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University A Conservative Harvest: A Boston Tea Party …(North Dakota Is Not South Dakota)

Wednesday, November 03, 2004

A Boston Tea Party …(North Dakota Is Not South Dakota)

On election night North Dakota proved it still is the weak sister to South Dakota. Our neighbors to the south kicked out the minority leader in the Senate something that had not been done in 52 years. They did this for two reasons. John Thune was a very viable candidate and Tom Daschle did not represent the views of a very pro Bush citizenry. South Dakota citizens were willing to sacrifice the political power and seniority of Daschle. They were tired of being bought and paid for. Daschle for years had become the most partisan member of the Senate but continually won reelection based on the pork he brought back home to his state. He embraced gridlock and grew further away from the values that were inherent to people of South Dakota. In 2004 those same people decided enough was enough. South Dakotans decided they could no longer be bribed. If a Republican was good enough to lead their country a Republican was also good enough to represent them in the Senate.

North Dakotans should be proud of their neighbor. They have shown us what it means to stand on principle rather than your checkbook. Farmers in this state need to realize that sleeping with the devil will not increase their bushel per acre. Some would have us believe that there are no viable Republican candidates in our state. I disagree. Any one of the candidates that Republicans have had over the last few elections would have been very capable. Until Republicans are willing to speak out against the majority of people in this state who prefer to eat at the trough of pork rather than vote for values, they will continue to lose. They need to convince the people of this state to vote for leadership not their wallets. I salute the state of South Dakota for their courage. Thanks for taking a stand and showing us what standing on principle really means.


At 5:13 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Let's go for it. 2006 here we come. I'll be your Bush if you be my Rove.......


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