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University A Conservative Harvest: A Boston Tea Party ...(Reality Of The Nomination)

Tuesday, October 25, 2005

A Boston Tea Party ...(Reality Of The Nomination)

“D’” day for the Harriet Miers nomination is November 7th. This is the day she is supposed to begin senate hearings detailing her immense qualifications for the job of Supreme Court justice. She has begun preparing for her oral exam by meeting with senators and providing answers to a written questionnaire on her views of judicial rulings. To date neither one on one conversations with senators from both parties nor her answers to the questionnaire have been overly impressive.

There seems to be very little for supporters of this nomination to rally around. While the president remains steadfast in his support for Miers, those who must provide background on her have failed to present anything substantial that would change any view of those who oppose this nomination. It is fairly obvious Republican senators do not favor her nomination and are hearing it from their constituents. They only have kept quiet because of pressure from the White House.

When the hearings begin all cards will be on the table. If you do any research at all you will find the odds are Harriet Miers quite possibly could be run over during her time in front of the Judiciary committee. Her lack of knowledge on pertinent issues facing today’s Supreme Court will become very evident. If this were to happen, I wonder what would be worse for the president. Would he be more embarrassed by a nominee who doesn’t make it out of committee or a nomination he revokes before hearing begin? Each will have its political cost. Unless Ms. Miers shocks all those who are paying attention and somehow figures out how to brilliantly answer the questions she will be facing, this president will be embarrassed. Instead of carrying the torch for conservatives who wanted this judicial fight his nomination will add to his troubles. When nominating her the President said she was the most qualified candidate. As we near November 7th there can be no one who takes this issue seriously who agrees with that.

I suggest he follow Charles Krauthammer’s advice and use the senate’s asking for the turning over of private White House papers as a way out. The political cost would be minimal and a stronger candidate would emerge. It is my hope Republican Senators are honestly letting the White House know the reality of the nomination. A reality us true conservatives saw from the beginning. This was the wrong person for the job.


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