A Boston Tea Party …(JACKPOT!)
A Royal flush, Yatzee, Bingo, “game, set, and match”, any phrase works today. We can breath a sigh of relief America again got it right. My thoughts on what this election proves are:
1. Midwestern values still matter to this country.
2. Integrity and truth win over faking and lies.
3. America will take the war to the terrorists.
4. Finally, we won’t have to see the weasel Tom Daschle again.
5. The “fly over states” are still the pulse of this country regardless of what Democrats think.
6. North Dakotans continue to be bribed by Dorgan and Pomeroy.
7. Exit polling should be done away with.
8. John Edwards's fake smile and “thumbs up” are brutally lame to watch.
9. Gay marriage may work in Massachusetts but NEVER in real America.
10. The Supreme Court will uphold the constitution.
11. The New York Times can be used for toilet paper.
12. The United Nations is irrelevant
13. We are saved from having to listen to Teresa Heinz Kerry for the next 4 years.
14. Michael Moore can go back to making real documentaries.
15. Bruce Springsteen might be the “Boss” when it comes to music, but we don’t give a rip about his political views.
16. Minnesota still doesn’t have a clue.
17. You will be able to keep more of your hard earned money.
18. The world better get used to an America willing to fight for its security.
19. Kent Conrad should be very nervous.
20. Get ready for Hillary.
21. America is not Spain.
22. Having faith in God is still the American way.
23. “Class” is something Democrats know very little about.
24. A “Northeastern liberal” is still a “Northeastern liberal” no matter how he portrays himself.
25. Keeping open the Mexican border did exactly what is was supposed to, it bought votes.
26. The economy isn’t as bad as the media wanted us to believe.
27. The media will never agree to this election being a mandate.
28. Tim Russert’s chart makes him look like a fool. Just show me a computer generated graph.
29. Bishop’s should continue to speak out about abortion and politics.
30. Bill Clinton still can’t win his home state.
31. Ed Schultz’s trip to South Dakota did not help Tom Daschle.
32. Hollywood is more a hindrance than a benefit to Democrats and they won’t win till the figure that out.
33. “Winning the right way” prevails over “winning at any cost”.
34. Israel still has an ally in America.
35. There will be plenty of conspiracy theories in the coming day coming from the Democrats, cuz they cannot come to grips with the thought that their views aren’t mainstream.
36. We may see Social Security reform in our lifetime.
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