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University A Conservative Harvest: August 2006

Tuesday, August 22, 2006

A Boston Tea Party …(The Other End of Evil)

Fascists are found throughout history. Ask people to name a fascist and the name Adolph Hitler will be one of the first names mentioned. Hitler like the rest of history’s fascists wishes he could reincarnate in today’s world rather than burn in hell as he currently is doing. Today’s world offers fascists a wonderful opportunity. The events of the last few weeks offer great evidence of this.

Imagine for an instant that you are the current leader of Iran. You want the destruction of an entire sect of the human race. You fund a terrorist group that is a state within a state and who is at your beckon call. You order this terrorist group to create a disturbance in order to distract the world from your desire to manufacture nuclear weapons. You are perfectly willing to have these henchmen, Hezbullah, hide behind women and children to create images that will weaken your opponent’s will for any long lasting battle. You find willing accomplices in the western media to show dead “suicide bombers” so to speak. You also know Al Jazera and other Middle Eastern media will help fuel your mantra of “proportional response”.

As the current leading fascist in the world things get even better. The impotent United Nations lead by the French and with support of a now image-dazed Bush administration calls for a cease-fire you, the leader if Iran, knew would eventually take place. The terrorists you help fund are considered heroes on the Arab street. The icing on the cake is your dirty money, which is earned by the selling of oil the West refuses to do without, is used to distribute to the very people you were perfectly willing to have killed and whose property you had no problem having destroyed. These people then offer their support to your cause because you were there to help them in their time of need.

It is a wonderful web today’s fascist can weave. We have the Internet, cell phones, smart bombs, and God knows what else but the world works the same as it did in Hitler’s day. A fascist uses the goodwill of the world to his advantage. He lies, he cajoles, he pretends all the way to the other end of evil. Hitler would be so proud and must be so jealous. He had to work so much harder to do what he did. Hell, his propaganda machine was in black and white and he never had 24-hour news channels. H also never got an interview with Mike Wallace. Yes, evil is in our midst. While half our country believes evil is the current President, the real evil gains ground. Eventually Democrats and the French will have to face it or will die pretending it doesn’t exist. Negotiating with any fascist just delays the inevitable while making him all the more powerful.

Thursday, August 10, 2006

A Boston Tea Party …(Oh So Close)

In sports they call it “in the zone” when all things come together and an athlete plays the perfect game. Off the New England coast there was once the “perfect storm” when the power of nature came together to create an ideal meteorological event. On Tuesday night in Connecticut we had the political version of a “perfect storm”. Allow me to explain.

In imperfect times Democrats accuse Republicans of cheating to win elections. In the Democratic primary in Connecticut on Tuesday Democrats turned on themselves. Accusations of website hacking, long lines at polling stations, slander, and personal smear attacks were being levied between the two candidates. This beautiful, rare occurrence should prove once and for all that the supporters of Democrats will automatically accuse ANY opposition of cheating if the candidate they support happens to lose. Such charges of wrongdoing are now just a natural instinct for that party. Dishonest elections are not the issue and never have been, instead the one and only issue is LOSING. They can’t accept losing and will manufacture any reason or reasons to try to change the outcome.

Another unusual happening made this Tuesday night a very unique evening in politics. Republicans found themselves fawning over a liberal Democratic candidate. Such overt campaigning for the opposite party happens about as often as a solar eclipse. Respect for Liberman should be given for he was/is the only Democrat to stand firm on the war in Iraq. In most aspects though he was equally as liberal as his challenger. Evidence of the complete insanity of Lamont supporters was seen during his victory speech as you noticed who was on stage with him. There they were … Jackson, Sharpton, and activist after activist chanting, “bring them home, bring them home.” All I could think was “folks this ain’t your daddy’s Democrats”. The nuts truly are happening the asylum.

The uniqueness and “bizzarro world” (a Seinfeld term) happenings of Tuesday evening were made more special with the news today of the British discovery of a plot by terrorists to blow up airplanes headed for the United States. Just two days before Democrats voted to support an anti-war candidate which is contrasted with a reminder of how dangerous the enemy we face continues to be. Republicans can now play footage of the “bring ‘em home” chant and in the next frame show terrorists being arrested in England. The only thing that prevented Tuesday from being the Tuesday of all time was a slightly closer result causing Democrats to argue over hanging chads. Tuesday really was oh so close to perfect.

Saturday, August 05, 2006

A Boston Tea Party …(Two Wins)

Oh, those nasty Republicans, how could they combine the raising of the minimum wage in a bill that also eliminates the death tax? Democrats are viewing this as pure evil politics. What one person calls evil another person will call brilliant. It is always smart to define the opposition especially in the form of a compromise that contrasts differing ideologies. This bill does exactly that in the same way votes on constitutional judges, partial birth abortion, and whether to cut and run in Iraq have done.

Democrats want an increase in the minimum wage. How anyone can say arbitrarily what is a proper wage to be paid other than by market forces is beyond me but that debate is for another article. In the Senate Bill Frist is proposing such an increase if it also includes the elimination of the inheritance tax. Democrats are being told by leadership to turn the offer down. Lowering taxes of any kind on anyone who accumulates any type of wealth is a poison pill they just can’t swallow even if it allowed for the increase in the minimum wage. You see, Democrats would prefer to tax anyone of wealth upon death and if possible before entering the purly gates or the fires of hell where surely those of wealth deserve to go.

The interesting choice Democratic leadership had to make is more money for those they pander too or more money for the bureaucracy which helps create the very dependants they pander too. Their choice continues to reinforce the stark contrast between the two parties. Democratic supporters believe their party cares about their future. Reality is Democrats are only concerned with maintaining the myth of this concern. Their preference is and always will be to sustain the dependency rather than advance their futures. Their advised “no deal” says they wish an individual were able to make more money as long as they don’t make too much. They feel it is their right and responsibility to decide when someone as made more money than what they deem necessary. Can you say, arrogance?

In the end the advancement of the minimum wage matters only so much. A party must stand on principles. Taxing an estate upon a person’s death is one of those principles. A wealthy person dies and the feds get a share of their worth, to Democrats it counts as two wins. They must feel more money gets into the feds hands via the inheritance tax than will come from a minimum wage hike, hence no deal. When will you Democratic supporters realize your just pawns? Your “supposed” future is held hostage by your own party.