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University A Conservative Harvest: A Boston Tea Party …(Big Bird)

Friday, March 04, 2005

A Boston Tea Party …(Big Bird)

Earlier this week the distinguished Senator from West Virginia Robert Byrd referred to Republicans as Nazi’s because of the Republican threat to remove the filibuster as a means of preventing prospective judges from reaching a vote in the Senate. This type of talk is coming from a man who at one time was third in line to be President of the United States.

Byrd has always tried to portray the idea of a great orator. The older he gets he becomes less oratatish and more wind-bagish. Democrats often refer to him as the conscience of the Senate. Telling us how much respect he has for the legislative branch for which he has served for a long time. The old coot has so much respect for the office but he continually disgraces it. Robert Byrd does not know what life would be like if he were not a Senator. What has happened to him happens to many of us. Eventually we all get old. Having Byrd in the Senate is about as interesting as seeing an over the hill boxer enter the ring one last time. The person ends up embarrassing himself.

Byrd’s fellow Democrats are so intellectually bankrupt they cannot condemn these remarks by a fellow who was once a member of the KKK. Just looking at Byrd, you see plantation written all over him. This guy has a look that tells me he believes not all men are created equal. I would rather listen to Big Bird than to Robert Byrd. At this time in their careers Big Bird can teach us more than Robert Byrd can. As the old “Gambler” song said, “Know when to hold ‘em, know when to fold ‘em”. The State of West Virginia needs to end his career before he does more damage to himself, his state, and his country. The spokesman of the Senate has become a humiliation to the degree of Ted Kennedy.


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