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University A Conservative Harvest: November 2005

Wednesday, November 30, 2005

A Boston Tea Party ...(You Know Your A Democrat When)

After hearing John Kerry's delusional rebuttal to President Bush's speech today, I thought it would be fun for anyone who reads this to write their own joke. Jeff Foxworthy uses the phrase "you know your a redneck when...", well start your joke with "you know you're a delusional democrat when...". Please add your own witty yet very correct joke to the comments section. I will start and add more as they come to mind.

You know you're a delusional democrat when you think Chris Mathews is conservative.

You know you're a delusional democrat when you think voting machines are the reason you lost in 2004.

You know you're a delusional democrat when you think you actually have a plan for the future of this country.

You know you're a delusional democrat when you think Ed Schultz is intelligent.

You know you're a delusional democrat when you believe the New York Times is mainstream.

I will be curious to see the creative comments you come up with.

A Boston Tea Party …(Army of One)

Over the Thanksgiving weekend I found myself wondering why we never hear a Democrat say something positive about the war in Iraq. Sure they say we should not have went to war but we don’t hear anything positive about schools, hospitals, treatment of women, inoculation of children, freedom of the press, or the end to torture of individuals. A disagreement about why and should have we went to war should not prevent the recognition publicly of definite improvements in Iraq.

Imagine my surprise when yesterday Joe Lieberman has an op-ed piece in the “Wall Street Journal”. Lieberman stated correctly that this is a war between 27 million who want freedom versus 10,000 Islamic extremists. Democrats speaking over the last half year have tried to convince the American public that it was the other way around. Lieberman also wrote about the progress of the Iraqi military is making in providing security to its people.

Lieberman stands alone as an army of one in the Democratic party. He actually talked about progress in Iraq. He also chastised both Republicans and Democrats for their second-guessing of this war. He is correct when he says progress in Iraq will be lost if American forces pull out early. Joe Lieberman should be applauded for his position. He realizes there are positive things happening in Iraq even though plenty of mistakes have been made. While his fellow Democrat members purposely fail to discuss anything encouraging about Iraq, Lieberman chose to do so. I always thought he should have been the one running for President rather than Al you know who.

Monday, November 21, 2005

A Boston Tea Party …(Carte Blanche)

Shhsh! Psst! Zip it! Zip! Ziiiiip It! Zip! Zip! Many of us remember the sophomoric Austin Powers telling his son Scott to zip it. The house Republicans did the same thing to the Democrats with last Friday night’s vote on whether U.S. troops should withdraw from Iraq immediately. It was a stroke of genius, a perfect way to ask Democrats to put their vote where their mouth is. Arizona Congressman JD Hayworth and California Congressman Duncan Hunter were two major players behind the resolution that followed John Murtha’s declaration that U.S. troops need to leave Iraq. I watched the entire debate on CSPAN Friday night with great interest.

It was striking to me how each side tried to play to the honor of the veteran. When it is so blatantly overdone, as it was during the house debate, it is strikingly phony. Each time John Murtha’s name was mentioned the entire house would stop and give him a standing ovation. It was if John Murtha was going to be sainted because he was a veteran. I agree each and every veteran in our 200-year history is and should be respected. We all owe our freedom to these selfless people who gave their lives so that we may be free. Their service to this country needs to be honored but it does not give them “carte blanche” on whatever demands they make.

Murtha tried to explain what his declaration the day before was really about, that he did not want us to cut and run. Congressman Hayworth replied with the reality of Murtha’s declaration. He displayed front pages from the “Washington Post”, the “New York Times”, and El Jazeera with the headline “Democratic hawk says pull out now”. It was because of this reality that the need for such a resolution was required. The troops needed to know America stood with them.

Murtha’s decision to voice what most Democrats feel was not a shock to many of us. Democrats decided a long time ago their strategy was for America to lose this war. In any battle like any game there are winners and losers. If you decide to forfeit you still lose. Regardless of how decorated a veteran John Murtha is, his decision to leave Iraq is wrong. If as liberals say, decent is patriotic, then so should disagreeing with such an honored veteran be patriotic. Republicans did not question his service. They did question his demanding a withdrawal. As my dad said, “One of your mom’s seven brothers served in Korea and we all respect him for that very much but it doesn’t make him any smarter than the other six.

After watching John Murtha speak I believe he is suffering from a case of the “guilts”. He visits wounded veterans frequently and I feel this has gotten to him. He hates seeing the suffering these men and women have to go through, which is understandable. Leaving Iraq without victory is not. Victory is the only was we can leave. It may be 2 years, it may be 5 years, hell it may be 10 years……when America is victorious is when our soldiers should come home. What they are doing for our safety is amazing. The support we give them should be resolute.

The vote on Friday night was to show our soldiers they have such support. It was time for those who want us to leave before victory to say so. When it was time to put up or shut up the Democrats voted to save their political behinds. They could not vote with their hearts. I hope this puts an end to any more debate of timetables and withdrawal. Now our Republican Senate leadership should also call for such a vote. Harry Reid and company need to be called to the table and vote to match their rhetoric or as Austin Powers says, “Zip it.”

Friday, November 18, 2005

A Boston Tea Party …(Rome Is Burning)

There is a sports analogy that is used often by coaches and it says “keep choppin’ wood”. This is what we see from the Democrats. Chop, chop, chop! Each day brings a continuation of their anti-war demands. Yesterday, we saw the ultimate chop with a Democratic Congressman asking for the troops to come home. Their attacks continue at the foundation of this war. Rome is burning folks Rome is burning.

Panty-waisted men are running amuck. For some God-forsaken reason many people in this country want to repeat the years of Vietnam. They have forgotten that America did not recover from that time period until Ronald Reagan became President. For America to quit now is unbelievable to me. How could this country be so full of wussies? How can so many be willing to give up when the going gets tough? We are in this war, you may not have agreed with us going into war but it doesn’t matter anymore. We are there, we must complete the job, we must leave only after victory. I guess we can thank the Democrats for one thing. We won’t be attacked in the near future. If you were al-Qaeda would you attack America at this time? Hell no! The Democrats want to pull this country apart at the seams. It is much better for al-Qaeda to sit back and let the Dems do the dirty work. If they were to attack now it would only hurt their cause.

Make no mistake, terrorist attacks will happen if we leave like so many want us to do before victory. Radical Islamic terrorists will storm us at all corners of the earth. They will know that America is gutless. Rome is burning from within and it isn’t very pretty. I am embarrassed for this country but not shocked. Men stopped being men along time ago and became today’s politicans. It is sad, it really, really is.

Wednesday, November 16, 2005


A Boston Tea Party …(Motives)

Motive - impulse that acts as an incitement to action

Yesterday’s vote in the Senate was a tell-tale signal for many to observe. Democrats in the Senate were going to propose a bill for specific dates when American troop will be brought home from Iraq. The Republicans, fearing the loss of six or more votes, decided to counter with their own less specific proposal. While the semantics changed the bill that passed left the same impression, America is anxious to get out of Iraq.

It should not be surprising Democrats feel this way. Most Democrats are incapable of acting as adults when they are the minority party. Their motive is to embarrass this President. While many Democrats like Kennedy didn’t want to go to war in the first place the embarrassment of the President is just frosting on the cake. It is also obvious to anyone with a logical thought that the Dems are placing this embarrassment above victory in Iraq.

The shocking part of yesterday’s vote was how forty-two Republicans acted. It cannot be argued that they want to embarrass the President so their motive for voting the way they did has to be something else. I’ll give you only one guess what the motivation was for these forty-two yellow-belly Republican traitors was. Re-election! FORTY-TWO Republican Senators chose their own skin over what is best for the troops. One can spin it many different ways but those Senators have lost confidence in this war. They sent a mixed message to the troops fighting for victory.

The resolution passed yesterday was full of ulterior motives, none of which were patriotic. How the Democrats voted was expected. They are a disgrace to this country. Their actions during this war should void them from ever being elected to the Presidency again. The vote of the spineless “forty-two” should prevent them from higher office as well. Their motives were cowardice. It is my hope the next Republican nominee for President comes from the remaining thirteen. They never wavered. They did not disgrace their country. Our next President’s last name should be Bunning, Burr, Chambliss, Coburn, DeMint, Graham, Inhofe, Isakson, Kyl, McCain, Sessions, Thune, or Vitter.

Friday, November 11, 2005

A Boston Tea Party ...(Expect Excellence)

Most wars are fought on more than one front. During WWII the Germans battled Russia on the eastern front while simultaneously fighting the Americans and British in the west. Like war, politics is often staged on many fronts. Today, Veterans Day, the President gave a magnificent speech on the war on terror. His speech was a speech on two fronts.

The President finally spoke out to his critics. He confronted publicly and with great clarity the contention that the United States entered this war under false pretense. Did he do so in as stern a manner as I would have liked? No, but at least it was a beginning. Republican leaders need to follow this speech by having the President’s back. The distortions the left is barraging this President with need to be shot down. This front cannot be forgotten. Today must be the start of an attack on the credibility of the left and support for this President’s character. A failure to do so will cause difficulty in next year’s elections.

The other front of today’s speech reminded America why this war is so important. The President was forceful in his choice of words condemning Islamic radicalism. He used words of a leader and spoke openly and honestly. He acted as the leader he needs to be. The front of leadership has been lacking in recent months from this President and his party. If one considers the State of the Union speech from last January, it is hard for the average American to say what from that speech was accomplished. Leadership and direction need to be done by both the Republican Congress and its Republican President. They need to remain firm in their agenda and act in the manner for which they were elected.

This lack of focus is reason for deteriorating expectations from this administration. I blame Congressional leadership as much as the President. Republicans need to get back to governing as Republicans. Although the judicial nominations are extremely important so are many other issues. They need to govern with fiscal responsibility, with reforming taxes, and demonstrating the ability to get things done. There is no excuse for the lack of results we are seeing. The party that controls both legislative branches of government must stay on point or blame no one else when next year’s election results are not very positive.

I believe the American public would respond to the governance of conservatism. Republicans must regain their focus and move forward. Grass roots conservatives and those conservatives with the power of the microphone can keep their focus sharp. The Miers nomination was an example of reestablishing such focus. This type of reminder needs to be done more regularly. Most of the time the Republicans now in charge are treated as one’s child who is misbehaving. As the parent we know they have done something wrong but because they are one of our own the punishment is not as severe as if it were someone else’s child. I expect more from my party than I do from the other. I expect them to be able to handle a war on both fronts. I expect excellence and perfection. One could say I even demand it. I expect this party to lead and reform while simultaneously defending adamantly their reasons for doing so. It is only when one expects excellence that you actually get it. I hope today was the beginning of this administration and the Republican Party acting as if they are actually leading this country. If they don’t, I for one will remind them of their failure. Any negative 2008 election results will be due to the many who allowed this opportunity to be wasted.

Tuesday, November 08, 2005

A Boston Tea Party …(Take My Deductions)

It must have been 5th or 6th grade when in social studies we had to read the book “Johnny Trumane”. The book was about a boy who lived in Boston during colonial America. The story revolved around the Boston tea party. I remember how I enjoyed reading about the reaction to being taxed without representation. Throwing tea in the harbor of Boston was brave and just tyranny by a people fed up with to much tax.

Fast forward two hundred and thirty years or so, a tax reform committee is about to issue recommendations for tax reform. One of their recommendations will call for the discontinuing of the home mortgage interest deduction in return for a flat fifteen percent tax rate. The removal of the interest deduction is being called DOA before the committee has even formally released its findings. The willingness of the American people to pay higher taxes in order to keep a deduction is amazing to me.

I do not understand the contradiction of refinancing a home loan in order to lock in a lower interest rate yet that same person would also prefer to have as much interest as possible to deduct from a tax return. In order to maximize the interest deduction on the tax return should one not refinance with a higher locked in interest rate? This simple argument displays the fallacy of the home mortgage interest deduction. It means nothing. It only means something in the current tax system, which needs to be reformed. In a flat tax the first $35,000 will be tax-free. If you run the numbers you will find you will always win even with the loss of your interest deduction. So I say please, please, please take my deductions, take all of them. I would rather keep more of my own hard earned money.

Monday, November 07, 2005

A Boston Tea Party …(Grow A Pair)

Smack! Bang! Pop! The champ is taking punches. A jab! A left hook! An uppercut! The punches keep coming. He is even being hit below the belt. The champ is on the ropes. Why won’t he punch back? Why is he using the rope-a-dope strategy? Another punch to the body! His legs seem to be getting weak. He needs to start hitting back. How much can he stand before he falls to the canvas? I have never seen the champ so listless in the ring. He is losing to many rounds.

Like a boxer who is unwilling to punch back, the Republicans and its Republican President are taking plenty of body punches. It is the lack of response against some legitimate and many trumped-up allegations that has me wondering what is going on. The “Oliver Stoneish” party is throwing crap at him at a dizzying pace, yet no response.

We get no direct answers from the President or any Republican in Congress. Allegations and distortions need to be responded to with truth and conviction. Instead Republicans act as if America can separate the real from the made-up. They give America to much credit. If a lye is told often enough in a forest it will be heard and believed in the city. A party who distorts your honesty and who remains void of any significant platform should be brought to its knees with rapid-fire retorts. There should not be a single comment made by the left that is left unanswered for fear that some average Joe might actually believe it.

It is time for Republicans in Congress, those who surround the President, and the President himself to “grow a pair”. Take the kiddy gloves off and get in the ring. You can’t win a fight if you refuse to participate. The left like usual is taking the slime road. Republicans can respond with class but can do so hard and unrelenting. If they don’t have the guts to do so then maybe they should leave and let some of us grown-ups do it.

Tuesday, November 01, 2005

A Boston Tea Party …(Supreme Court 101)

Make some popcorn, grab your favorite beverage, and sit in your favorite chair because must see TV is about to happen. The mini-series “Scalito” will be playing out on television screens everywhere in the near future. Forget all the rhetoric by Democrats leading up to the senate hearings because the prime time event will be how justice nominee Samuel Alito schools the Dems during his senate confirmation hearing.

The best part about this nominee is he HAS a track record. In contrast to Chief Justice John Roberts, Alito has been on the bench for many years with a detailed record of judicial opinions. Such a qualified record is exactly what a conservative wants. With Dems referencing his conservative opinions, Alito will school them on the proper constitutional restraint required of a judge. He will articulately explain the difference of a political judiciary and one that is not. He will clarify to all of America the role of judges and how it is the legislature who makes laws.

Each time Kennedy and Schumer question him, Alito will be giving a civics lesson. He will be making the point for common sense Americans. America needs to watch the hearings and take notes because class will be in session. His explanations of his rulings will be a tutorial on just how far left our judiciary has went. Democrats on the judiciary committee will have their first lesson in “Supreme Court 101”. “Scalito” will be both entertaining and educational. Make sure you don't miss it.