Left Behind. I mean you can’t be a liberal if you voted for that”. Remember the Stuart Smalley skit from Saturday Night Live called Deep Thoughts by Jack Handy? Well that is what we get daily on News and Views, Deep Thoughts by Ed Schultz. “I met him once, he isn’t a liberal.” The more Ed speaks, the dumber he makes himself out to be. If Ted Kennedy isn’t a liberal, then the Earth is flat, the Sun sets in the East, and Yassar Arafat was a peacemaker. Even Ted Kennedy would say-I know Ted Kennedy and Ted Kennedy is a card carrying member of liberalism. Give a moron a microphone and it’s amazing how often he’ll put his foot in his mouth.

Wednesday, November 10, 2004

Cry of the Loon …(Ed on TV)

Ed has recently expressed his desire to host a cable television program. Upon hearing this, my mind went wondering. Would it not be easier just to take over an existing show and just change the format a bit? I offer my suggestions on format changes to already existing shows on various networks starring Ed Schultz:

1. “All Grown Up” - Nickelodeon - Ed Schultz plays a radio talk show host that throws temper tantrums when he gets upset with callers.

2. “Horse Tales” - LIFE Network - Ed Schultz plays a Hollywood producer making a documentary on liberal propaganda.

3. “Trading Spaces” - TLC Network – Ed trades places with a homosexual and lobbies for gay marriage while taking up interior decorating as a hobby.

4. “Before & After” – Home & Garden Network – Ed plays a landscaper who reminisces about the past, when Democrats could win the south and Democrats were in control of Congress.

5. “Boy Meets Grill” – FOOD Network – Ed plays a chef who teaches the audience how to cook Cajun food while being lambasted by partisan Republicans.

6. “Friday Nite Stand-Up” – Comedy Central - Ed does a stand-up comedy act about the evangelical Christian right.

7. “Beyond Belief” – SCIFI Channel – Ed hosts a show similar to the “Twilight Zone” where Democrats imagine having Republicans in charge of the government.

8. “The Pet Psychic” – Animal Planet – Ed counsels PETA members with split personalities, part human part animal.

9. “Real World” – MTV – Ed Schultz, Paul Begala, James Carville, and Allan Combs share an apartment in downtown Omaha. The show displays how four men with huge egos argue their opinions on how to save the Democratic Party.

10. “Great Hotels” – Travel Channel – Ed travels around the world visiting great hotels with Hollywood stars and musicians that are anxious to leave America after the Bush election win.

11. “CSI-Portland” – CBS – Ed, Homey, and Tank are investigators that examine cases of voter fraud in Portland, Oregon.

12. “West Wing” – NBC – Ed plays a bad tempered, ill-informed press secretary for a Democratic President.

13. “Desperate Housewives” – ABC – This hour-long drama has Ed as a local celebrity talk show host in suburban America with only women callers.

14. "Queer Eye For The Straight Guy" - BRAVO Network - Ed and Joel Heitkamp hang around with gay men to show their tolerance. They spend time shopping and doing makeovers.

Tuesday, November 09, 2004

A Boston Tea Party …(Extreme Preference)

A Boston Tea Party …(Extreme Preference)

With so much talk coming from the far left about the radical far right, I thought it might be interesting to contrast the two differing views.

The extreme left stands for: judicial activism, the ACLU, Atheism, no guns, PETA, electric cars, high taxes, socialism, welfare, pacifism, gay marriage, destruction of tradition, lawsuits, legal drug use, no accountability in schools, abortion on demand, a view that America is evil, quotas, class warfare, and no moral judgments.

The extreme right stands for: strict interpretation of the constitution, tradition, respect for the law, guns, low taxes, capitalism, a strong belief in God in private and public life, limits to litigation, illegal drugs, school accountability, abortion made illegal, a strong belief in patriotism, closed borders, marriage between man and a woman, no quotas, a strong defense, law enforcement, minimal government intervention, and moral accountability.

Two very different views and two very different worlds. Which would our forefathers prefer? Which would you prefer? Which would your prefer for your children? Seems like an easy choice to me.

Monday, November 08, 2004

A Boston Tea Party … (What Do You Really Think Of Me?)

In business and in life we have all run across people that we don’t really like that much. Sometimes personalities clash or views on a subject differ greatly. In business and in friendship it is usually a good idea not to burn any bridges. There are times, however, when something major takes place and one or both people involved let the other know exactly what they think of them.

If you didn’t know before, we do know now. Less than one week after the election liberals have let us know exactly what they think of us. Liberals down on their luck are tossing around words like ignorant, fanatic, and intolerant down on their luck. They are going through the anger stage of bereavement as they try to recover from what they felt was a sure election win. It is in this anger stage that they are letting us know their true feelings about conservatives.

When you lose an election, one choice is to look within your party and analyze what your party stands for. Predictably, liberals would never do such a thing. It is not possible for the intellectually elite to admit their views are wrong. A less damaging disclosure is to blame the guy who lost but the most self-gratifying choice is to blame your opponent for the loss. In this way you remain true to your cause and uncompromising in your beliefs.

The Maureen Dowds and Paul Krugmans and Stuart Smileys of the world prefer the downgrading of the opposition and the people who support them. They want you to believe Republicans are nothing but religious fanatics or are intolerant of others or are ignorant hicks from rural America or quite possibly a combination of all three. This is the only way in their minds that we could act in such an irresponsible way as to re-elect President Bush. These liberal elitists would rather burn a bridge than admit reasonable people might think differently than they do. I am happy they are so vocal about their disdain for people like me. Now that I know what they think of me, it reaffirms my conviction. Fanatic, intolerant, and ignorant; not me; they must be talking about you.

Sunday, November 07, 2004

A Boston Tea Party …(Will They Follow?)

With a little help from his friends, George Bush can bring fundamental change to America. With an even greater majority in both houses of Congress and the approval of 53% of Americans the battle for the future of this country can begin. Tax and Social Security reform, Supreme Court appointments, and fiscal responsibility will occupy much of his domestic agenda. Will he succeed? Much depends on his fellow Republicans.

You remember the Republican Congress, don’t you? The “spend first pay later” group of so-called conservatives. Reform will require a partnership between the President and the legislature. Bush had a press conference the day after winning the election stating that he was committed to following through on the agenda he talked about while campaigning. The only problem with that is it will take the political will of the Republican Congress to push forward his ideas. If Bush were smart he would do what Reagan did and talk directly to the people of this country rather than his fellow party members. Congress has been in the control of the Republicans for 10 years and has yet to show any fiscal responsibility or face the tough choices that come with any kind of reform. Like their Democratic counterparts Republican Senators and Representatives are much more worried about reelection than any sort of conservative agenda. If you don’t believe that, then you certainly are one of the kool-aid drinkers we accuse most Democratic supporters of being.

Eliminating the tax code as it is today in favor of a flat tax would be a sincere step towards reform. In order for that to happen Congress would have to be willing to give up the power it gains from providing special interests with tax loopholes. Social Security reform would provide young people with a genuine chance of seeing a payback to the money they pay in. For Congress to enact such reform would require an amazing amount of will and honesty. It will also require them to eliminate wasteful spending in order to pay for the high transition costs that will come with reform.

President Bush can speak of wanting to spend his second term attacking fundamental reform in government. I certainly hope he succeeds but for that to happen he must lead and get his party to follow. Much easier said than done. If he is succeeds there will be plenty of successes to point to in 2008. If he doesn’t it will be because Republican Congressmen continue to be conservative in name only. I suggest you pay attention to guys like Republican Senators John McCain and Tom Coburn, men that while Republican will not drink the Republican kool-aid. For them honesty and integrity still triumph over pretending to be the party of smaller government. The question is will the party follow Bush or will Bush follow the party?

Saturday, November 06, 2004

A Boston Tea Party ...(Minnesota Nice)

I was listening to a talk radio show host during his show this afternoon in the Twin Cities and his topic made me think. He was discussing the recent election and how it frightened him that the people of Oklahoma could elect a Republican like Tom Coburn for the Senate. The thing that frightened him about Coburn was that Coburn had previously mentioned that gays and lesbians and their constant in-your-face radical social agendas were a large part of the deterioration of values and social fabric here in the U.S. The radio host also mentioned that Coburn likened the destruction that many gays and lesbians contribute to our social values to the destruction that terrorists cause against the world’s well being. This analogy frightened the radio host and he was dumbfounded that the people of Oklahoma could elect a man with such, according to him, radical views.

Well I don’t know what election this radio host was watching on Tuesday but I saw one where mainstream America voted overwhelmingly in eleven states to define the definition of a marriage to that between a man and woman. Mainstream America does not want the radical views of many gays and lesbians instituted upon them. They feel, as well as I feel, that there has been too much destruction in our social values and something has to be done to stop it. The same views that Coburn feels but frightens this particular radio show host. Granted I wasn’t around back in the middle of the 20th Century but which one of us is able to deny the fact that America and the values it stood for was much better than it is today.

But what can be expected from a radio show host that lives in Minnesota. You have to admit that when the words media and Minnesota are put together it screams liberalism.

I’ll tell you the thing that frightens me. It is the fact that the people of Minnesota year after year seem to be so out of touch with mainstream America. I will acknowledge the fact that they were smart enough to elect Norm Coleman to the Senate over Walter Mondale two years ago, but this is just a small blip on the much bigger radar, a radar that has been very frightening to this mainstream American.

How many of you realize that in the three most recent presidential election blowouts – Carter’s loss to Reagan, Mondale’s loss to Reagan, and Dukakis’ loss to Bush Sr. – Minnesota was the only state in the U.S. (and this includes the 95% Democratic city of Washington, D.C. that has electoral votes) to have voted for the loser in all three of those elections? And let me just say these two words, Jesse Ventura. What were you people thinking? You were the laughing stock of the U.S.

Yes, Mr. Barreiro, take a look around at the rest of the country. Your state is the truly frightening one, not Oklahoma.

Thursday, November 04, 2004

A Boston Tea Party…(“Daschled”)

Kent Conrad you’re next!!!! Tom Daschle has been removed from office by a state that overwhelmingly supports President Bush. North Dakota has a Senator whose actions deserve a similar result.

Kent Conrad is Tom Daschle with less publicity. The "minnie me" to "doctor evil". Conrad wasn’t the minority leader he was a minority leader’s stooge. While Daschle was in front of the cameras, Conrad was doing the behind the scenes dirty work. When Daschle told him to speak, he spoke. When Daschle told him to sit, he sat. When Daschle told him to rollover, he rolled over. Every shepard needs sheep and Daschle needed people like Conrad. If the votes are researched, I’m willing to bet that Conrad’s are in lock step with his almighty leader. Those votes obstructed the policies of the Bush presidency.

Republicans in the state of North Dakota should begin their run for Conrad’s seat immediately. The evidence is undisputable. Conrad is Daschle as much as Daschle is Conrad. A campaign for the Senate does not require a candidate at this early stage. It does, however, require informing the citizens of North Dakota of Conrad’s record when compared to the policies of the President North Dakota supports. Conrad can be “Daschled” if we lay the foundation. South Dakota got rid of its weasel let’s get rid of ours.

A Boston Tea Party …(Participation Ribbons)

The Democratic mantra the day after losing the election was that the Republicans now need to reach across the aisle more than ever. As I predicted the losing side would never admit to a mandate because that makes them illegitimate. There is nothing worse than feeling irrelevant, but that is exactly what they are. The American heartland rejected the Democrats political philosophy overwhelmingly. This was shown in returning an even larger majority in both houses of Congress.

Some Democrats argue the reason they lost the election was that their message was not packaged the right way. Others believe the red states are backward thinking homophobes or are full of religious fanatics. If they continue to be that delusional then the red states will never turn blue. They are like a drug addict or alcoholic that refuses to look in the mirror and admit that he has a problem.

A Democrat cannot admit that the values and common sense of the people in the red states are dramatically different than theirs. To admit that would require them to realize that they are different from mainstream Americans. Democrats think we want to discriminate against homosexuals. They can’t understand how every day Americans can place marriage in such high regard. We have no problem with people being gay, we just don’t want it flaunted in our face. The Massachusetts Supreme Court set off alarms in Middle America that the sanctity of marriage was under assault. Democrats also fail to realize people in the red states still feel that religion has a place in this country just like our forefathers did. People see what the ACLU is doing to our schools and public arenas and want to put a stop to it. Anyone who believes in values different than theirs is considered ignorant. This may be no more evident than being against abortion and for life at conception.

The hippies of the ‘60s and ‘70s are getting older, but their ideas are the same. Today, they call themselves intellectuals. These intellectuals give credence to Michael Moore rather than condemn him. As long as the Democratic Party associates itself with the “Hollywood crowd” and the intellectually elite of the Northeast, red states will remain red. People of everyday common sense will never accept those types as leaders. The overwhelming sea of red on the electoral map shows the belief we have in what President Bush and the Republican Party stand for. He has no reason to reach across the political aisle. Give the Democrats participation ribbons but let the winners move their agenda forward without compromise.

Wednesday, November 03, 2004

A Boston Tea Party …(North Dakota Is Not South Dakota)

On election night North Dakota proved it still is the weak sister to South Dakota. Our neighbors to the south kicked out the minority leader in the Senate something that had not been done in 52 years. They did this for two reasons. John Thune was a very viable candidate and Tom Daschle did not represent the views of a very pro Bush citizenry. South Dakota citizens were willing to sacrifice the political power and seniority of Daschle. They were tired of being bought and paid for. Daschle for years had become the most partisan member of the Senate but continually won reelection based on the pork he brought back home to his state. He embraced gridlock and grew further away from the values that were inherent to people of South Dakota. In 2004 those same people decided enough was enough. South Dakotans decided they could no longer be bribed. If a Republican was good enough to lead their country a Republican was also good enough to represent them in the Senate.

North Dakotans should be proud of their neighbor. They have shown us what it means to stand on principle rather than your checkbook. Farmers in this state need to realize that sleeping with the devil will not increase their bushel per acre. Some would have us believe that there are no viable Republican candidates in our state. I disagree. Any one of the candidates that Republicans have had over the last few elections would have been very capable. Until Republicans are willing to speak out against the majority of people in this state who prefer to eat at the trough of pork rather than vote for values, they will continue to lose. They need to convince the people of this state to vote for leadership not their wallets. I salute the state of South Dakota for their courage. Thanks for taking a stand and showing us what standing on principle really means.

A Boston Tea Party …(JACKPOT!)

A Royal flush, Yatzee, Bingo, “game, set, and match”, any phrase works today. We can breath a sigh of relief America again got it right. My thoughts on what this election proves are:

1. Midwestern values still matter to this country.
2. Integrity and truth win over faking and lies.
3. America will take the war to the terrorists.
4. Finally, we won’t have to see the weasel Tom Daschle again.
5. The “fly over states” are still the pulse of this country regardless of what Democrats think.
6. North Dakotans continue to be bribed by Dorgan and Pomeroy.
7. Exit polling should be done away with.
8. John Edwards's fake smile and “thumbs up” are brutally lame to watch.
9. Gay marriage may work in Massachusetts but NEVER in real America.
10. The Supreme Court will uphold the constitution.
11. The New York Times can be used for toilet paper.
12. The United Nations is irrelevant
13. We are saved from having to listen to Teresa Heinz Kerry for the next 4 years.
14. Michael Moore can go back to making real documentaries.
15. Bruce Springsteen might be the “Boss” when it comes to music, but we don’t give a rip about his political views.
16. Minnesota still doesn’t have a clue.
17. You will be able to keep more of your hard earned money.
18. The world better get used to an America willing to fight for its security.
19. Kent Conrad should be very nervous.
20. Get ready for Hillary.
21. America is not Spain.
22. Having faith in God is still the American way.
23. “Class” is something Democrats know very little about.
24. A “Northeastern liberal” is still a “Northeastern liberal” no matter how he portrays himself.
25. Keeping open the Mexican border did exactly what is was supposed to, it bought votes.
26. The economy isn’t as bad as the media wanted us to believe.
27. The media will never agree to this election being a mandate.
28. Tim Russert’s chart makes him look like a fool. Just show me a computer generated graph.
29. Bishop’s should continue to speak out about abortion and politics.
30. Bill Clinton still can’t win his home state.
31. Ed Schultz’s trip to South Dakota did not help Tom Daschle.
32. Hollywood is more a hindrance than a benefit to Democrats and they won’t win till the figure that out.
33. “Winning the right way” prevails over “winning at any cost”.
34. Israel still has an ally in America.
35. There will be plenty of conspiracy theories in the coming day coming from the Democrats, cuz they cannot come to grips with the thought that their views aren’t mainstream.
36. We may see Social Security reform in our lifetime.

Monday, November 01, 2004

A Boston Tea Party …(A RANT!)

Those of you that know me know that I don’t usually mince words. I make sure my opinion is heard regardless of whose feelings it might hurt. Sometimes that causes hurt feelings and friends no longer remain friends. Tough!

On the eve of the 2004 election I would like to express my opinion about the people who are voting for Kerry. For the life of me I can’t understand why but the polls show there is 50% of the country that is going to do so. Here is what I think of you in no particular order.

You are deserters. The message you send to our troops is disgraceful. Our soldiers favor George Bush by a 70% margin but you don’t care. You support a man who came home from Vietnam and betrayed his fellow soldiers and now you betray the soldiers in Iraq. You are no different than the hippies of the late 60’s and early 70’s. Many of those people have now reached middle age and still think the same way. Your view of world peace is fantasyland. The group hug method will not work. The only war you are in favor of is an internal war where we blame America first. The country doesn’t need people like you because you’re weak. If Kerry wins terrorist groups in Palestine, Iraq, and Iran will join your celebration. The next time we are attacked I will not only blame them I will also blame you.

During this campaign season you have used the word “liar” in a way never before seen in politics. The party of Michael Moore accuses others of being “liars”. Well if Republicans are “liars” then Democrats are “LYING @$$%*&^$”. In the sports world you would be called “cheaters”. Your willing to count Mary Poppins’s vote if it helps you win yet argue that voters are being intimidated. Since you can’t win a discussion of issues you prefer to scare the life out of senior citizens. You want the government as your safety net and reward people for being average. Hell, you have so little class that your Senate leader is willing to show him self in a commercial hugging the President rather than show the real politician that he is. Supporting a man who is the most liberal United States Senator shows your ignorance. Your blind to the truth and the degree to which you are willing to lye in order to win this election reached new lows.

Each and every year we lower the bar in this country. “Desperate Housewives” is celebrated as good television. Body piercing and tattoos are everywhere. Rap music is sold to young kids. Politicians run ads bragging about the amount of pork they bring home to their districts. Only one-half of the American citizens are willing to fight for their safety. One party is willing to denigrate the President in a time of war for political gain. Newspaper journalists and television news anchors have lost the trust of the public. John Kerry has convinced 50% of Americans to vote for him. If you listen closely you can hear a flushing sound. Kerry and his supporters want to take us back to another four years in the sewer. Back to a time when it mattered what the definition of “is” is.

To the one-half of you people unwilling to vote for Kerry, keep up the fight. Do not tolerate the lowering of the bar. I don’t believe in compromising with fools that sell-out their country at a time of crisis. Tell the supporters of the party of John Kerry, Bill Clinton, Michael Moore, and Michael Jackson to kiss your ass. I only pray it hurts their feelings because a friend of Kerry is no friend of mine. As Dennis Miller says, “Of course, that’s just my opinion. I could be wrong”.