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University A Conservative Harvest: A Boston Tea Party … (Silence Is Golden)

Tuesday, November 16, 2004

A Boston Tea Party … (Silence Is Golden)

The United Nations stands as a pillar to world consensus for the left. It gives a voice to the many who feel America needs to be held accountable for its actions. The left feels that unless the United States gains approval from the United Nations, American foreign policy is illegitimate. We heard during the election cycle that Bush had alienated the world by not having the approval of the French, Germans, and Russians for going to war with Iraq. The media did its part to remind us of that on a very regular basis.

Just two short weeks after the election we now hear from a Senate committee investigating the oil-for-food program that Saddam Hussein has illegally siphoned $21 billion from this program to help buy foreign support for lifting U.N. sanctions against Iraq. It is no surprise that fraud is involved but the shocking news is how massive the fraud actually is. Even more alarming is the amount of cover-up being done by Kofi Annan and his staff. They are refusing to provide documents and access to officials that Senate investigators are requesting.

As each day passes and more information is gathered, it becomes easier to understand why America was never going to be able to get permission to go to war with Iraq from France and Russia. When the dust settles many embarrassing facts will point to very high levels of their governments as well as the United Nations. It is already being speculated that this scandal will require Kofi Annan to resign. At this point there has been very little outrage coming from the left over the disgraceful amount of fraud involved. As the credibility of their beloved United Nations goes up in smoke, the left’s silence is golden. Will we hear them speak out about United Nationsgate? My hunch says their lips remain sealed and they hope nobody notices. The left criticizes the United Nations. They would rather accept corruption than an aggressive American foreign policy.


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