A Boston Tea Party …(Idiot Of Preference)
If you listen to a Democrat speak or pay attention to their political views you will find that they will often contradict themselves if their cause is helped. Take for instance the use of the word “idiot”
Democrats have been calling President Bush an idiot for more than four years. After the recent election they also felt anyone who voted for Bush is a ____ idiot. Now with the naming of new cabinet members we hear that Bush has failed to bring in the brightest of the brightest even if they disagree with him. Therefore insinuating that Bush has settled for idiot “yes” men and women rather than have intelligent dissenters as part of his cabinet. The Democrats certainly have made it known that idiots are only useful to Republicans, that is unless …
You are a crack addict, a drug dealer, a town drunk, an ex-con, or any other social degenerate. If you are that type of idiot and are eligible to vote then you are a valued member of the Democratic constituency. An idiot like this is needed to help vote for their candidate and therefore a more preferred idiot. They were even willing to help such idiots get to the voting booth all in the name of “get out the vote”. I know I feel the more crack addicts that vote the better of this country will be. Not! It may not be politically correct to call town drunks or criminals idiots but it is at least accurate. I wonder is a person who requires the help of an idiot also an idiot? I am willing to bet that more of the Democratic preferred idiots can be found in the blue areas of the country. I also know for certain those same preferred idiots are not members of the current administration.
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