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University A Conservative Harvest: A Boston Tea Party …(Niche In The Market)

Friday, October 07, 2005

A Boston Tea Party …(Niche In The Market)

True red-blooded conservatives have been filling the air waves with outrage over the past week. The President’s nomination of Harriet Miers was the latest of an ever-growing series of defeats for many of us who firmly believe in true conservatism. The angst voiced on talk radio and blogs is not quieting down but instead is growing ever more vocal.

In order to discredit those true conservatives who oppose this nomination many voices that predictably follow in lock step with this President are using the term elitists. True conservative voices like Bill Kristol, George Will, Rush Limbaugh, David Frum, Charles Krauthammer, Laura Ingram, Bill Bennett, and Marc Levin are being called elitists for their unwillingness to “just trust the President’s choice”. A point needs to be made about these voices of conservatism. The arguments they have made against this nomination are the same arguments millions of other true conservatives are voicing. These voices of the right are only doing what those of us expect of them. Had they not voiced strong opposition to this nomination the true conservatives of every day America would no longer feel they were creditable.

There is nothing elitist about myself and other true conservatives who feel the President could have made a better choice. Those who stand behind the President only because they trust him fail the “cause”. The “cause” is bigger than any President. The “cause will last longer than any one single election cycle. The “cause” can be set back years by the failure to legislate in a true conservative manner. We who disagree with this choice realize the opportunity is now to finally change the direction of the far-reaching judiciary. The color, sex, and which law school are not what matters. We only wanted the best candidate for the job and do not understand why we didn’t get it. To call us elitist is a joke.

The word “grunt” fits much better than elitist. A “grunt” is willing to fight for the cause. A “grunt” does the dirty work. The names given above are doing “grunt type work.” They are giving a voice to the thoughts of us every day true red-blooded conservatists. I am curious if maybe we have tapped a new talk radio market. A true conservative could give hell to Democrats and non-conservative Republicans. What a perfect way to advance conservative policy. Blaming Democrats is easy but holding non-conservative Republicans responsible as well takes courage. We can tell because doing so in the last week will get you labeled. The angry callers to Bennett, Ingram, and Limbaugh illustrate a niche in the market is not being filled.


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