What Are You Thinking …(Man Of The Year)
Time magazine chooses a man of the year each December. I think it is obvious to everyone that the race is over. And the winner is Michael Schiavo. He wins hands down. What an impressive man he is. His qualifications are as follows:
He loved his wife so much that he decided to live with another woman and have two children with her. This qualifies as a very terrific husband. A true role model for husbands everywhere.
He was such a good listener. He proves this by remembering a casual conversation with his wife where she told him she did not want to live if on life support. Most of us men would be too busy looking at the nearest sports score to remember such a conversation but not Michael. He remembers every word Terri ever told him.
Most women I know love their parents more than anything……I dare say maybe even more than their spouses. Daughters no matter how old seem to be very close to their fathers. Michael shows how special he is because he knew Terri loved him more than anything on earth….even more than her father. He knew what was best for her and he also knew that she would agree with him.
Class is another reason for him being named man of the year. Any man that would bury his wife in Pennsylvania while he lives in Florida is a classy man. He knows that he does not want to burden the current woman in his life by having his wife buried so close to him.
Generosity is one more thing that Michael Schiavo has shown the world. Throughout the entire 15 years of this ordeal he has always shown incredible generosity towards Terri’s family. He also was very generous to his lawyer by allowing him so much free airtime. The taking out of the feeding tube showed the world how generous his heart is.
Finally, Michael is a man before his time. He has the foresight to see that America should be the land of death. The free will of the individual is what is most important. Many years from now we will all thank him for his crystal ball look into the future. He will go down in history as one of the forefathers of death on demand. He has shown everyone that only Christ needed to suffer, the rest of us can take the easy way out.
Thank you Michael. There has never been such a clear-cut winner of the Man of the Year Award. You ran away with it. No contest.