A Boston Tea Party ...(Minnesota Nice)
I was listening to a talk radio show host during his show this afternoon in the Twin Cities and his topic made me think. He was discussing the recent election and how it frightened him that the people of Oklahoma could elect a Republican like Tom Coburn for the Senate. The thing that frightened him about Coburn was that Coburn had previously mentioned that gays and lesbians and their constant in-your-face radical social agendas were a large part of the deterioration of values and social fabric here in the U.S. The radio host also mentioned that Coburn likened the destruction that many gays and lesbians contribute to our social values to the destruction that terrorists cause against the world’s well being. This analogy frightened the radio host and he was dumbfounded that the people of Oklahoma could elect a man with such, according to him, radical views.
Well I don’t know what election this radio host was watching on Tuesday but I saw one where mainstream America voted overwhelmingly in eleven states to define the definition of a marriage to that between a man and woman. Mainstream America does not want the radical views of many gays and lesbians instituted upon them. They feel, as well as I feel, that there has been too much destruction in our social values and something has to be done to stop it. The same views that Coburn feels but frightens this particular radio show host. Granted I wasn’t around back in the middle of the 20th Century but which one of us is able to deny the fact that America and the values it stood for was much better than it is today.
But what can be expected from a radio show host that lives in Minnesota. You have to admit that when the words media and Minnesota are put together it screams liberalism.
I’ll tell you the thing that frightens me. It is the fact that the people of Minnesota year after year seem to be so out of touch with mainstream America. I will acknowledge the fact that they were smart enough to elect Norm Coleman to the Senate over Walter Mondale two years ago, but this is just a small blip on the much bigger radar, a radar that has been very frightening to this mainstream American.
How many of you realize that in the three most recent presidential election blowouts – Carter’s loss to Reagan, Mondale’s loss to Reagan, and Dukakis’ loss to Bush Sr. – Minnesota was the only state in the U.S. (and this includes the 95% Democratic city of Washington, D.C. that has electoral votes) to have voted for the loser in all three of those elections? And let me just say these two words, Jesse Ventura. What were you people thinking? You were the laughing stock of the U.S.
Yes, Mr. Barreiro, take a look around at the rest of the country. Your state is the truly frightening one, not Oklahoma.
Speaking of radio talk show hosts, since you've accurately tabbed Ed Schultz with "cry of the loon," I thought you'd appreciate this:
Just a quick note on talk show hosts and to expound on your Minnesota Liberal weirdos. I heard a caller who happened to call the crying loon, who tried to describe the word liberal as some form or derivative of liberty and the host stumbled mumbled and fumbled only to try and agree.Hello, liberal means liberal. Get over it or get away from it. As for the crying loon, he is now crying to anyone who will listen, he wants a television show now. Take any successful audio media person and watch the loon try and imitate it. It is painful to listen to. Keep up the good work. I'm out here.
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