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University A Conservative Harvest: A Boston Tea Party …(Rain, Rain, Rain)

Wednesday, January 04, 2006

A Boston Tea Party …(Rain, Rain, Rain)

It was my birthday yesterday. Last night as I blew out the 42 candles spread over my birthday cake I made a wish. I wished for indictments galore on members of congress. Jack Abramoff had agreed to plead guilty to corruption charges and is reportedly going to name names. My wish called for every member in Congress to have connections to Abramoff’s lavish gifts.

Most people are going to hope this scandal affects the opposite party of their allegiance. Not I. I want ‘em all involved. I want the hides of every single Congressman or Congresswoman who has been there for more than two terms. I closed my eyes and wished like a child. I wished harder than I ever had wished before. Let them all fall. Let this finally be the pill that poisons America. Let America wake up to the idea that if you spend most of your adult life in Washington you can’t help but be corrupted. Oh, sure there are some good guys there but they don’t need to be there for LIFE. I even like some of them myself but I like them less the more years they serve. Being a Congressman should not be a career.

My wish asked that America realize the only solution to such problems is term limits. No, not just electing some other person to serve because over time this will happen again. Term limits are needed to minimize the amount of time people can serve. Term limits minimize the amount of time corruption can influence you. Certainly there will always be bad apples, those who are bought and paid for from the first minute in Washington, but term limits will prevent those people from spending their adult lives in power.

I ask anyone who reads this to join in my wish. Help me make my wish come true. Wish for it to rain, rain, rain indictments on all who are in Congress regardless of party. Let’s wish for a downpour. Wish for a new beginning, a new patriotism for those who serve. Wish for all to have a chance to serve their country. Wish for the extermination of those who have turned serving into the career of a lifetime. Let all the rats that serve now be caught up in this scandal. For those who this scandal fails to touch, wish for them to have the decency to leave on their own. It would be the greatest birthday present ever.


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