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University A Conservative Harvest: A Boston Tea Party …(Kings)

Monday, March 21, 2005

A Boston Tea Party …(Kings)

The Senate voted 100 – 0 on passing a bill to possibly saving Terry Schiavo’s life last night. The House of Representatives, however, did not provide a unanimous vote in favor of Ms. Schiavo. The argument most given was that the representatives felt that government had no reason to get involved in this case. They also felt congress had no business overriding a judge.

The court system is the Democrats last bastion of change. Recent past elections tell us they no longer have platforms that win elections. In order to remedy their situation they continually look to the federal courts as their only way to cause social change in America. This is done in many ways. Court cases are brought up in districts where the outcome is predicted to be most favorable. Federal judge nominees are filibustered to prevent them from ever taking the bench. Democrats have no problem having judges in our court system reversing the will of the people so long as the outcome is to their preference.

Because Democrats no longer control the Presidency or both houses of Congress, they are perfectly happy to overstate the power of the judiciary. Judges with their life terms have become similar to “kings”. Under the current way of operating judges are not held accountable. This lack of checks and balances offers the willing Democrats an end around to winning elections. It is time judges answer to the will of the people. The Terry Schiavo situation involves many issues. One issue that should not be debated is representatives of the people (the House, Senate, and President) speak for America the judiciary does not. Representation of the people replaced the power of “kings” in our Constitution. One hundred Senate votes show the people want their voice heard. If the judges refuse to listen then steps to bring the power of these “kings” in balance will be required. My hunch is we won’t see 100 Senate votes in favor of judicial constraints. Unanimous Democrat votes in the Senate will be as likely as an end to judicial filibusters. When you lose elections only “kings” can expand your agenda.


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