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University A Conservative Harvest: A Boston Tea Party …(Morse Code)

Wednesday, March 02, 2005

A Boston Tea Party …(Morse Code)

Kent Conrad the self proclaimed fiscal conservative was on “The Loon’s show” today.
He lamented the budget problems that we as a nation are facing. He continually said, “The President’s numbers just don’t add up”. He also said, “A long time ago I figured out in Washington it is better to see what people do rather than what they say”. Allow me to translate.

In Conrad’s world numbers that don’t add up mean there are tax cuts rather than tax increases. He is too politically astute to directly ask for tax increases because he knows that could be ammunition for his next opponent. We know his way to solve budget deficits is not through spending cuts. Why do we know this? Because KENT CONRAD HAS NEVER PROPOSED A SINGLE ELIMINATION OF ANY FEDERAL PROGRAM. He like the rest of his party prefers to throw more money at problems and finance it by tax increases. In Conrad’s eyes all budgets can be balanced as long as there are enough tax receipts brought into the federal coffers. What he doesn’t understand is that tax receipts come from our paychecks.

If we use Conrad’s own words, “in Washington it is better to see what people do rather than what they say”, one can reach only one conclusion. Conrad says he is a fiscal hawk but what he does is more like a fiscal fraud. Oh, certainly he may believe in balancing budgets but he believes only in balancing them in one way. It can be argued that very few Senators have benefited from pork spending more than Conrad and his fellow Democrat, Senator Dorgan. They continually get reelected in a state where people vote for Republican Presidents. It is spending that has kept him in office and it is only tax increases that will allow him to balance a budget. A look at his voting record will be all the “ morse code” one needs to understand how Conrad’s numbers and how he too prefers to hide what he does by what he says.


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