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University A Conservative Harvest: A Boston Tea Party …(Extreme Preference)

Tuesday, November 09, 2004

A Boston Tea Party …(Extreme Preference)

A Boston Tea Party …(Extreme Preference)

With so much talk coming from the far left about the radical far right, I thought it might be interesting to contrast the two differing views.

The extreme left stands for: judicial activism, the ACLU, Atheism, no guns, PETA, electric cars, high taxes, socialism, welfare, pacifism, gay marriage, destruction of tradition, lawsuits, legal drug use, no accountability in schools, abortion on demand, a view that America is evil, quotas, class warfare, and no moral judgments.

The extreme right stands for: strict interpretation of the constitution, tradition, respect for the law, guns, low taxes, capitalism, a strong belief in God in private and public life, limits to litigation, illegal drugs, school accountability, abortion made illegal, a strong belief in patriotism, closed borders, marriage between man and a woman, no quotas, a strong defense, law enforcement, minimal government intervention, and moral accountability.

Two very different views and two very different worlds. Which would our forefathers prefer? Which would you prefer? Which would your prefer for your children? Seems like an easy choice to me.


At 12:57 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

You have a very creative view of the left and right. I use “creative” as a polite term for it. The left stands for laws being written that conform to the constitution, and since most congressmen are lawyers, we would assume they have the ability to do that effectively instead of writing laws that are pure crap. The ACLU among other organizations has only one purpose: to make sure the law doesn’t abuse your constitutional rights. Freedom of religion isn’t just for one faith, but even includes atheists, and is a founding principle of this nation to insure we don’t have a state religion or persecution of people for their beliefs. The NRA is so powerful and the republicans so blind that even rapid fire fully automatic assault rifles , designed only to kill people, are legal again.If you need such a gun, I pity you. Very few people support PETA although most decent people oppose cruel animal abuse , but almost no medicines would exist without animal testing and the left is very much in favor of that .I could go on and on, because every single point you make for both sides is skewed by propaganda that misrepresents the truth. The constitution says that with respect to the law, everyone must be treated equally. You can’t write laws that single out any one group--PERIOD. Abortion laws single out just pregnant women. Perhaps you should go back and read the constitution before you form your opinions, and if it’s not an acceptable document, move to another country that has one to suit you. As an alternative to that, you can work toward improving the doccument in any way that doesn't destroy the country we love.

At 1:36 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Just as a further note: No law on abortion will ever stand up to the constitution. The only way" constitutionally" to address the issue is to pass a constitutional ammendment recognising a fetus as a full human being with full constitutional rights from the point of conception. Then abortion is covered under existing laws since it becomes murder. However, by scientific technicality, the use of birth control pills induces abortion upon conception. All hormone based birth control for women would be essentially "murder". Only male birth control would be legal. To define life as beginning at any point other than conception would be arbitrary and subject to being overturned on those grounds. You can have it one way, or the other but there is no middle ground.

At 4:40 PM, Blogger schumacher said...

As usual your hatred for the right clouds your thinking. I was not talking about the constitution or the interpretation of it. Rather, I was just saying if you took the two parties at their most extreme beliefs which would you prefer. It would be safer to error on the side of the right. Anarchy and socialism would be the result of choosing the extreme left. I would say that we can be thankful that we are somewhere in the middle but again the extreme right would still be preferred.

At 7:56 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

What ever happened to 'majority rule'. It worked for many, many years. Now it seems minority rules and majority drools!


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