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University A Conservative Harvest: January 2006

Tuesday, January 31, 2006

A Boston Tea Party …(The Anatomy Of Re-election)

Once upon a time there were two Senators from the same state who voted differently on a Supreme Court nominee. These two Senators obviously represent the same constituents yet did not vote the same way. This story tries to figure out how this could happen.

I have mentioned in a few articles that I visited Washington, D.C. in December. A young man from Senator Dorgan’s office gave my wife and I a tour of the capital building and answered any questions I had for him. He continually tried to convince me Senator Dorgan did not care if one was a Republican or Democrat but rather what was in the best interest of North Dakotans. Dorgan’s fellow North Dakota Senator Kent Conrad expressed this same sentiment last week on the “Ed Schultz Show”. Schultz was asking the Senator how he was going to vote on the Alito nomination. Conrad answered with undisputable facts. Alito was favored by a strong majority of the country. Alito was given a top vote by the American Bar Association. North Dakota citizens favored Alito even more than the national polls (my guess is a minimum of seventy percent). Conrad told Schultz that a Senator must represent his/her constituents.

In theory Senator Conrad is correct, in theory. Dorgan’s vote is the reality of politics. Conrad is up for re-election. Dorgan is not. Both Senators vote for their constituents every time they pass another farm entitlement program. When the time came to vote for an extremely qualified justice nominee only one could vote in the manner the citizens of North Dakota demanded. The reality of this telling event is every vote is politics.

Elected official’s motivations matter. There is no better example of motivations than this particular vote. These two men should have voted in unison, for or against Alito. Conrad’s concern for re-election prevented that from happening. Had Dorgan also voted in favor of Alito, I would have been complementary to the both of them. Because their votes were split is perfect evidence to me why only thirty-four percent of Americans feel Congress people do a good job. They only do what they should when the fear of losing an election is hanging over their heads.

The Republican Party in this state should have new commercials running tomorrow. Dorgan’s “no” vote can be wrapped around both his and Conrad’s neck. In order to defeat these two men one must talk about them as a pair. Splitting votes on this justice provides insight into the anatomy of re-election. If I were running against either of them I would use it as a weapon against them. My commercial would ask the people of North Dakota which Senator voted with their heart. My hunch is it was Dorgan.

Monday, January 30, 2006

A Boston Tea Party …(Pure Magic)

As we sit on cusp of the Alito confirmation there is much jubilation around conservative circles. We are another step closer to placing the judiciary in its proper role. Additional work is to be done. Conservatives must hope for this President to have the opportunity to nominate one more justice before his term is up. The Roberts and Alito hearings prove that qualified constitutional justices can win confirmation. The important thing is the nominee must be qualified.

It seems pertinent to me to remember at this wonderful time how we got here. The outstanding nominee Alito was only nominated after the nonqualified Harriet Miers resigned her nomination. The euphoria some conservatives are feeling tonight should be coupled with a deep amount of gratitude. Special thanks should be given to “The National Review”, Mark Levin, Rush Limbaugh, David Frum, Laura Ingram, Mitch Lowery, Peggy Noonan, Bill Bennett, and Kate O’Beirne for standing tall on principle. They remained true the conservative ideology when the President chose to nominate Miers. The White House and those who decided to back the President misrepresented this group. Arguments of elitism rang through the air.

It is because of the strong will of the names mentioned above that conservatives can savor another victory. Conservative principles will stand up against all those who try to defeat it because of common sense. I suggest those of you who bailed on those traits remember this the next time. Conservatism is a way of life and like I have referenced before will outlast any one single President. When Alito is sworn in tomorrow let us all hope for one more chance. Let the third time be the charm. I am certain there are even stricter constitutionalist justices available. If you think the Dems went nuts on Alito just wait for a third Bush Supreme Court nominee. It would be pure magic.

Thursday, January 26, 2006

What Are You Thinking …(“Poiter”)

In the newest episode of radio’s version of “Days Of Our Lives” in the Fargo/Moorhead area Jack & Sandy have left WDAY to go back to their roots at KFGO. Let me qualify my view of what has happened by saying I have never, ever, ever listened to Jack & Sandy. I do however have a short history dealing with radio people and how unprofessional some in that business operate.

There are a few things that are certain in radio. These people have egos and very, very few have any loyalty. Whatever station they happen to be employed with is the best and their people are the best; until they are employed by a different radio station then the new one is the best. Everyone plays nice when on the air but will discredit someone off of it in order to get that time slot. Most of these people are extremely fake and do not like outsiders. I remember an FM radio host once telling me that I should leave being on the radio to radio professionals. I answered him by saying how I could see how someone who plays records for 10 – 15 year old girls can get awfully full of himself. I mean talk about a job with great significance. It is a much different business than what most business professionals are used too.

Why? Because of ratings. This is how they are graded. A grading system that is wrought with smoke and mirrors but evidently is the only system they can figure out to use in order to rank themselves. While many may listen to talk radio as much very few listen to it anymore than my circle of friends. In near twenty years of doing so none of us have ever been involved in telling an Arbitron system who we listen too. If you are like most people you switch channels regularly depending on whether you like the host or not.

Which brings me back to this uproar over J&S, two radio hosts who one year ago were burned by their friend Ed. Who can forget Ed crying on the air last year wondering if J&S were still his friends? Awesome entertainment! The evil Ed had left them homeless on the street. WDAY rode in and rescued them before they starved. I would suggest not because of the kindness of WDAY’s heart but because if felt it could put one too the competition. Hire J&S and steal their listener ship, which is not much different than in football signing a free agent from one of your divisional foes. Smart business. But I wouldn’t have done it.

This is where the radio business whores itself. You spend all year long trying to beat your competition and then the next day you hire them and tell them how much you enjoy them. If I spent five years trying to whip your butt I would much rather continue to do so than smile and call you a buddy the next day. You can only be that way if you are in this business or sports. I do not want Brett Farve on the Vikings it just wouldn’t feel right.

So I personally would have never hired them. If I am on WDAY I would have felt J&S were from the darkside and would have wished them well with the excuse it wasn’t a good fit. Radio stations take on the personality of their most popular host. Evidently at WDAY this is a family type atmosphere. It is also a conservative station even though Scott is probably the only conservative in the entire building. At KFGO for the time I was around and I am certain still today is much more of a looking over your shoulder fear. Explainable because its main host was the walking time bomb Schultz. When Schultz’s bomb goes off the one guarantee is he will benefit.

In the year since WDAY hired J&S you could tell they just didn’t fit. They probably brought most of their audience but I just knew it wouldn’t last. While most personalities on WDAY are closet liberals these two were unabashed liberals. You mix them with Hennan’s conservative listeners and you had an unfair fight. It was like throwing fresh meat to the lions. Two proud liberals having to directly follow the area’s conservative voice. J&S were left to fend themselves off from the conservative listeners who had not yet changed the dial. They were no longer in a comfort zone. I felt like many the hiring of J&S by WDAY was a slap in the face of its conservative audience, another reminder of the sleezy side of radio.

Did J&S leave WDAY in a class way? No! Should we expect anything different from most radio people? No! It is the nature of the beast. The ironic and wonderful thing about this (for us with a taste for sarcasm) is how J&S did to others what was done to them. Liberals talk a good game but damn they love money as much as the rest of us. I would have paid a hefty price to see J&S drinking champagne in one room while Ed was fired in the next. Like the mastercard commercial says "priceless".

So Fargo/Moorhead woke up to a new world today. Ed is gone. J/S are back where they belong on the liberal station and WDAY is left to find a new host. Ah… a new host. It amazes me all of the recycled names people are offering up. It amazes me what people think is quality in this area. Names like Jill St. John, Boyd Christianson, Jack Michaels, Ed Schafer, Steve Poitress, Rob Lynch, Kevin Cramer, blah blah blah are being suggested. God help us! Here is a novel concept… how about someone we have never heard of or maybe a group of hosts. I have a hunch any dope could host a radio show in this area and the always nice Scandinavians in this area would say him/her is doing a great job. Live a little folks, think outside your comfort zone for a minute and lets have someone fresh. A person that is intense, articulate, knowledgeable, and doesn’t drink the kool-aid of either side. The hell with this live and local mantra we all hear about. We get a blend of live and local all day as long if the show is not nationally syndicated. The person who fills this time slot must understand what is going on nationally and mix in a local flavor when appropriate. “Poiter” types are not who I want for the job. The milk toast crowd may go for it but I prefer a little bite with my talk radio.

Tuesday, January 24, 2006

Cry Of The Loon ...(The Official Ballad)

Finally, we have the publishing of the official ballad for the Cry Of The Loon heading. This song is sung to the tune for the theme of The Beverly Hillbillies.

Come and listen to a story about a man named Ed
A talk show host, barely kept his family fed
Then one day he was shootin’ at some food
Hit his dog and shot him up good.
Outdoorsman that is, hunter, fisherman.

Well, the first thing you know, old Ed’s the Democrat heir
Dorgan said Ed move away from there
Daschle told him he would get his “share”
Said, remotes are the place you oughta be
So he loaded up his truck with Vern and Hom-ie.
Union folk that is, progressive rallies.

The Cry of the Loon!

Well, now it's time to get rid of Ed and his entire gang
Send 'em packin’ with a big loud bang
He has embarrassed this region for much to long
And proved he can be bought off for a song
Loon, that is, Jethro like, liberal mouthpiece

Never come back now, ya here?

A Boston Tea Party …(Worst Case)

Some of you are old enough to remember the Tootsie Pop commercial with the owl and turtle. In that commercial it was asked how many licks does it take to get to the middle of a tootsie pop. I thought of this commercial today when I was thinking to myself how many lost elections it will take before the Democrats finally realize the path they are following is wrong?

Democrats believe they have only lost one election, the one in 2004. They feel the election is 2000 was stolen from them. For this hypothesis lets assume it was not (which it wasn’t). It is therefore inarguable that Republicans have continually gained in each election since 1994. There was a small blip on the radar, which caused Gingrich to lose his leadership spot in the House but over-all Republicans have continued to strengthen their majority since ’94. So the dilemma for any honest, inward thinking Democrat must be whether the party is on the right side of the issues or if they are just not articulating their views in a way the voter will agree.

As of now it is obvious to anyone the Democrats believe the latter. I often like to think what is the worst-case scenario of any situation so for sake of conversation lets assume they again are wrong. What if the next few elections continue to show increases in Republican votes? Will it take one more Presidential election loss, two more, three more, or 10 more before the Party of the Left realizes the public is not buying what they are selling? Can some intellectually “progressive” person ever believe others won’t eventually agree with him/her? It took the owl just three licks before he gave up and bit into the tootsie pop but I think those on the left would lick that tootsie pop forever. Give them credit they believe in their cause however since 1994 a majority of the public does not. Could they/would they ever believe in changing their platform? Could they/would they ever return to the Democratic Party pre-Vietnam?

It takes more than one November election to make a trend. Should Republicans lose any ground in the coming November election I would hope they would look inward and analyze why. After more than ten years of elections the Democrats still refuse to do so. The Alito confirmations reaffirm this. Call it stubbornness or ignorance but the failure to adjust will continue the trend. Elections come elections go and loss after loss they become more convinced they are right and the other side just lies. My hunch is they remain firm in their cause and just repackage it ala Hillary. Worst case, Republicans continue to win even when sometimes they don’t completely deserve too.

Friday, January 20, 2006

Cry of the Loon …(Real American Zeroes)

Many of you have heard the BudLite commercials “Real American Heroes”. They were very popular a few years ago and are beginning to be aired again. This is my rendition that salutes our favorite loon. Please feel free to write your own version in the comment section. Maybe someone could record them to the background music. (the words in italics are sung by the background singer)

BudLite presents, Real American Zeroes.
Real American Zeroes!

Today we salute you Mr. straight talk from the heartland.
Mr. straight talk from the heartland!

Whether it is Ted Kennedy or Dick Durbin you are willing to kiss their ass.
B-o-u-g-h-t and p-a-i-d for!

You are the one who makes sure the progressive voice gets heard. The chosen one to rally the base.
Cra-zy liber-als!

Sure you switched sides but at least you made them pay for your principles.

So pop open a cold BudLite Mr. radio phony because a hooker like you is someone very few of us can afford.
You’re pa-thet-ic-c-c-!!!!!

A Boston Tea Party …(A Series Of Questions)

Personally I do not believe I share much in common with a liberal. In an effort to prove this theory I have decided to use a few articles as an experiment. I am going to pick a topic and ask for liberals and conservatives to comment with their belief on the issue. After receiving a few comments I will also comment on what I think. Will there be any common ground? I doubt it but there is a chance liberals in this area may be quite different than those on each coast. Over the next couple weeks I will post a question and how different people respond will tell us if there is any hope for agreement. You never know there might be one or two things we can agree on. So like Mike Meyers playing Barbara Streisand on Saturday Night Live used to say, “Here’s a topic, talk amongst yourselves”.

Do you believe child predators should be rehabilitated or should every state have “Jessica’s Law for first time offenders? In your answer please state whether you are a Democrat or Republican.

Hint, the next question will be border control.

Monday, January 16, 2006

A Boston Tea Party ...(Play Defense Than Offense)

EXTRA! EXTRA! Read all about it. The leader of Iran wants the state of Israel eliminated. I especially want to bring this to the attention of you Democrats. While you have probably heard or read this recently, you more than likely will brush this off as pure rhetoric.

Left wing pundit Juan Williams commented on Sunday’s “FOX News Sunday” that while Iran is under the control of a madman, he sees no reason why the world should intervene militarily for at least three years. The remaining panel discussed how close Iran is to having nuclear weapons and the situation was nearing a very critical point. It sounded a lot like discussions of Iraq in the late ‘90s.

Democrats will want to sit on their hands with a belief the United Nations and more specifically Europe will be able to negotiate with them. Israel, with our blessing should preemptively take out any nuclear capabilities Iran may have. They have been threatened with extinction. America should do whatever is required to eliminate this enemy of their ally in the Middle East. Of course such actions would be met with outrage from those on the left. They would prefer we sit back and wait while Iran becomes another North Korea. They would rather have America play defense than offense. Democrats are better talking about a problem than they are solving one. Juan Williams didn’t feel it was necessary for any American blood to be shed to prevent Iran from making nuclear weapons. As a card-carrying member of the left we should not be surprised.

A Boston Tea Party …(I Have A Dream)

Let me start with a premise, if the Republican Party governs in a conservative manner then Republicans will win most elections. A conservative manner would be shrinking government, reforming social security, Medicare, and the IRS. A conservative manner would continue a strong military and definite border security. Governing in a way that actually gives tangible results that people can see would guarantee Republican control of all branches of government well into the future. My premise also believes radio talk show hosts have a major influence on listeners and elected officials. Hosts like Rush Limbaugh, Sean Hannity, Bill O’Reilly, and Tony Snow provide pressure to Democrats and allow conservative voices in the country to be heard. Elected officials, I am certain, pay attention to these talk show host’s shows and what their listeners are saying. Their influence cannot be underestimated. Democrat official’s subsidized Ed Schultz’s show just so they could get a voice supporting their arguments on the air. My point is based on governing as a conservative wins elections and talk radio is a helpful and powerful tool.

The standard prototype for most conservative talk shows done on a national level involves bashing the Democrats and it is done very, very well. I would argue, though, bashing Democrats is as easy as 1,2,3 or like hitting a ball off a tee or like shooting ducks on a pond. Does it take great skill or effort to show Ted Kennedy is far to the left of most Americans? While the success of these talk shows cannot be disputed, it has always been amazing to me that the formats are so similar. The “copycat” mold of most talk shows seems no different than the glut of reality television shows. Once something is found successful the industry continues to repeat it without ever thinking outside the box.

I have an idea. Imagine a talk radio show as popular as Rush Limbaugh’s but different. Different in that rather than attacking Democrats on a constant basis spends most of it’s on air time keeping the host’s party of choice on point. Imagine a host with the influence of a Limbaugh constantly applying pressure on the Republicans to govern in a conservative way. A show that honestly tells the grass root audience how certain elected officials from their party are failing to govern in the manner for which they were elected. Something tells me such a show would control any politician who dare even think about going off the reservation. The question is would you listen? Would that type of show interest the normal talk show listener? It would interest me. A new type of talk show that applies as much burden on its own party as it does the other. Elected officials listen and if they know their voting base is learning how they stray from their elected promises they may be less willing to drift. I have a dream where some talk show host takes on his/her own party to help secure its future success. If such a show existed today we would not see the growth in government we have seen. Imagine the wrath a Limbaugh takes to the Democrats being applied to Republicans. No elected Republican would want to have that done to him/her. What a wonderful way to keep them in line.

It is quite possible the country will see very little difference between Democrats and current Republicans in this fall’s elections on most issues other than the war. If 2006 election results are negative to Republicans it is more than just those in office that are too blame. I would suggest these influential talk show hosts should take some responsibility. They have a bully pulpit that can be used as a policing of a party gone astray, not to use it in such a way fails us all. It could be the difference in getting just fifty-one percent of the vote and fifty-seven percent.

Thursday, January 12, 2006

Dynamic Duo

Reader Feedback

Is a blog a blog a blog? There are many types of blogs. Some like RealClearPolitics and National Review Online post commentary from professional journalists that we all appreciate greatly. Others like the Hot Talk blog offer insight on both national and local issues. National and regional talk shows and media representatives and personalities market Blogs like these. Blogs like Conservative Harvest and Take Back North Dakota are on a smaller scale and require word of mouth to increase the number of “hits”.

While most blogs provide links to other blogs that help support the writer’s arguments, Conservative Harvest does not. It is strictly my thoughts, convictions, and beliefs on the issues of the day. At times they are sarcastic, hopefully humorous, and have a bit of a bite to them. It is a blog where Republicans will be attacked whenever I disagree with them. Hopefully you enjoy reading what I have to say. Please leave a comment about your thoughts on this blog and any potential suggestions you may have. Do you enjoy it? Do you hate it? Does it make you think? Is there some subject you prefer to read about more than others? Would you prefer it didn’t even exist? I appreciate your feedback whether positive or negative.

Wednesday, January 11, 2006

A Boston Tea Party …(Please Come Back)

Step right up. Welcome to the circus known as the judicial confirmation hearings. For your entertainment we have three very interesting acts all under one tent. The price of admission is well worth it. We promise these acts will shock and amaze you. If you are not satisfied we offer a full refund.

Our first act stars Joe Biden the Senator from Delaware as the man who never stops talking. He promises to bore you to death with the longest sentences known to man. Listen carefully because every time you think he is about to finish he will surprise you and continue. You will be in awe at how he can speak on and on and on without taking a breath. In the end you will leave being astonished with how much he likes to hear himself talk. Because there is a chance you may fall asleep management does suggest viewing his act more than once so that you can hear what you may have missed while you dozed off. Again the circus is proud to present Joe Biden as the man “who can speak for hours without really saying anything”. Enjoy his show.

Our second act stars Senator Charles Schumer of New York. Charles promises to dumbfound you as the man who only talks about one subject. Feel free to ask him any question you want and test him. You will find he only talks about abortion. No matter what you ask him he will not waiver from that subject. Many of the most intelligent people in the world have tried to trick him into discussing something other than abortion and have failed. May be you can be the one to change this man with the “one track mind”. You are allowed to yell, scream, or distract Mr. Schumer in any manner you like but please management asks that you don’t yell “fire” while under the tent. Mr. Schumer will leave you wondering if he knows anything at all about something other than abortion. This man truly is a marvel of nature. Never before has one man been consumed entirely with one issue as much as he is. He is one of our most popular acts.

Our final and longest running act is Massachusetts Senator Ted Kennedy. Every circus needs a freak to really shock people and that is Ted. Some have called him a dinosaur. Others have called him an idiot. He may be both. One thing is for sure you will fall on your butt laughing as you listen to him speak. We must tell you though to make sure and listen closely because many of his comments are not very coherent but we think that is part of his charm. Again we present Ted Kennedy as the man “who doesn’t know what the hell is talking about “. What really makes Teddy so popular is his willingness to say anything regardless of truth. People have watched him for over 30 years and laugh more each year. While it may seem that Ted has had a few to many management promises he has not been drinking. It is just Ted being Ted. Management does, however, ask you not to feed him.

We thank you for coming to the judicial nomination circus and hope you liked the show. Please come back the next time a conservative judge is nominated and please bring a friend.

Tuesday, January 10, 2006

A Boston Tea Party …(Close To The Game)

Calling all conservatives, those who are real conservatives and those in name only. Pay attention. We have a choice before us. If you are a Democrat this has nothing to do with you. This is about the Republican family and its dirty laundry. Republicans are about to elect someone to replace Tom DeLay as majority whip of the House. Who that person is will tell us greatly the direction the Republican Party is going to take. At this time it is a two-man race between Roy Blount and John Boehner. The remainder of this article will hopefully make your choice obvious.

The first part of this article may be painful to many of you but sometimes the truth hurts. It may feel a bit like a rectal exam but like a rectal exam it should only hurt for a minute. In brutal honesty (those who know me know brutal honesty is my forte) there are only a handful of real conservatives in congress. There is no way you can be a true conservative and support the now ex-whip. It isn’t possible. I realize it is hard to believe but there is more to conservativism than just cutting taxes. Tom DeLay made earmarks (pork projects) fashionable for Republicans. He was/is more concerned with Republican power than he is in smaller government. It was DeLay who said something like there is no more fat to cut in the federal government. How can a real conservative support such a man? Some will say the man got things done. I agree, he succeeded in increasing the size of the federal government in a way a Democrat would be proud of. I for one am sick of seeing “Good ‘ol Tom” playing golf on some extravagant golf course on a lobbyist’s dime.

Supporters of DeLay fall into two categories. You have elected officials who love all the earmarks for their districts he has allowed them to put into spending bills and you have the coattail crowd. I am not much of a fan of either. The elected officials all want to be there for life and don’t want any newcomers. President Bush even helped Arlan Spector get reelected. The coattail crowd are those on the Republican fringe. They are not elected officials but have relationships with those who are elected. They include media members (TV analysts and talk show hosts), lobbyists, and those brilliant think tanker types. The coattail crowd has no objectivity. They mingle, cajole, and often back slap with these elected officials. Relationships are developed. There opinions become biased. They are part of the family. Outsiders, the little people like you and I, have no such connections. That is why it seems obvious to me that with DeLay it is not a case of “always in the wrong place at the wrong time” or some Democratic “gotcha”. DeLay smells. What he has done may not be illegal but it sure isn’t right.

If you support DeLay then you are too close to the game. You have been compromised. The game needs to stop. The game needs to blown up and started with a new set of rules. The choice is Blunt or Boehner. One (Blunt) is just a relief pitcher for the starter (DeLay). The other (Boehner) offers an opportunity, but no certainty, of governance like a true conservative. Boehner has never put an earmark in a spending bill in fifteen years in the House. Who you choose to support will tell me all I need to know about you. Do you want a chance of a new game or are you comfortable with the way it is played now?

Democrats I told you not to read this. What happens in this family stays in this family.

A Boston Tea Party …(Trifecta)

Two down one to go. The confirmation hearings of Samuel Alito are now underway. His hearings will shine a bright light on the difference between activists and constitutionalists. Alito’s confirmation will be the second justice nominated by President Bush to sit on the Supreme Court. I want a third.

One more current Justice should retire. One more constitutionalist is needed to lock down the future direction of this country. One more nominee of President Bush is what is needed to permanently take this country back to where it should be. Should I be happy with two new justices? No, I want it all. It would be marvelous to rub the faces of Kennedy and Schumer in the dirt, step on them when they are down so to speak.

Listening to Kennedy and Schumer speak is like vomiting. One only hopes you don’t have to do it to often. Only in judicial confirmation hearings can one speak in a manner that borders on slander. Both men speak about wanting a Justice who will not place their personal feelings into their rulings. Strangely (joking), neither man had or have a problem when liberal Justices over the past 30 years instilled their beliefs. It was Thurgood Marshall who said, “You do what you think is right and let the law catch up”. The truth is these extreme liberals are only concerned if a conservative places their personal beliefs in their rulings.

A constitutionalist like Alito will not put his personal attitude in his rulings. He will rule in a manner that strictly interprets our constitution. The way all previous Justices should have in the past. His confirmation will help to stop the leftward movement we have seen. A third Justice confirmation would put in cement things like gay marriages, abortion on demand, and eminent domain. So lets hope we get one more. I want the trifecta, three new Justices sitting on the court. You think this nomination will be ugly, imagine the next one. A third nominee will put the left over the edge, just where Kennedy and Schumer belong.

Wednesday, January 04, 2006

A Boston Tea Party …(Rain, Rain, Rain)

It was my birthday yesterday. Last night as I blew out the 42 candles spread over my birthday cake I made a wish. I wished for indictments galore on members of congress. Jack Abramoff had agreed to plead guilty to corruption charges and is reportedly going to name names. My wish called for every member in Congress to have connections to Abramoff’s lavish gifts.

Most people are going to hope this scandal affects the opposite party of their allegiance. Not I. I want ‘em all involved. I want the hides of every single Congressman or Congresswoman who has been there for more than two terms. I closed my eyes and wished like a child. I wished harder than I ever had wished before. Let them all fall. Let this finally be the pill that poisons America. Let America wake up to the idea that if you spend most of your adult life in Washington you can’t help but be corrupted. Oh, sure there are some good guys there but they don’t need to be there for LIFE. I even like some of them myself but I like them less the more years they serve. Being a Congressman should not be a career.

My wish asked that America realize the only solution to such problems is term limits. No, not just electing some other person to serve because over time this will happen again. Term limits are needed to minimize the amount of time people can serve. Term limits minimize the amount of time corruption can influence you. Certainly there will always be bad apples, those who are bought and paid for from the first minute in Washington, but term limits will prevent those people from spending their adult lives in power.

I ask anyone who reads this to join in my wish. Help me make my wish come true. Wish for it to rain, rain, rain indictments on all who are in Congress regardless of party. Let’s wish for a downpour. Wish for a new beginning, a new patriotism for those who serve. Wish for all to have a chance to serve their country. Wish for the extermination of those who have turned serving into the career of a lifetime. Let all the rats that serve now be caught up in this scandal. For those who this scandal fails to touch, wish for them to have the decency to leave on their own. It would be the greatest birthday present ever.

A Boston Tea Party …(Traitor)

Find him! Do what ever is necessary to find the person who leaked the NSA spying of overseas phone calls. I want this person nailed! I want posters of this person shown to the entire country. I want this Benedict Arnold put away for life. Whoever it is has placed my family in danger and all must know his/her identity.

President Bush said, “If you are talking to El Qaeda the American government wants to know about it”. I should $#@ %$#@ hope so. There should not be a single person in America who has a problem with this. James Risen the “New York Times” reporter who broke this story called the person who leaked this information a “whistle blower”. I want to know the motive of this person. I want this person hunted down like an animal. I want these leaks to stop.

My suspicion is people are leaking information because of a personal grudge against something or someone. My suspicion is this information is not being leaked because of abuse but rather someone “personally” disagrees with the policy. It should not matter what government employees “personally” believe unless something illegal is being done. We are in a war and listening to private conversations between people in the United States and others in Afghanistan is a matter of national security.

So many people work in these governmental jobs for so long they span many administrations. Personally they agree with policies of some administrations and disagree with others. Who ever leaked this information to the “New York Times” needs to be identified. This person’s motives need to be known by the American public. In the now common partisan ways of Washington, I suspect we will find a political motive for the leak. One person’s “whistle blower” is another person’s “traitor”. Let this person go down in history as our generation’s Benedict Arnold.