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University A Conservative Harvest: June 2005

Tuesday, June 28, 2005

A Boston Tea Party …(A Dose Of Reality)

It was beautiful radio today on “Hot Talk”. A woman called in very early in the show lamenting about the war in Iraq and the terrible job President Bush has been doing. For quite a few minutes she angrily made the points that we see so often in the news media. The show’s host did his best to place each of her arguments in the trashcan but she would not allow it. She was quite certain the war was a mistake and was quite certain President Bush was to blame.

What happened next was what makes awesome radio. A gentleman called in saying he wanted to respond to the uneducated woman who had called in previously. This outstanding gentleman said he was on leave from Iraq for a short time and wanted to let the listeners know the truth about what was taking place in Iraq. For the next 10 to 12 minutes he proceeded to knock down every stereotype the media had been selling to the American public over these last many months. He countered each liberal anti war piece of information with details about the tremendous progress and hard work being done by the U.S. military. He reaffirmed what many of us believe and also contradicted what many others accept as truth. He said he was involved in special ops and respectfully wanted to let those who doubt the mission know that what is being done is just and the Commander and Chief was correct in calling for this mission of democracy in the Middle East. As classy as he spoke he thanked the host and did not want to inconvenience other callers by tying up the phone line.

His call was not the end of the subject. The woman caller heard him and called back in to “Hot Talk” to respond. She immediately apologized and thanked the soldier for telling the truth. She said she wished that news like this were more readily available from the mainstream media. Her opinion was had changed after hearing him speak. She was given a dose of reality. A reality conventional media sources should be ashamed for not telling. A reality only half of the country is willing to believe. A reality lost on the other half because of their pure hatred for this President. Now maybe some on the other side will learn the enemy is not this President but those that choose to keep the truth from us.

Sunday, June 19, 2005

Cry of The Loon …(Peas In A Pod)

On last Thursday’s Ed Schultz Show, Ed interviewed Senator Dick Durbin. As he introduced Durbin to his audience Ed proclaimed, “And now I want to welcome my new hero, Senator Dick Durbin to the show.” He later asked Durbin if he was going to apologize for his remarks to which Durbin replied, “Apologize to this Administration for what I said …certainly not.” Ed responded by saying, “Great, you’re my type of Democrat.”

Well, a short 24 hours later Ed’s type of Democrat issued a statement apologizing for his pathetic remarks about the comparison of the treatment of prisoners at Gitmo to that of Russian gulags, Nazi death camps, and the killing fields of Vietnam. Laura Ingram called the apology more fake than a Chapaquitic neck brace. The apology by Durbin smelled like a politician trying to cover his political ass.

An ass is what Ed Schultz usually makes himself out to be every time he opens his mouth. Ed seems to think he understands what average everyday Americans are thinking. After his interview with Durbin on Thursday he said he felt Durbin was right for speaking out and was confident most of America agreed with him. When Ed prognosticates it is a good bet that he will end up with his foot in his mouth rather than being correct. It was he who confidently predicted Kerry and Daschle victories last November.

While it is humorous to see Ed’s predictions go completely wrong, it is embarrassing having him represent Fargo, the Red River Valley, and North Dakota to the listening public. His calling Durbin a hero humiliates everyone in this area. He continually calls Ted Kennedy one of his favorites and enjoys each opportunity to have Barbara Boxer on his show. People around the country must wonder if Fargo is just another Portland or Seattle. The time has come for Ed to leave. The images of the State of North Dakota, the city of Fargo, and the station of KFGO all suffer from the statements made by his loon. Durbin and Schultz are two peas in a pod. As big an embarrassment that Durbin is to the State of Illinois Schultz is to North Dakota. Durbin can be voted out of office while removing Schultz from this region need to be done through the protesting of the people who care about the image of the area from which he resides.

Tuesday, June 14, 2005

Military Recruitment Posted by Hello

Hotel Gitmo Posted by Hello

Monday, June 13, 2005

A Boston Tea Party …(Hotel Gitmo)

It is getting crazy. The uproar over the handling of prisoners at Guantanamo Bay is growing louder. Everyone is coming to the aid of the prisoners. Close the place down they say. Give these prisoners their legal rights they demand. Who are they? They are the same people we have heard from for the last few years. The folks that have no clue what war is about. The people who want America to fight a war with its two hands tied behind its back.

Each day they talk about a different outrage and it is time they are shouted down. The truth must be told, perspective needs to be gained. Wars have been fought for centuries and if I am correct; I do not recall prisoners of war being released until the war was over. The media and the Democrats want the prisoners of war treated like some common criminal that was picked up shoplifting. Who cares if some of these prisoners rejoin the battle field what is important is that political correctness be available to them. It is so shameful, so disrespectful to country, so embarrassing to previous war vets and enough is enough.

President Bush needs to join the dialogue. He and his spokes people need to respond to the unrealistic statements being made. The American people are hearing these outrages without any perspective of what is really taking place. President Bush, his staff, Republicans in Congress, and the military spokes people all need to counteract what the media is portraying. They must bring balance to what is being said in media reports or risk waning support from the American public for the war.

If the truth at Guatanamo Bay is told, if comparisons are made with how we treat prisoners and how the terrorists cut off heads then the public distrust for the media and the left will continue to grow. I would suggest as more and more time goes by from 9/11, the President must get more active in leading. It should not be the responsibility of right wing talk shows to dispel the incorrect information being written in the media. The President cannot assume joe average public knows the truth, he must tell us the facts. If he leaves it up to the media and Democrats the public will be told Guantanamo should resemble “hotel Gitmo” rather than a military prison.

Thursday, June 09, 2005

Who i am! Posted by Hello

Wednesday, June 08, 2005

Cry of The Loon …(One Continual Commercial)

Advertisers try to convince us that perception is reality. If you drink a certain beer then hot babes will notice you. Andre Agassi in his Nikon commercials used the slogan perception is reality. On Monday Ed Schultz joined Senator Joe Biden and the Democratic party in calling for the closing of the military prison in Guantanamo Bay.

Ed agreed with his Democratic buddies that it did not matter if the abuses in Guantanamo Bay were true or not but rather the abuses were perceived to be happening. Rather than shout down the misinformation and state the reality of the situation, him and his what ever hurts Bush the most pals prefer to react to lies. Creating and acting as if perception is indeed fact is the essence of their anti-war stance. If enough people believe a lie, it then must be true. The rule of perception equaling reality is often a Democratic way of thought. It shapes their beliefs.

There are other ways they use perception rather than reality. They try to make Americans believe the religion is intruding into all aspects of government. They want to be perceived as supporters of our troops while condoning the military apparatus. Democrats present Robert Byrd as a champion of the minority while the reality is he was a member of the KKK.

Ed also wallows in the art of perception. He has his listeners believing he actually knows what he is talking about when in reality he makes a living being a mouthpiece for any cause that brings monetary gain. His years on the radio stand as one of the greatest dupes of all time. For years he had many on the right believing he was one of them. Now he has the left fooled into thinking he is their knight in shining armor. In reality he is neither a righty nor a lefty but rather he is just one continual commercial, a commercial all about perception and living the lie. Reacting to perception may be how Ed and the Democrats want to live but let’s hope Republicans make their decisions on what is real.

Monday, June 06, 2005

Voices of the Left Posted by Hello

A Boston Tea Party …(Who Is The Enemy Here)

The same group of people who won’t allow for scores to be kept in their children’s sports games because it places to much importance on winning are overtly sacrificing their patriotism for the hope of winning the next election. Democrats are eagerly rallying around Amnesty International’s statement that compares the U.S. military base in Guantanamo Bay to that of a “gulag”. It should not surprise anyone who has paid attention to the way Democrats have acted during the war with Iraq that Democrats are much more willing to accept and believe any negative about the U.S. military than they are to praise any military action.

Oh certainly, Democrats will tell you they believe America should be held to a higher standard. They will repeatedly say they are 100% behind the troops. What they really mean is they are 100% behind the troops as long as we are not involved in any type of conflict. The left believes the U.S. should run a war with Pledge and Windex, it must be done spotless and without error. Oh sure, China may imprison millions of citizens, North Korea may kill its citizens, ethnic cleansing can happen in Bosnia, the Sudan, and Iraq but it is the American military who purposely unprotects the civil rights of its prisoners. It has gotten so bad we are made to believe the military must piss down wind to make sure a Koran is not hit by any potential splash.

Prisoners at Guatanamo Bay went through extensive interviewing before they were deemed enemy combatants. Over 10,000 prisoners were released during these interviews while 500 or so were deemed to dangerous to be released while the war is still being fought. This isn’t good enough for the average Democrat. They demand these 500 are provided lawyers and should be given unprecedented care.

A Democrat must be asked who is the enemy here? Should not more respect be given to the apparatus that protects our freedoms than to those that would kill us? Democrats, deep in their hearts, believe America is the enemy. They have yet to accept that it is the very secular way in which they want to live that upsets the Muslim world. The 3,000 people who died on 9/11 never provided the outrage from the left as have the 500 detainees at Guatanamo Bay. They should be embarrassed. Many of these lefties had ancestors who fought in WWI and WWII. Those ancestors knew who the enemy was.

Democrats have forgotten how to act during war and would do well to learn from their relatives from the past. I keep hoping they will remember what country they live in. In war we have to choose sides and keep score, it doesn’t work like t-ball at the parks and rec. Democrats want to say they are for us but their actions say otherwise. They continually celebrate failure and depress the successes of the current war.