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University A Conservative Harvest: What Are You Thinking …(Real Time)

Sunday, March 06, 2005

What Are You Thinking …(Real Time)

The comedian Bill Maher was on Scarborough a couple weeks ago and stated that anyone who believes in religion is suffering from a neurological disorder. He also said that most people only believe in religion because they were brainwashed as children by their parents. As people become educated they should reject any thoughts of religion. Maher conveniently said that he does believe in God but just not religion. This attitude is understandable. Religion teaches us how to live the right way. It places constraints on values and morally teaches us how to act as a people. I can see why this doesn’t play well in Maher’s world.

While Maher is a very good comedian, he greatly annoys me and not just because of his anti religion remarks. I am not the most religious person in the world. What I can’t stand about Maher is how we gets this smug, man I am brilliant look on his face after he tells a joke. He has a smirk a mile wide on his face as he waits for the audience to applaud that shows how wonderful he thinks he is. No one that goofy looking should be smug about anything. Were it not for comedy I am quite certain very few women would find Maher “sponge worthy”. God does work in mysterious ways. Maher spends much of his time at the Playboy mansion. It is easy to understand why he does believe in God. Without a supreme being behind it there is no way someone that ugly would ever score with playmates. Yes, a true miracle of God! I have a hunch a wimp like him has been a playmate of a few men as well.

Organized religion gets in the way of everyday life for guys like Bill Maher. They don’t like the constraints it places on their party life. I suggest he stick to telling jokes and leave the politics to the neurologically disordered. I am quite confident if he were to spend some real time outside the cocoon of Hef’s mansion he would have that “I am brilliant” smirk knocked off his ugly mug. He would find religion so to speak.


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