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University A Conservative Harvest: A Boston Tea Party …(Participation Ribbons)

Thursday, November 04, 2004

A Boston Tea Party …(Participation Ribbons)

The Democratic mantra the day after losing the election was that the Republicans now need to reach across the aisle more than ever. As I predicted the losing side would never admit to a mandate because that makes them illegitimate. There is nothing worse than feeling irrelevant, but that is exactly what they are. The American heartland rejected the Democrats political philosophy overwhelmingly. This was shown in returning an even larger majority in both houses of Congress.

Some Democrats argue the reason they lost the election was that their message was not packaged the right way. Others believe the red states are backward thinking homophobes or are full of religious fanatics. If they continue to be that delusional then the red states will never turn blue. They are like a drug addict or alcoholic that refuses to look in the mirror and admit that he has a problem.

A Democrat cannot admit that the values and common sense of the people in the red states are dramatically different than theirs. To admit that would require them to realize that they are different from mainstream Americans. Democrats think we want to discriminate against homosexuals. They can’t understand how every day Americans can place marriage in such high regard. We have no problem with people being gay, we just don’t want it flaunted in our face. The Massachusetts Supreme Court set off alarms in Middle America that the sanctity of marriage was under assault. Democrats also fail to realize people in the red states still feel that religion has a place in this country just like our forefathers did. People see what the ACLU is doing to our schools and public arenas and want to put a stop to it. Anyone who believes in values different than theirs is considered ignorant. This may be no more evident than being against abortion and for life at conception.

The hippies of the ‘60s and ‘70s are getting older, but their ideas are the same. Today, they call themselves intellectuals. These intellectuals give credence to Michael Moore rather than condemn him. As long as the Democratic Party associates itself with the “Hollywood crowd” and the intellectually elite of the Northeast, red states will remain red. People of everyday common sense will never accept those types as leaders. The overwhelming sea of red on the electoral map shows the belief we have in what President Bush and the Republican Party stand for. He has no reason to reach across the political aisle. Give the Democrats participation ribbons but let the winners move their agenda forward without compromise.


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