A Boston Tea Party …(Vindication)
Bill Clinton’s Presidential library was opened this week. He also had an interview with ABC’s Peter Jennings to discuss his legacy. Clinton lamented on the unfair treatment he believed he received from Kenneth Starr and the news media. Clinton felt that the media was willing to repeat any tid-bit of sleaze that Starr was willing to leak to them. Clinton also claimed he received his vindication when he received a standing ovation from the United Nations assembly after his impeachment proceedings.
It is my view that the former President and the current President operate in almost complete opposite ways. While Clinton would base his decisions on polls and what would be the most popular, President Bush bases his decisions on gut and conviction. Bush is willing to go to war without the approval of the rest of the world while Clinton would never operate in such a solo manner. Clinton was loved by the media and cultural elites while Bush is despised. Clinton lied to a grand jury and brought disgrace to the office of the Presidency while Bush has brought respect back to the office. While Clinton was in office the Democrats lost control of both houses of Congress while with Bush in office the Republicans have gained additional seats.
Clinton prefers to justify his actions as President by citing how popular he was with the United Nations. The same group of representatives that have Iraq in the human rights committee and had allowed Saddam Hussein to buy off their respective countries support in return for money. His self felt vindication from this corrupt organization is also vindication for the current President. A standing ovation for Clinton from the United Nations seems fitting for a person with his integrity. President Bush’s vindication comes from the exact opposite. As long as members of the United Nations remain in their seats America will know it is on the correct path.
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