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University A Conservative Harvest: March 2005

Thursday, March 31, 2005

What Are You Thinking …(Man Of The Year)

Time magazine chooses a man of the year each December. I think it is obvious to everyone that the race is over. And the winner is Michael Schiavo. He wins hands down. What an impressive man he is. His qualifications are as follows:

He loved his wife so much that he decided to live with another woman and have two children with her. This qualifies as a very terrific husband. A true role model for husbands everywhere.

He was such a good listener. He proves this by remembering a casual conversation with his wife where she told him she did not want to live if on life support. Most of us men would be too busy looking at the nearest sports score to remember such a conversation but not Michael. He remembers every word Terri ever told him.

Most women I know love their parents more than anything……I dare say maybe even more than their spouses. Daughters no matter how old seem to be very close to their fathers. Michael shows how special he is because he knew Terri loved him more than anything on earth….even more than her father. He knew what was best for her and he also knew that she would agree with him.

Class is another reason for him being named man of the year. Any man that would bury his wife in Pennsylvania while he lives in Florida is a classy man. He knows that he does not want to burden the current woman in his life by having his wife buried so close to him.

Generosity is one more thing that Michael Schiavo has shown the world. Throughout the entire 15 years of this ordeal he has always shown incredible generosity towards Terri’s family. He also was very generous to his lawyer by allowing him so much free airtime. The taking out of the feeding tube showed the world how generous his heart is.

Finally, Michael is a man before his time. He has the foresight to see that America should be the land of death. The free will of the individual is what is most important. Many years from now we will all thank him for his crystal ball look into the future. He will go down in history as one of the forefathers of death on demand. He has shown everyone that only Christ needed to suffer, the rest of us can take the easy way out.

Thank you Michael. There has never been such a clear-cut winner of the Man of the Year Award. You ran away with it. No contest.

Tuesday, March 29, 2005

Cry Of The Loon …(Name the Newsletter)

A close source of mine today told me that The Ed Schultz Show is running a contest to help name is upcoming newsletter. I instantly figured I would offer my top 20 suggestions. Feel free to add your own ideas with comments.

1. The Facilitator
2. The Culture Of Death Times
3. The Government Dependency Sun
4. The Your Version Of The Truth Herald
5. The Framing Of The Message Post
6. The Socialist Tribune
7. The Raise Your Taxes Gazette
8. The You Tell Me What To Think Herald
9. The From The Fringe Sun
10. The Embarrass North Dakota Post
11. The Conversion Tribune
12. The Dude And Cool Ones Gazette
13. The More Fun Than They Have Times
14. The I Can’t Believe People Take Me Serious Forum
15. The Pure Bullshit From The Heartland Sun
16. The Trying To Act Like Big Time Post
17. The I Need Three Reasons To Change My Mind Herald
18. The I’ll Do Anything For A TV Show Gazette
19. The I Met Ted Kennedy Once Tribune
20. The Fat Head Red Head Times

If I missed any other potential names, please add them.

A Boston Tea Party …(Perfect Timing)

The British are coming! The British are coming! Those of us that are old enough to have learned actual American history remember those famous words Paul Revere used to warn his fellow colonists that the British army was on the move. Some 230 years later, America again has citizens volunteering to protect its soil.

The Minutemen of Arizona, five hundred of them, are mobilizing to become civilian border patrolmen. The Minutemen are attempting to do what the federal government seems unwilling or unable to provide, the security of our borders. President Bush told the citizens of America that we needed to be vigilant shortly after 9/11. He told us to be on watch and report potential illegal activity to our local police. The Minutemen have answered his call. The Minutemen know for certain that illegal immigration is happening and they also know that our federal government is not doing what is necessary to close the border to Mexico.

It has been reported that many aliens are caught and put on buses to a destination of their desire because there is no room in the jails, which are already full with illegals waiting to be shipped home. The American taxpayer pays for their bus tickets to Chicago or New York. The American taxpayer pays for their health care. If families of Mexicans are caught with any young children they are allowed to stay in hotels such as Marriott while they await shipment back home again at taxpayer expense. Homeland Security warns that terrorists could very well use the Mexican border to enter the United States. The Mexican government has even issued booklets and CD’s telling potential illegal aliens how to successfully cross the border with America. Yet, the feds do nothing. Why? Because they risk losing the Mexican minority vote.

The Minutemen are doing exactly what every neighborhood watchdog program does. They are protecting their neighbors, their state, and their country. They should have our entire support. The Minutemen have perfect timing. We need them. We need more of them. I salute them. Like Paul Revere riding in the night they have decided to empower themselves. I hope they are as triumphant as the Minutemen of colonial America.

Saturday, March 26, 2005

A Boston Tea Party ...(Ying and Yang)

Polls say sixty-five to eighty percent of the American people say the government is overreaching in the Terry Schiavo case. An overreaching government...really? It bothers you...really? Since when?

The past election tells us we have a country where fifty percent vote Republican and fifty percent vote Democrat. Democrats LOVE instrusive government by nature. From farm subsidies to Social Security to welfare to national health care, Democrats demand government intervention. For them to now say that the feds are sticking their nose into something they shouldn't is most hypocritical. Democrats value an ever expanding federal government in our lives and base their policies towards that end. To suggest otherwise is almost laughable. Maybe we should look at it as a positive there is actually an issue where Democrats prefer government stop its ever expanding role.

Republicans of the recent past have given up trying to shrink the size of government. They may spend less than Democrats want them too but still spend more than should be acceptable from a party that calls themselves conservatives. They are hypocrits for the exact opposite of Democrats. If Republicans are angered by the involvment in the Terry Schiavo case then let us see them demand the same from their party in all government issues. Policies of less government are now just wishful thinking to Republicans. They no longer have the political will to follow through. I guess one could say they are hypocritically consistant.

Evidently I am the only one who sees a direct relationship to the size of government and the reach of government. It works in unison. As connected as ying and yang. We cannot have one without the other. Accepting one while criticizing the other defies logic. Logic would tell us the sixy-five to eighty percent in the polls does not represent either party because both parties long ago began meddling in all aspects of our lives.

Friday, March 25, 2005

What Are You Thinking ...(Secular Sam!)

That secular Sam!
That secular Sam!
I do not like that Secular Sam!

I do not like
Killing a disabled ma’am?
I do not like it, Secular Sam
I do not like
Killing a disabled ma’am.

Would I do it
Here or there?
I would not do it
Here or there.
I would not kill her anywhere.

I do not like
Killing a disabled ma’am.
I do not like it, Secular Sam.

I think her husband is a sham.
I think she needs a new medical exam.
I think she should be saved, Secular Sam.

What I don’t understand
Is how you feel this is such a grand slam.
So many unanswered questions
Should save her life, Secular Sam.

I do not like
Killing a disabled ma’am.

Our courts have put
Us in this jam.
We must take the power back
I don’t give a damn.

Secular Sam,
You have caused
This moral traffic jam.

Worried about the future, yes I am
Cuz so many have been taken in
By Secular Sam.

I do not like that Secular Sam
He uses separation of church and state
Like a battering ram.

Decency is being trampled like a lamb
All for the freedoms of Secular Sam.

That secular Sam!
That secular Sam!
I do not like that Secular Sam!

Thursday, March 24, 2005

Sinking Ship Posted by Hello

Wednesday, March 23, 2005

What Are You Thinking …(Child Proof)

From athletic activities to music lessons kids from 5 to 16 are continually kept busy. One can often find children involved in two activities during the same season. Successfully combining activities with schoolwork takes a total family effort. Parents often turn into shuttle buses as their children are driven to each practice. Parents often value their child’s popularity and their own status based on the sheer number of activities their child is part of. I mention this not as a criticism but rather as a comparison to what really is important.

While everyone hustles through their busy week trying to make their children’s scheduled activity times we have forgotten what matters most. Children are no longer safe in today’s society. As successful as parents have become in managing children’s activities, they have failed in providing a safe place for them to grow up. We have all accepted that child abductions, school shootings, and school bomb threats are now part of everyday life. Every week we hear of a different child dying. Each time you drop your daughter or son off at school or they walk home from the bus there is a chance you may never see them again. Obviously, it scares any parent that their children’s safety is not guaranteed. What is shocking is that so little outrage is heard from parents on the concerns for child safety. Rather than worry and alarm that lasts a few days after each new school shooting or child abduction, why is there not a continuous drumbeat for the necessary changes required to keep these precious kids secure? Should not demands be made of all law enforcement and lawmakers that they do whatever is necessary to protect children?

Like most everything in life we instead walk blindly hoping that such terrible things like a child being abducted from her bedroom or a teenager shooting kids in a local school will not happen to us. The effort to create change needed to provide a secure existence for our children would take us away from our busy everyday lives. Until we can rest at night knowing that each and every child is safe, parents need to reprioritize what is important. No law should be created; no freedoms should be given to anything that trumps the safety of a child. Whether it is child porn on the internet or bad behavior allowed in schools, we cannot allow our children to be at risk. We can make medicine caps child proof but for some reason we lack the will to make children harm proof. Each case like Jessica Lunsford in Florida or the Red Lake, Minnesota school shooting seems to do nothing more than numb parents. Each instance appears to make us just throw up our arms and say “oh well… is now part of everyday life.” Like an F bomb can now be used in a PG –13 movie I guess many are willing to accept the killing of children as something that is now the norm. If so, God help us. Each occurrence should only make us grow angrier, more full of contempt. Whatever we have done with our laws, our policies, our alert systems that has allowed this to happen needs to be restudied, rethought, and reversed. Demanding anything less is to admit failure as a generation of parents. Imagine it 2005 we now need police in high schools..........what does that say about the world we live in.


Posted by Hello

Tuesday, March 22, 2005

What Are You Thinking …(Sorry For The Inconvenience)

Now that the Terry Schiavo case has been lost in Federal Court, she will be allowed to starve to death. It is fitting that something like this takes place during Easter week.

On Sunday while attending church a visiting French priest was giving the sermon. The reading of the gospel had taken extra long because of the reading of the Passion. This meant that all those in attendance had to stand throughout the entire Passion reading. One could sense a relief from the parishioners once the gospel reading was over. The priest I am quite certain could feel the relief and commented on it. He said, “We just read how Jesus Christ had spent 3 hours dying on the cross for humanity and yet we feel inconvenienced if we have to stand for 15 minutes during the reading of the Passion”. His comments fit my mood upon hearing the federal judge was not going to reverse the state of Florida’s decision on Terry Schiavo.

Each day we bring down the standards of the past. Yesterday brought news of a school shooting in Minnesota. It is now a common acceptance that things happen in America that my parent’s generation could never have thought possible. From starving disabled people to death to school shootings to cheating in sports to lawsuits to gay marriage to children playing poker to divorce to Scott Peterson to abortion to political correctness to sexual predators to methamphetamine to government dependence to teen sex to doing away with the ten commandments, we have allowed everyday life to lose its focus. Cell phones and computers have allowed us to be more portable. We get instant access to all our heart desires. We have an attitude that no one should ever have to feel bad. A quick fix is often preferable to a long-term answer. The more technology we gain, the more information we gather, it seems the more common sense, respect for the past, and dignity we lose.

American society has lost its will to struggle through hard times. Any type of sacrifice will not be tolerated. America now expects wars to be fought without people dying. The common theme is do not inconvenience me. This has happened in one generation. What will life be like when our teenagers become parents? I imagine even less inconvenience and a continual sinking into the abyss. Politicians have told us we can have everything we want. We have accepted that as the truth. Hardships and suffering will not be accepted even for 15 minutes in church. While some enjoy the freedom that comes with a lack of burden upon their shoulders, I do not. Society has let the “jeanie” out of the bottle and I am afraid from now on it will always be this way. Life will become easier by the year but most definitely the people will continue to be less dignified.

Monday, March 21, 2005

Weekly Comic

Posted by Hello

A Boston Tea Party …(Kings)

The Senate voted 100 – 0 on passing a bill to possibly saving Terry Schiavo’s life last night. The House of Representatives, however, did not provide a unanimous vote in favor of Ms. Schiavo. The argument most given was that the representatives felt that government had no reason to get involved in this case. They also felt congress had no business overriding a judge.

The court system is the Democrats last bastion of change. Recent past elections tell us they no longer have platforms that win elections. In order to remedy their situation they continually look to the federal courts as their only way to cause social change in America. This is done in many ways. Court cases are brought up in districts where the outcome is predicted to be most favorable. Federal judge nominees are filibustered to prevent them from ever taking the bench. Democrats have no problem having judges in our court system reversing the will of the people so long as the outcome is to their preference.

Because Democrats no longer control the Presidency or both houses of Congress, they are perfectly happy to overstate the power of the judiciary. Judges with their life terms have become similar to “kings”. Under the current way of operating judges are not held accountable. This lack of checks and balances offers the willing Democrats an end around to winning elections. It is time judges answer to the will of the people. The Terry Schiavo situation involves many issues. One issue that should not be debated is representatives of the people (the House, Senate, and President) speak for America the judiciary does not. Representation of the people replaced the power of “kings” in our Constitution. One hundred Senate votes show the people want their voice heard. If the judges refuse to listen then steps to bring the power of these “kings” in balance will be required. My hunch is we won’t see 100 Senate votes in favor of judicial constraints. Unanimous Democrat votes in the Senate will be as likely as an end to judicial filibusters. When you lose elections only “kings” can expand your agenda.

Friday, March 18, 2005

Comic (Baseball)

baseball Posted by Hello

Wednesday, March 16, 2005

Weekly Comic Strip (1)

comic 1 Posted by Hello

Cry Of The Loon …(Predictably Swayed)

AP – Press Release – March 15, 2005
In a stunning reversal talk show host Ed Shultz said today that he is no longer if favor of drilling in ANWAR. He commented that he would be immediately selling his SUV and begin driving a Hugo. Ed gave 3 reasons for his switch.

AP – Press Release – March 24, 2005

Talk show host Ed Schultz shocked his audience today by reversing his opinion on farm subsidies. He said he regretted being in favor of $300 billion in aid. He announced that from this point on he would only be happy with $900 billion in farm subsidies. He listed 11 reasons for his change of mind.

AP – Press Release – April 4, 2005

Ed Schultz, national talk show host, surprisingly amended a previous opinion today. Ed gave his audience credit for swaying his decision to pass out condoms to fifth graders. He listed 31 reasons for this policy change. He said his only wish is that the 5th graders make love on a sleep comfort bed like him and his wife do.

AP – Press Release – April 26, 2005

In another change of strategy talk show host Ed Schultz made an about face in announcing he is now in favor of gay marriage. He said while once being paranoid of homos he now finds that many of his friends are gay. He listed 87 reasons for this modification.

AP – Press Release – May 11, 2005

In what has now become somewhat predictable, Ed Schultz, host of the syndicated Ed Shultz Show, reversed his previous stance on meat eating. He gave credit to his audience for the conversion and promised to become a vegetarian. He also stated he would become and active member in PETA. He apologized for being so insensitive to fish with his Big Eddie spinners and promised they would immediately be taken off the market. He gave 156 reasons for making this decision.

AP – Press Release – May 20,2005

Once again Ed Shultz has changed his mind. In what is becoming almost a ritual he announced today that he no longer believes Americans have the right to own guns. He joined his audience calling for a repeal of the second amendment. He did say however that Native Americans should still be allowed to hunt. He gave 278 reasons for this adjustment in opinion.

AP – Press Release – June 7, 2005

What now has become expected, Ed Schultz was predictably swayed by callers to his national show. In a matter of 15 minutes he openly changed his mind on NAMBLA. He credited his brilliant audience for opening his mind up to the North American Man/Boy Love Association. He said these men would be good mentors to young boys. He listed 835 reasons for his change.

Sunday, March 13, 2005

Cry Of The Loon …(Validate)

Red eat’n, gun tote’n … well maybe not. The Loon of the Midwest put his for sale sign out again on Friday. A day after saying he does not see much wrong with drilling for oil in ANWAR he was inundated with calls from his far left friends demanding he change his mind. Ed fired back with a statement that reinforces what I have always said he is about. After taking calls from many upset constituents Ed said, “To tell you the truth I am not sure what I think about ANWAR…….I am just the facilitator here”.

Finally we got an admission that “the loon” is for sale. He does not have a core belief system nor does he research an issue deep enough to base an opinion on it. If his audience requires it he will change is mind. The use of the word facilitator is also very accurate. Ed’s whole career as a talk show host has been that of facilitator. With his lack of knowledge on most subjects he acts more like a message board. His show becomes a place for like-minded people to call in and state an opinion regardless of having it based on fact or fiction. I guess facilitating adds up to ratings. Facilitating also means that the audience should not expect him to know things in great detail. As I have said he needs his audience to educate him rather than the other way around. I would have a hard time believing Rush or O’Reilly develop their opinions based on the number of calls for or against a particular issue.

I guess the nicest thing one could say about Ed is that his opinions are very clintonesque. Meaning one should use a poll or an audience to shape his beliefs. If enough upset callers would reign down on Ed he could soon become a vegetarian. If that were to happen he would probably give credit to his wife for the change in lifestyle. “I am not sure what I think” is the understatement of the year. Saying the same thing a different way would be “Why don’t you tell me what I should think”. I just love it when “the loon” validates my opinion of him.

Tuesday, March 08, 2005

A Boston Tea Party …(Quantity over Quality)

Voting is a responsibility of every American citizen. It gives us a voice in our government. Voting is also a gift for every American citizen. We are all born with the right to vote but that right comes with responsibilities. If a person is not a “good” citizen then that right should be revoked. A good citizen obeys the laws of the land. The Democratic Party wants your vote regardless if you’re a responsible citizen or not.

Democrats like B. Boxer, H. Clinton, and J. Kerry are proposing The Count Every Vote Act. An essential part of the act is that people convicted of felonies be given the right to vote. Can their party sink any lower? This act is nothing more than an advertisement. Billboards should be put up around America saying, “If you are a convicted murderer we want your vote”. Any person running for political office should have enough class that they would prefer to be elected without the help of a felon. Not the Democrats. They are willing to accept the vote of the person high on drugs or stone cold drunk. If you are breathing and capable of checking the correct name on the ballot, Democrats want your vote. Not accepting these votes is referred to them as disenfranchisement.

It makes sense that the party that doesn’t value responsibility would want the vote of the irresponsible. It becomes clearer each day that the party with common sense and respect is the Republicans. Democrats have realized they cannot win an election if the voting pool is made up of conscientious citizens. If there were not a constitutional amendment preventing it, I could see them wanting to lower the voting age to something like 13. Democrats prefer quantity over quality. They are already the party of NOW, NARAL, gays, and PETA. They now hope to add FELON to that distinguished list. Shameful! I can even suggest a slogan for a button, "Take A Criminal To Vote Day".

Sunday, March 06, 2005

What Are You Thinking …(Real Time)

The comedian Bill Maher was on Scarborough a couple weeks ago and stated that anyone who believes in religion is suffering from a neurological disorder. He also said that most people only believe in religion because they were brainwashed as children by their parents. As people become educated they should reject any thoughts of religion. Maher conveniently said that he does believe in God but just not religion. This attitude is understandable. Religion teaches us how to live the right way. It places constraints on values and morally teaches us how to act as a people. I can see why this doesn’t play well in Maher’s world.

While Maher is a very good comedian, he greatly annoys me and not just because of his anti religion remarks. I am not the most religious person in the world. What I can’t stand about Maher is how we gets this smug, man I am brilliant look on his face after he tells a joke. He has a smirk a mile wide on his face as he waits for the audience to applaud that shows how wonderful he thinks he is. No one that goofy looking should be smug about anything. Were it not for comedy I am quite certain very few women would find Maher “sponge worthy”. God does work in mysterious ways. Maher spends much of his time at the Playboy mansion. It is easy to understand why he does believe in God. Without a supreme being behind it there is no way someone that ugly would ever score with playmates. Yes, a true miracle of God! I have a hunch a wimp like him has been a playmate of a few men as well.

Organized religion gets in the way of everyday life for guys like Bill Maher. They don’t like the constraints it places on their party life. I suggest he stick to telling jokes and leave the politics to the neurologically disordered. I am quite confident if he were to spend some real time outside the cocoon of Hef’s mansion he would have that “I am brilliant” smirk knocked off his ugly mug. He would find religion so to speak.

A Boston Tea Party …(Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell)

Social Security reform should be a major concern for all conservatives for two reasons. First, private accounts will allow you to keep your money. You will be able to invest it and pass it on to your heirs should there be money left when you die. The second reason for true conservatives to embrace private accounts is that the federal government will not be able to spend it.

Federal employees get to keep their money. Congressmen are not part of our Social Security system. They are allowed to invest their own money. This is the million-dollar example that any reporter or debate host should be asking Democrats in congress. Why Mr/Mrs. Congressperson are you so supportive of the current plan yet you do not take part in it? Do you not think that you should be a member of the same plan as the citizenry that elected you?

The Democrats are allowed to get by with wanting one plan for most of us while they take part in something better. The don’t ask, don’t tell attitude of the media allows them to live this double standard. Every debate, every time the issue of Social Security reform is discussed, Democrats should be asked the million-dollar question. All congressman should live under the same rules the rest of us do. I am certain Republicans would do so and a just as certain Democrats would not. The bottom line is Democrats want that money kept in the current Social Security plan so they can borrow against it with IOUs and spend it. The best thing for fiscal restraint would be the development of private accounts. We take ownership of our money and we keep them from spending it. Let’s hope they are forced to answer the question why they don’t want what they force us to have.

Saturday, March 05, 2005

A Cry Of The Loon …(Cable Access Radio)

Wayne’s World! Wayne’s World! Party on Garth! Party on Wayne! Remember the Mike Meyers and Dana Carvey skit on Saturday Night Live? The two characters, Wayne and Garth, would play air guitar and the drums and have occasional guests. They lived out their fantasy of being rock-n-rollers on cable access television. Their show was done in Wayne’s basement. The pair were amateurs but they didn’t mind because to them having their own low budget show felt like the big time.

When you listen to the “Loon’s” show, you are left with the same impression. It feels to him like the big time but it is nothing more than cable access radio. Yesterday the “Loon” announced that he would soon have a newsletter that would be published by that big time reporter in Ashley, North Dakota Tony Bender. It really gets more comical as each day passes. Can’t you just see Ed, Homey, Tank, and Vern sitting around and thinking: “Man, Rush has a newsletter…we should have one too, ya ya , we should too. We could have Homey write an article and and we could have Vern write an article and and Ed could give his views and and Tank could have something too. Maybe even we could have Ed’s wife do something. Man, that would be great. She could do recipes or something….maybe give big eddies favorite foods. We should do that. I have another idea how about we sell some stuff! Rush does it. O’Reilly does it. We should. We could put Big Eddie on mugs and golf balls and sell it on the website. Maybe even some big eddie spinners too.”

They say copying is the greatest form of flattery. It is too bad that the “Loon” can’t copy the quality of the other major talk show host’s shows. While the others speak and act as professionals, Ed uses words like “dude” and “duh”. Yesterday he even welcomed Joel Heitkamp to his show. He said he was from Hankinson, North Dakota. It was kind of like Wayne introducing his neighbor to his cable access audience. It makes the guest feel great but the audience could care less. Amateur radio like this belongs right next to amateur television... on channel 2. Party On Ed! Party On Homie! Party on Vern! Party on Tank!

Friday, March 04, 2005

A Boston Tea Party …(Big Bird)

Earlier this week the distinguished Senator from West Virginia Robert Byrd referred to Republicans as Nazi’s because of the Republican threat to remove the filibuster as a means of preventing prospective judges from reaching a vote in the Senate. This type of talk is coming from a man who at one time was third in line to be President of the United States.

Byrd has always tried to portray the idea of a great orator. The older he gets he becomes less oratatish and more wind-bagish. Democrats often refer to him as the conscience of the Senate. Telling us how much respect he has for the legislative branch for which he has served for a long time. The old coot has so much respect for the office but he continually disgraces it. Robert Byrd does not know what life would be like if he were not a Senator. What has happened to him happens to many of us. Eventually we all get old. Having Byrd in the Senate is about as interesting as seeing an over the hill boxer enter the ring one last time. The person ends up embarrassing himself.

Byrd’s fellow Democrats are so intellectually bankrupt they cannot condemn these remarks by a fellow who was once a member of the KKK. Just looking at Byrd, you see plantation written all over him. This guy has a look that tells me he believes not all men are created equal. I would rather listen to Big Bird than to Robert Byrd. At this time in their careers Big Bird can teach us more than Robert Byrd can. As the old “Gambler” song said, “Know when to hold ‘em, know when to fold ‘em”. The State of West Virginia needs to end his career before he does more damage to himself, his state, and his country. The spokesman of the Senate has become a humiliation to the degree of Ted Kennedy.

Wednesday, March 02, 2005

A Boston Tea Party …(Morse Code)

Kent Conrad the self proclaimed fiscal conservative was on “The Loon’s show” today.
He lamented the budget problems that we as a nation are facing. He continually said, “The President’s numbers just don’t add up”. He also said, “A long time ago I figured out in Washington it is better to see what people do rather than what they say”. Allow me to translate.

In Conrad’s world numbers that don’t add up mean there are tax cuts rather than tax increases. He is too politically astute to directly ask for tax increases because he knows that could be ammunition for his next opponent. We know his way to solve budget deficits is not through spending cuts. Why do we know this? Because KENT CONRAD HAS NEVER PROPOSED A SINGLE ELIMINATION OF ANY FEDERAL PROGRAM. He like the rest of his party prefers to throw more money at problems and finance it by tax increases. In Conrad’s eyes all budgets can be balanced as long as there are enough tax receipts brought into the federal coffers. What he doesn’t understand is that tax receipts come from our paychecks.

If we use Conrad’s own words, “in Washington it is better to see what people do rather than what they say”, one can reach only one conclusion. Conrad says he is a fiscal hawk but what he does is more like a fiscal fraud. Oh, certainly he may believe in balancing budgets but he believes only in balancing them in one way. It can be argued that very few Senators have benefited from pork spending more than Conrad and his fellow Democrat, Senator Dorgan. They continually get reelected in a state where people vote for Republican Presidents. It is spending that has kept him in office and it is only tax increases that will allow him to balance a budget. A look at his voting record will be all the “ morse code” one needs to understand how Conrad’s numbers and how he too prefers to hide what he does by what he says.

Tuesday, March 01, 2005

A Boston Tea Party…(You Can Have My Chair)

Respect your elders. I tell my kids they should. I was taught that I should, and I still do. I show respect to all elderly people who are a part of my day. Elderly people can share their experiences and wisdom with anyone willing to listen. Respecting your elders is something everyone should do. It is one of those rules to live by.

However, every rule has an exception. Forgive me for this rant on the people I so respect. If you are 55 or older, please…please…SHUT UP!! I mean it, SHUT THE HELL UP!! Social Security reform has NOTHING to do with you. I don’t care what you think about it. Don’t you understand? It has NOTHING to do with you. Your lobbying to prevent the passage of something that has no affect on you. Your benefits won’t change. If you can’t help yourself from paying attention to the discussion, then keep your opinion to yourself.

You get to keep the same benefits you have now. You can have all your AARP discounts. I’ll still hold the door for you. I’ll have my kids mow your lawn. You can still be the first to sit down at the table and eat. I’ll even give up my chair so that you don’t have to stand.

Please understand, you don’t have a dog in this fight. How stupid it would be to have people this has nothing to do with causing it to fail. I ask anyone under 55 that if you have someone older than 55 discussing Social Security reform to tell them to shut their mouth. Explain to them why they should have no voice in this discussion and then remember to politely say “Thank you.”