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University A Conservative Harvest: A Boston Tea Party ...(Ying and Yang)

Saturday, March 26, 2005

A Boston Tea Party ...(Ying and Yang)

Polls say sixty-five to eighty percent of the American people say the government is overreaching in the Terry Schiavo case. An overreaching government...really? It bothers you...really? Since when?

The past election tells us we have a country where fifty percent vote Republican and fifty percent vote Democrat. Democrats LOVE instrusive government by nature. From farm subsidies to Social Security to welfare to national health care, Democrats demand government intervention. For them to now say that the feds are sticking their nose into something they shouldn't is most hypocritical. Democrats value an ever expanding federal government in our lives and base their policies towards that end. To suggest otherwise is almost laughable. Maybe we should look at it as a positive there is actually an issue where Democrats prefer government stop its ever expanding role.

Republicans of the recent past have given up trying to shrink the size of government. They may spend less than Democrats want them too but still spend more than should be acceptable from a party that calls themselves conservatives. They are hypocrits for the exact opposite of Democrats. If Republicans are angered by the involvment in the Terry Schiavo case then let us see them demand the same from their party in all government issues. Policies of less government are now just wishful thinking to Republicans. They no longer have the political will to follow through. I guess one could say they are hypocritically consistant.

Evidently I am the only one who sees a direct relationship to the size of government and the reach of government. It works in unison. As connected as ying and yang. We cannot have one without the other. Accepting one while criticizing the other defies logic. Logic would tell us the sixy-five to eighty percent in the polls does not represent either party because both parties long ago began meddling in all aspects of our lives.


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