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University A Conservative Harvest: Cry Of The Loon ...(Barnum & Bailey)

Tuesday, October 18, 2005

Cry Of The Loon ...(Barnum & Bailey)

Yesterday Ed Schultz announced his show was not going to be heard on Armed Forces Radio anytime soon. I apologize for ever making the statement that government can never do anything right. I guess I will have to qualify that statement from now on. Except for the military, government cannot do anything right.

Ed seemed slightly hurt and embarrassed as he nervously giggled and was left to wonder as to why he had been fired before his first day. He stated how strongly he was for veteran benefits. This is his favorite pro military mantra. Believing that if one is pro benefit then one is automatically pro military. Credit must be given to the pentagon for digging a bit deeper into the modus operandi of the Ed Schutlz show. Ed said it himself yesterday by remarking, “I am a talk show host, I don’t have to be factual like a reporter does.” The pentagon must have realized there was no benefit in putting a mouthpiece on that is willing to say anything at any time regardless of merit. Ed’s show operates in a similar manner to a Louis Farrakhan rally. Like Farrakhan he uses hit and run tactics often threatening to take on any righty talk show host while admitting he will do so only if he gets something free out of it. Freedom of speech is a wonderful thing but only useful when those who speak are not fools.

Ed could not understand why Rush Limbaugh’s show would be o.k. for Armed Forces Radio, yet his is not. Comparing his show to Rush’s is like comparing the “Washington Post” to the “National Enquirer”. His show is where all conspiracy theories come to die. All rumor or innuendo is allowed on Big Eddy’s Barnum & Bailey circus. Certainly in this case our troops will be better off not hearing his freak show.


At 8:21 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Armed Forces radio programing should be something that will enhance the morale of the troops not listen to the likes of Schultz and his leftest buddies. Any bets he will/has called his personnel friend Sen. Dorgan to try and put pressure on AFR to change their mind?

At 5:45 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

The loser whined the whole time to his uneducated or rather uninformed group of loyal listeners in hopes of them stirring up things with his legislative friends who got him the show to begin with. I tuned in today and sounds like his whining works again. He is very good at whining and then saying he is not whining but that his listeners are who put the pressure on. Give me a break. He is like runaway molasses, so maybe keep the heat on this fridiot. P.S. take a look at, you should look at blogging there as well.

At 3:02 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Is this really about keeping morale up for the troops? Shouldn't all people, including troops, have the opportunity to hear both sides of every story and then decide which side the are on. Don't act as if the Rush's and Micheal Savages's of this world are right on every improtant issue. This is still a Democracy isn't is?

At 4:45 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

This is a response to Anonymous who feels that the "troops" should have the opportunity to hear both sides. I am one of the "troops" and I am smart enough to know Rush and Savage are fridiots as well, but at least they have a positive bone in their body. I also know the reality of the military and people like Schultz are transparent. He wants AFR for him. He has always been about him and he always will be about him. If the media and so-called media like the fridiots would continue day to day on stories that reflect how much good we have done and how much ass kicking we have done on terrorists, instead of vice versa, do you think we would have to listen to people like Schultz going on about cutting and running or aborting the mission. NNNNNNOOOOOO. The frickin cowardly terrorists and yes I said terrorists not insurgents or freedom fighters and all of that other bullcrap, would be a little less apt to strap bombs to their asses or run and hide in caves. They are male pigs, who want to keep women down and kill non-islamic extremists and then hide like cowardly rats in caves, because that is what they do. If we can get past the likes of Schultz, who is about himself and other F----- who care more about themselves and ratings and power, than they do about this country, we would all be better off. I will sign off now, before I really get pissed off. Fridiots and morons speak your mind,just remember you are in the minority.

Out here.

At 10:41 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Mr. Anonymous, please give an example of how positive Rush really is? How insulting is it is to see your response is so childish that you stoop to name calling. Big Eddie is certainly not my choice for AFR, but are you unable to see the bigger picture here or quite possibly unwilling? As for me being in the minority- check your numbers again- 39% approval rating for the President isn't a majority. Lastly, how is any Radio talk show host differ from Big Eddie? Aren't they all for ratings? Isn't that their job? The problem with comments like yours is that it goes against every ation you take. You don't like Big Eddie so get rid of him and don't let him speak his mind. But doesn't that go against the very mission you and the thousands of troops are fighting for in Iraq? Just something to think about.....

At 5:48 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

not to make this a chat room, Eddy lover, but no, I do not take the generic line that I am fighting for people like Eddie to spew his crap. I can stoop to name calling all I want, and If you would take the time to read, you would have seen that you repeated exactly what I said about ratings etc.. I will leave this as my last post regarding this issue, and you go ahead and hide behind your ideals phony as they seem, and just keep supporting your chameleon friend Ed.

Bye Bye

At 9:09 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

OK ok, I can be adult about this. You make good points, soem of which I don't disagree with. You shouldn't take everything so personal- I love a good fight. But don't judge a book by it's cover dear friend, we may have more in common than you choose to think.

See ya on the flip side Mr. Anonymous!


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