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University A Conservative Harvest: Backstabber

Wednesday, November 16, 2005



At 2:00 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Where's the "Cry of the Loon" heading? I can't wait to see it!

At 2:44 PM, Blogger schumacher said...

what exactly do you mean "where is the heading"? i will answer if you could please clarify for me what you mean.

i do have cry of the loon articles on here, just look at past articles to find them

At 4:02 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I am Ed Schultz. I host the fastest growing talk show in the country, even if I list some of the stations I am on, twice. I am the leading voice of the progressive talkers or I mean Liberal talkers or I mean progressive talkers, no wait, did I say progressive, I meant liberal. Or wait, hold on, let me put my finger in the air. Ahh that's right, I am a Democrat. Whoooooaaaaaa! hold on, did I say Democrat. I meant progressive. Whooppps!!!!! Hang on there readers, just a second. "Hey Wendy, what the hell are we again?????? Oh ya! Liberal. Wait a second, Homey. Your the brain behind me, tell me what I am?? Progressive. Ok that is it, I am Progressive. Homey told me so and he is the brains behind me. Shut up Vern, I know you failed as the Democrat leader for ND. I am a progressive and that is that. HA! what did you say. What is Progressive???, Well that is you know, I mean, You know what I am saying. It is progressive, it means ah well it means progressive. It is a name we make up because we are ashamed to call ourselves liberals or Democrats. Whew, there we are. enough of this, I am tired. I need to go have a cool one at the bar and tell more lies, as this defining one's position is hard work.

At 8:34 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I found them P.S. They're terrific. Thanks!

At 11:09 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

The way the Democrats and some of the Republicans are acting is a disgrace. Other counties are looking at us, pointing their fingers and laughing at us, saying this is Democracy at work….Hahahaha…What a joke. The politicians are acting like a bunch of small children, pointing fingers and getting nowhere. I cannot believe that we the citizens of the United States of America are wasting our tax dollars on such childish displays. I believe that it is time to overhaul the congress and start with renewed energy that can work together and not spend all of their time bickering and pouting, because their party is not in office. If the Democrats want to gain power and represent the country we will truly be in trouble at this time as they have shown us only their simple-minded mentality at work. Now they want us to tuck our tails between our legs and run….Is this how we show our strength, support, and solidarity? No, this is how inner political fighting weakens the greatest nation in the world. When one party is in office, we all need to support that party and accomplish what is on the agenda, not spin our wheels by trying to cut down the other party. These Democratic politicians need to grow up or maybe as I mentioned earlier, get out!!! I once was a Democrat, but I became so embarrassed over the years as I realized their college-sorority-based-mentality. Perhaps they are all alcoholics and just have not ever been able to reach their emotional maturity.


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