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University A Conservative Harvest: A Boston Tea Party …(Take Their Medicine)

Tuesday, October 11, 2005

A Boston Tea Party …(Take Their Medicine)

Most conservatives are very astute at pointing it out when someone is trying to have it both ways. They get regular practice doing so when debating a liberal. With the use of logic conservatives most often can poke holes through the many contradictory arguments of the left. We get so much practice with a liberal that pointing out hypocrisy becomes an art form. If you are going to point out when a conservative is wrong, you better bring your “A” game.

The White House is trying to take apart the conservative arguments against the nomination of Harriet Miers. How they are doing it is as laughable as any argument we see from the left. Because I am a conservative who hates hypocrisy, I must point out the weaknesses in the points trying to be made by the President’s political soldiers.

It started with the talking point of elitism and has now turned to remarks of sexism, religion, and stance on abortion. I discussed elitism in an article entitled “Niche in the Market” which I wrote last week. For the White House to strongly point out that Miers is a born-again Christian smacks with contradiction. Conservatives do not want religion to be a litmus test for any judicial nominee. It is liberals who nearly faint when a Catholic is nominated. Conservatives believe in a constitutionalist regardless of what religion he or she may be. Hearing the White House tout Miers’s religion as a point of emphasis shows just how backed in a corner they really are. They are reduced to arguing like a Democrat.

The White House is also trying to comfort the discontented with the news that Miers is pro-life. While I am glad she is, it really doesn’t matter. John Kerry says he is pro-life but he votes for abortion. Because Harriet Miers is pro-life does not mean she would rule the same way on cases brought to the Supreme Court. Again the issue is whether or not she believes in judicial restraint or whether she reads things into the constitution that are not there. The problem is we have neither statements nor writings from Miers to give us an idea on the type of judge she would be. When the hearings took place for John Roberts the White House did not want his pro-life stance discussed. Now with Miers they are very anxious to tell us. Where is the logic in that?
When your argument in support of something is weak, you are most often left to contradict previous statements made. It is when such hypocrisy is cited that a conservative knew he had a liberal right where he wanted them. Each case the White House makes in favor of Harriet Miers reduces their stature. The conservatives of the microphone and the blogs have won this fight. The reaction of the White House tells us so and each new day brings further desperation from them. Rather than play point counterpoint the White House should take their medicine or risk further humiliation. Conservatives not only want to win an argument they often want to humiliate those they argue with. Just ask a liberal.


At 1:12 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Very good blog. I couldnt agree more.


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