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University A Conservative Harvest: What Are You Thinking …(Sorry For The Inconvenience)

Tuesday, March 22, 2005

What Are You Thinking …(Sorry For The Inconvenience)

Now that the Terry Schiavo case has been lost in Federal Court, she will be allowed to starve to death. It is fitting that something like this takes place during Easter week.

On Sunday while attending church a visiting French priest was giving the sermon. The reading of the gospel had taken extra long because of the reading of the Passion. This meant that all those in attendance had to stand throughout the entire Passion reading. One could sense a relief from the parishioners once the gospel reading was over. The priest I am quite certain could feel the relief and commented on it. He said, “We just read how Jesus Christ had spent 3 hours dying on the cross for humanity and yet we feel inconvenienced if we have to stand for 15 minutes during the reading of the Passion”. His comments fit my mood upon hearing the federal judge was not going to reverse the state of Florida’s decision on Terry Schiavo.

Each day we bring down the standards of the past. Yesterday brought news of a school shooting in Minnesota. It is now a common acceptance that things happen in America that my parent’s generation could never have thought possible. From starving disabled people to death to school shootings to cheating in sports to lawsuits to gay marriage to children playing poker to divorce to Scott Peterson to abortion to political correctness to sexual predators to methamphetamine to government dependence to teen sex to doing away with the ten commandments, we have allowed everyday life to lose its focus. Cell phones and computers have allowed us to be more portable. We get instant access to all our heart desires. We have an attitude that no one should ever have to feel bad. A quick fix is often preferable to a long-term answer. The more technology we gain, the more information we gather, it seems the more common sense, respect for the past, and dignity we lose.

American society has lost its will to struggle through hard times. Any type of sacrifice will not be tolerated. America now expects wars to be fought without people dying. The common theme is do not inconvenience me. This has happened in one generation. What will life be like when our teenagers become parents? I imagine even less inconvenience and a continual sinking into the abyss. Politicians have told us we can have everything we want. We have accepted that as the truth. Hardships and suffering will not be accepted even for 15 minutes in church. While some enjoy the freedom that comes with a lack of burden upon their shoulders, I do not. Society has let the “jeanie” out of the bottle and I am afraid from now on it will always be this way. Life will become easier by the year but most definitely the people will continue to be less dignified.


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