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University A Conservative Harvest: Cry Of The Loon …(Validate)

Sunday, March 13, 2005

Cry Of The Loon …(Validate)

Red eat’n, gun tote’n … well maybe not. The Loon of the Midwest put his for sale sign out again on Friday. A day after saying he does not see much wrong with drilling for oil in ANWAR he was inundated with calls from his far left friends demanding he change his mind. Ed fired back with a statement that reinforces what I have always said he is about. After taking calls from many upset constituents Ed said, “To tell you the truth I am not sure what I think about ANWAR…….I am just the facilitator here”.

Finally we got an admission that “the loon” is for sale. He does not have a core belief system nor does he research an issue deep enough to base an opinion on it. If his audience requires it he will change is mind. The use of the word facilitator is also very accurate. Ed’s whole career as a talk show host has been that of facilitator. With his lack of knowledge on most subjects he acts more like a message board. His show becomes a place for like-minded people to call in and state an opinion regardless of having it based on fact or fiction. I guess facilitating adds up to ratings. Facilitating also means that the audience should not expect him to know things in great detail. As I have said he needs his audience to educate him rather than the other way around. I would have a hard time believing Rush or O’Reilly develop their opinions based on the number of calls for or against a particular issue.

I guess the nicest thing one could say about Ed is that his opinions are very clintonesque. Meaning one should use a poll or an audience to shape his beliefs. If enough upset callers would reign down on Ed he could soon become a vegetarian. If that were to happen he would probably give credit to his wife for the change in lifestyle. “I am not sure what I think” is the understatement of the year. Saying the same thing a different way would be “Why don’t you tell me what I should think”. I just love it when “the loon” validates my opinion of him.


At 3:23 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

See also your last cry of loon, when he also validated my theory and belief of this moron. I caught 30 seconds of his show to hear a caller call and give reference to Joe Scarborough, and as I have said before and in your last article on the loon, watch how he is. He quickly replied to the caller, "Joe Scarborough is and idiot." Did I not say he is a loser. When he first started this facade of a talk show with class, he could not talk enough about Joe and his show and how he was going to be on the show and how he was on the show and how he wishes he could be on the show again and again etc.. Now that he has not been on forever, he calls him an idiot. SEE HOW THIS LOSER IS.

I would suggest to this blogger, to keep the honest and conviction based pressure on this loser and make as many people aware of the total chameleon person this loser is. He is pathetic and classless.



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