A Boston Tea Party …(Sending A Message)
What message will we be sending the world in 4 days? The results of this election will signal to the world what kind of country America will be for the remainder of my lifetime. Do we choose to blame the terrorists for their actions on 9/11 and fight for our safety or do we instead prefer to blame America for creating the atmosphere in which terrorism exists?
Imagine another attack similar in scope to 9/11 in your state, possibly in your city, or maybe even involving someone you know. Maybe someone in your family is a victim or maybe a relative. How do you react? Would you take the threat we are under more seriously? Does it surprise you that three years removed from 9/11 Americans feel less threatened? People certainly don’t seem as worried about attack as they did 3 months after September 11th. A vote for each candidate sends a different message to the terrorists and world.
John Kerry is supported by people and media that strongly feel we should never have went to war. Plenty of them would not have even attacked the Taliban in Afghanistan. These people make up over half of his supporters. These same people blame America for terrorism, they blame Israel and support Arafat, and they say they support human rights but lack the willpower to stand up to governments that suppress human rights. A constituency like this will not sustain the necessary military action required to keep us safe. Whether it is one attack or a dozen attacks on the citizens America, a majority of John Kerry’s supporters will continue to blame this country. A Kerry vote is a message to the world that we are at fault. If God forbid an attack touches your family or friends, justice will be provided only with the approval of the United Nations. That means plenty of sanctions but very little action. We all know how forceful and decisive the United Nations is.
George Bush has the support of people who remember how their stomach felt on 9/11. They are as concerned with safety today as they were in 2001. People who vote for Bush realize that terrorists hate America because of our success. His constituency places the safety of their families above all other matters. They also agree that America has a right to defend itself and we do not need the approval of the United Nations. If Bush wins, the world will realize that America does not forget and America will not quit when war gets ugly. Terrorists and the governments that support them will know they cannot win because the people of America will do everything necessary to protect themselves. Four more years of President Bush provides the world with a message of inner strength. A strength that shows we chose the correct path when taking the fight to the terrorists. A strength that says we will pay the sacrifice for freedom. A vote for Bush means you take ownership of your destiny, your family’s destiny, and your country’s destiny and will not delegate that destiny to the passive view of others.
The hidden message of your vote is innocent or guilty, strong or timid, consistent or wavering, decisive or uncertain. The world and terrorists will act differently depending on who wins. America will act differently depending on who wins. I know which message Osama Bin Laden and Abu Musab El Zarqawi prefer.
Two words, 1. consistency
2. inconsistency
Take an employer,leader,supervisor,squad leader,boy scout den leader, pastor or priest, parent,teacher,athlete, employee, child,and yes a president and tell me which one you would rather follow or admire or even be a role-model and with the answers you would get from all would be choice #1.
Why is this race even close.
1. Consistency=George W. Bush
2. Inconsistency=John Kerry
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