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University A Conservative Harvest: A Boston Tea Party …(Motives)

Wednesday, November 16, 2005

A Boston Tea Party …(Motives)

Motive - impulse that acts as an incitement to action

Yesterday’s vote in the Senate was a tell-tale signal for many to observe. Democrats in the Senate were going to propose a bill for specific dates when American troop will be brought home from Iraq. The Republicans, fearing the loss of six or more votes, decided to counter with their own less specific proposal. While the semantics changed the bill that passed left the same impression, America is anxious to get out of Iraq.

It should not be surprising Democrats feel this way. Most Democrats are incapable of acting as adults when they are the minority party. Their motive is to embarrass this President. While many Democrats like Kennedy didn’t want to go to war in the first place the embarrassment of the President is just frosting on the cake. It is also obvious to anyone with a logical thought that the Dems are placing this embarrassment above victory in Iraq.

The shocking part of yesterday’s vote was how forty-two Republicans acted. It cannot be argued that they want to embarrass the President so their motive for voting the way they did has to be something else. I’ll give you only one guess what the motivation was for these forty-two yellow-belly Republican traitors was. Re-election! FORTY-TWO Republican Senators chose their own skin over what is best for the troops. One can spin it many different ways but those Senators have lost confidence in this war. They sent a mixed message to the troops fighting for victory.

The resolution passed yesterday was full of ulterior motives, none of which were patriotic. How the Democrats voted was expected. They are a disgrace to this country. Their actions during this war should void them from ever being elected to the Presidency again. The vote of the spineless “forty-two” should prevent them from higher office as well. Their motives were cowardice. It is my hope the next Republican nominee for President comes from the remaining thirteen. They never wavered. They did not disgrace their country. Our next President’s last name should be Bunning, Burr, Chambliss, Coburn, DeMint, Graham, Inhofe, Isakson, Kyl, McCain, Sessions, Thune, or Vitter.


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