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University A Conservative Harvest: What Are You Thinking …(“Poiter”)

Thursday, January 26, 2006

What Are You Thinking …(“Poiter”)

In the newest episode of radio’s version of “Days Of Our Lives” in the Fargo/Moorhead area Jack & Sandy have left WDAY to go back to their roots at KFGO. Let me qualify my view of what has happened by saying I have never, ever, ever listened to Jack & Sandy. I do however have a short history dealing with radio people and how unprofessional some in that business operate.

There are a few things that are certain in radio. These people have egos and very, very few have any loyalty. Whatever station they happen to be employed with is the best and their people are the best; until they are employed by a different radio station then the new one is the best. Everyone plays nice when on the air but will discredit someone off of it in order to get that time slot. Most of these people are extremely fake and do not like outsiders. I remember an FM radio host once telling me that I should leave being on the radio to radio professionals. I answered him by saying how I could see how someone who plays records for 10 – 15 year old girls can get awfully full of himself. I mean talk about a job with great significance. It is a much different business than what most business professionals are used too.

Why? Because of ratings. This is how they are graded. A grading system that is wrought with smoke and mirrors but evidently is the only system they can figure out to use in order to rank themselves. While many may listen to talk radio as much very few listen to it anymore than my circle of friends. In near twenty years of doing so none of us have ever been involved in telling an Arbitron system who we listen too. If you are like most people you switch channels regularly depending on whether you like the host or not.

Which brings me back to this uproar over J&S, two radio hosts who one year ago were burned by their friend Ed. Who can forget Ed crying on the air last year wondering if J&S were still his friends? Awesome entertainment! The evil Ed had left them homeless on the street. WDAY rode in and rescued them before they starved. I would suggest not because of the kindness of WDAY’s heart but because if felt it could put one too the competition. Hire J&S and steal their listener ship, which is not much different than in football signing a free agent from one of your divisional foes. Smart business. But I wouldn’t have done it.

This is where the radio business whores itself. You spend all year long trying to beat your competition and then the next day you hire them and tell them how much you enjoy them. If I spent five years trying to whip your butt I would much rather continue to do so than smile and call you a buddy the next day. You can only be that way if you are in this business or sports. I do not want Brett Farve on the Vikings it just wouldn’t feel right.

So I personally would have never hired them. If I am on WDAY I would have felt J&S were from the darkside and would have wished them well with the excuse it wasn’t a good fit. Radio stations take on the personality of their most popular host. Evidently at WDAY this is a family type atmosphere. It is also a conservative station even though Scott is probably the only conservative in the entire building. At KFGO for the time I was around and I am certain still today is much more of a looking over your shoulder fear. Explainable because its main host was the walking time bomb Schultz. When Schultz’s bomb goes off the one guarantee is he will benefit.

In the year since WDAY hired J&S you could tell they just didn’t fit. They probably brought most of their audience but I just knew it wouldn’t last. While most personalities on WDAY are closet liberals these two were unabashed liberals. You mix them with Hennan’s conservative listeners and you had an unfair fight. It was like throwing fresh meat to the lions. Two proud liberals having to directly follow the area’s conservative voice. J&S were left to fend themselves off from the conservative listeners who had not yet changed the dial. They were no longer in a comfort zone. I felt like many the hiring of J&S by WDAY was a slap in the face of its conservative audience, another reminder of the sleezy side of radio.

Did J&S leave WDAY in a class way? No! Should we expect anything different from most radio people? No! It is the nature of the beast. The ironic and wonderful thing about this (for us with a taste for sarcasm) is how J&S did to others what was done to them. Liberals talk a good game but damn they love money as much as the rest of us. I would have paid a hefty price to see J&S drinking champagne in one room while Ed was fired in the next. Like the mastercard commercial says "priceless".

So Fargo/Moorhead woke up to a new world today. Ed is gone. J/S are back where they belong on the liberal station and WDAY is left to find a new host. Ah… a new host. It amazes me all of the recycled names people are offering up. It amazes me what people think is quality in this area. Names like Jill St. John, Boyd Christianson, Jack Michaels, Ed Schafer, Steve Poitress, Rob Lynch, Kevin Cramer, blah blah blah are being suggested. God help us! Here is a novel concept… how about someone we have never heard of or maybe a group of hosts. I have a hunch any dope could host a radio show in this area and the always nice Scandinavians in this area would say him/her is doing a great job. Live a little folks, think outside your comfort zone for a minute and lets have someone fresh. A person that is intense, articulate, knowledgeable, and doesn’t drink the kool-aid of either side. The hell with this live and local mantra we all hear about. We get a blend of live and local all day as long if the show is not nationally syndicated. The person who fills this time slot must understand what is going on nationally and mix in a local flavor when appropriate. “Poiter” types are not who I want for the job. The milk toast crowd may go for it but I prefer a little bite with my talk radio.


At 11:34 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Wow, do you have an ego.

At 8:32 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

You are off the wall completely. I would be curious to know just how much of this so called experience you have with the "radio people". Your probably a radio wanna be that cant handle the fact others are and your not. You are just way to much in love with yourself obvioulsy. It is consistent with your blogs on a regular basis. You a garbage man?

At 8:51 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Please don't defame the hard working blue collar garbage collectors by comparing them to this windbag. Do you suppose this guy collects a paycheck or an inheritance?

At 8:52 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Your pathetic. I read these blogs of yours on a regular basis because I dont have enough humor in my life. If you didnt post on Scott's blog, you would not get one reader. I ususally dont waste time commenting. I am not a lib, so you can refrain from attacking me as one. Your ego has gone over the top. You have always displayed one, but today you have really gone off the deep end. Put your money where your mouth is. What experience do you have? You need to have some accountablity to have some creditablity, or your just another mouth. I do have radio experience, 30 plus years. I can tell you that yes, some have ego's, but there are many very professional individual in radio that are not even close to what you have discribed. And a parting thought, you displayed in your article today, what you accuse radio people as being. That is how i KNOW you are not in radio.

At 8:54 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Grant - You are right. My only point was to find something that was so totally opposite of a "radio" person, and someone that had some opportunity to listen to a great deal of radio? NO defaming here for garbage collectors. I respect them a great deal.

At 9:00 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Lets not give this idiot big mouth an even larger head by these posts. He never ever gets comments, he has shown today how messed up he is, now he will get comments. Hilarious. What is even more laughable is that he thinks he is so great that we read him. I for one read all the bloggers on Scott Hennen's blog. This guy is by far the dumbest. If you compare what he says to other bloggers, you will see that. I am not a lib, or a conservative so i hate no reason to dis this person on topics.

At 9:39 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Perry. You would add to your credibility by correctly spelling names of the former governor, Ed Schafer, and still-prominent Republican, Kevin Cramer.

At 11:26 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

He can't write or spell. Sad. He has a right to his opinion. Too bad he is so poor at communicating it.

At 2:43 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Get over it Scott. You are a typical Republican...your way or the hi way...grow up

At 2:45 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Simmer down everyone-

The fact is he didn't articulate his points as well as I would have, but that doesn't mean they are all without merit. I had to read the post about 3-4 times before I fully understood his point.

Radio is like any other profession, you have to prove your worth before anyone will take you seriously and even then sometimes people don't like "outsiders". Other people with less schooling or experience are often seen as not qualfied enough by people who have both. That my friends, is the way of the world.

Read the post again- you'll see what I mean.

At 2:57 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Simmer down everyone-

Stop freakin out about his post! Although he doesn't quite articulate his facts like I would, that doesn't mean they are without merit.

Radio is like any other profession. Professional jealousy and rudeness can be found everywhere people work. Just because it may have happened here in Fargo, doens't make PS a bad guy because he pointed it out.

Read the post again- it took me 3-4 times to get the real point.

And people- he isn't talking directly to you, don't take everything so personal.

At 4:01 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

A while ago you posted something about if anyone wanted to hear from you on this blog or FEEDBACK. Didnt the fact that only 2 people responded to that mean anything to you? You are ignorant.

At 4:48 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

BI freekin NGO, you hit it. All of the posts claiming you have an ego, are wacked. What other profession is so hard up for business, that it reports and writes about it's own industry, and ends up being lead material on that particular media outlets news. Wake up folks. Media people are fragile, ratings driven phonies. I have a mass comm degree, and nothing I was taught even resembles what today has for media, talk showa and everything affiliated with it. I can't drive around in a vehicle with flashing lights, giving away crap in order to win over people. I put in an honest day of work and gain customers on my merit or my employers merit. There are some real good media people, and I do not mean to lump them into one class, but all you have to do is listen or watch or read to see that the thoughts of this blog host are very correct. Why would Joke and Slanty even be on the front page of the local paper. It is sleeze, and people suck into and buy the junk. Have you noticed, how more and more media folks are interviewing other media folks. The public is sick of their crap and tuning out. Read letters to the editor. Look at how many times you see the same name of people writing the letters. Does this mean not many people are writing letters to the editor? possibly, but I would put money on the editors printing the most controversial in order to get a rise out of all of us. Look at this blog post, it sure generated a lot of replies. Let's all take a big deep breath and wish all of those in the media well. They have a job to do even though they have to sell themselves out to do it in a lot of cases. Sorry, I saw the writing on the wall and stayed very clear of the media field after getting my degree.

Great blog, keep up the good work.

At 5:19 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I had no idea that the hate-filled, anti-Bush, anti-Walmart, pro-government, pro-Vermont, anti-America, pro-Bonanzaville, Commandant Schultz, Commandant Heitcamp crowd was frequenting this Conservative Harvest blog. Keep up the good work, Perry. Grant, you should have 1/10th the work ethic of this guy. I know that you have called in to defend Jack and Sandy after I have caught them in one of their misinformed, intellectually challenged, serial, drive-by character assassination attempts at conservative Christians from the Valley. Keep it up Grant. Continue to do what you are doing. You are greatly helping the cause of conservativism with your hate-filled rhetoric. Perry is not a garbage man. He does have the radio background that he speaks of. He knows what he is talking about, and I know a red-diaper, doper-baby when I hear one.


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