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University A Conservative Harvest: A Boston Tea Party …(I Have A Dream)

Monday, January 16, 2006

A Boston Tea Party …(I Have A Dream)

Let me start with a premise, if the Republican Party governs in a conservative manner then Republicans will win most elections. A conservative manner would be shrinking government, reforming social security, Medicare, and the IRS. A conservative manner would continue a strong military and definite border security. Governing in a way that actually gives tangible results that people can see would guarantee Republican control of all branches of government well into the future. My premise also believes radio talk show hosts have a major influence on listeners and elected officials. Hosts like Rush Limbaugh, Sean Hannity, Bill O’Reilly, and Tony Snow provide pressure to Democrats and allow conservative voices in the country to be heard. Elected officials, I am certain, pay attention to these talk show host’s shows and what their listeners are saying. Their influence cannot be underestimated. Democrat official’s subsidized Ed Schultz’s show just so they could get a voice supporting their arguments on the air. My point is based on governing as a conservative wins elections and talk radio is a helpful and powerful tool.

The standard prototype for most conservative talk shows done on a national level involves bashing the Democrats and it is done very, very well. I would argue, though, bashing Democrats is as easy as 1,2,3 or like hitting a ball off a tee or like shooting ducks on a pond. Does it take great skill or effort to show Ted Kennedy is far to the left of most Americans? While the success of these talk shows cannot be disputed, it has always been amazing to me that the formats are so similar. The “copycat” mold of most talk shows seems no different than the glut of reality television shows. Once something is found successful the industry continues to repeat it without ever thinking outside the box.

I have an idea. Imagine a talk radio show as popular as Rush Limbaugh’s but different. Different in that rather than attacking Democrats on a constant basis spends most of it’s on air time keeping the host’s party of choice on point. Imagine a host with the influence of a Limbaugh constantly applying pressure on the Republicans to govern in a conservative way. A show that honestly tells the grass root audience how certain elected officials from their party are failing to govern in the manner for which they were elected. Something tells me such a show would control any politician who dare even think about going off the reservation. The question is would you listen? Would that type of show interest the normal talk show listener? It would interest me. A new type of talk show that applies as much burden on its own party as it does the other. Elected officials listen and if they know their voting base is learning how they stray from their elected promises they may be less willing to drift. I have a dream where some talk show host takes on his/her own party to help secure its future success. If such a show existed today we would not see the growth in government we have seen. Imagine the wrath a Limbaugh takes to the Democrats being applied to Republicans. No elected Republican would want to have that done to him/her. What a wonderful way to keep them in line.

It is quite possible the country will see very little difference between Democrats and current Republicans in this fall’s elections on most issues other than the war. If 2006 election results are negative to Republicans it is more than just those in office that are too blame. I would suggest these influential talk show hosts should take some responsibility. They have a bully pulpit that can be used as a policing of a party gone astray, not to use it in such a way fails us all. It could be the difference in getting just fifty-one percent of the vote and fifty-seven percent.


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