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University A Conservative Harvest: A Boston Tea Party …(A RANT!)

Monday, November 01, 2004

A Boston Tea Party …(A RANT!)

Those of you that know me know that I don’t usually mince words. I make sure my opinion is heard regardless of whose feelings it might hurt. Sometimes that causes hurt feelings and friends no longer remain friends. Tough!

On the eve of the 2004 election I would like to express my opinion about the people who are voting for Kerry. For the life of me I can’t understand why but the polls show there is 50% of the country that is going to do so. Here is what I think of you in no particular order.

You are deserters. The message you send to our troops is disgraceful. Our soldiers favor George Bush by a 70% margin but you don’t care. You support a man who came home from Vietnam and betrayed his fellow soldiers and now you betray the soldiers in Iraq. You are no different than the hippies of the late 60’s and early 70’s. Many of those people have now reached middle age and still think the same way. Your view of world peace is fantasyland. The group hug method will not work. The only war you are in favor of is an internal war where we blame America first. The country doesn’t need people like you because you’re weak. If Kerry wins terrorist groups in Palestine, Iraq, and Iran will join your celebration. The next time we are attacked I will not only blame them I will also blame you.

During this campaign season you have used the word “liar” in a way never before seen in politics. The party of Michael Moore accuses others of being “liars”. Well if Republicans are “liars” then Democrats are “LYING @$$%*&^$”. In the sports world you would be called “cheaters”. Your willing to count Mary Poppins’s vote if it helps you win yet argue that voters are being intimidated. Since you can’t win a discussion of issues you prefer to scare the life out of senior citizens. You want the government as your safety net and reward people for being average. Hell, you have so little class that your Senate leader is willing to show him self in a commercial hugging the President rather than show the real politician that he is. Supporting a man who is the most liberal United States Senator shows your ignorance. Your blind to the truth and the degree to which you are willing to lye in order to win this election reached new lows.

Each and every year we lower the bar in this country. “Desperate Housewives” is celebrated as good television. Body piercing and tattoos are everywhere. Rap music is sold to young kids. Politicians run ads bragging about the amount of pork they bring home to their districts. Only one-half of the American citizens are willing to fight for their safety. One party is willing to denigrate the President in a time of war for political gain. Newspaper journalists and television news anchors have lost the trust of the public. John Kerry has convinced 50% of Americans to vote for him. If you listen closely you can hear a flushing sound. Kerry and his supporters want to take us back to another four years in the sewer. Back to a time when it mattered what the definition of “is” is.

To the one-half of you people unwilling to vote for Kerry, keep up the fight. Do not tolerate the lowering of the bar. I don’t believe in compromising with fools that sell-out their country at a time of crisis. Tell the supporters of the party of John Kerry, Bill Clinton, Michael Moore, and Michael Jackson to kiss your ass. I only pray it hurts their feelings because a friend of Kerry is no friend of mine. As Dennis Miller says, “Of course, that’s just my opinion. I could be wrong”.


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