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University A Conservative Harvest: September 2004

Thursday, September 30, 2004

A Boston Tea Party … (Monday Morning Quarterbacks)

He should have gone for it on fourth down. He should have walked Barry Bonds. He should have made Shaq shoot free throws. Talk shows are full of these types of comments the day following a big game. The problem is seventy percent of the people making these statements only do so after already knowing the result of the actual play. Some of us prefer to decide before the play takes place. We make decisions as coaches as we watch the game. Sometimes those decisions are the same as the coach of our favorite team sometimes they are not. Occasionally on a talk show a person says they would have made the same decision as the coach did even after knowing the result. This kind of statement takes honesty and a realization that not all plays end up the way they were intended.

John Kerry is a classic Monday morning quarterback. The war in Iraq is easy to criticize the day after. To criticize the war before we went there would be legitimate, but to do it now is just plain sad. He voted for the war for political reasons before we went into Iraq when it is obvious to me that his heart wanted to vote no. He is to much of a United Nations crony to have felt the Iraq war was the right thing to do. The only reason he could not vote with his heart was that if he had done so he could never have run for President. To hear him say now that Bush should not have done this, he should not have done that is again sad. Think about it. If a decision works you say I (Kerry) would have done the same thing. If a decision doesn’t work he says Bush should not have done that or I (Kerry) would have done something completely different. Does he get out in front of the strategy in Iraq? Does he say bomb Fallujia? Or don’t bomb Fallujia? He says nothing until something happens then makes the obvious decision to be for it or against it depending on the result.

He also annoys me when he makes statements like he would get Germany and France to work with us in Iraq. He would make sure we win the war in Iraq. He would have a better plan for winning the war in Iraq. How does he know? No one can know for sure if the result would be better or worse. Should he not say instead that he would try to get Germany and France more involved. He would try a different strategy in Iraq. Try for less casualties. How can anyone know if his way is the right way? Isn’t he really just guessing? Isn’t that what war really is, an educated guess, you act then react then react again. You continue to forge ahead until your will is imposed on the other side, knowing that every decision will not always turn out as planned. You believe in your goal but you make decisions based on the best information at the time. You make decisions and not second guess them the day after. If the war had went exactly like Bush had planned, I wonder what Kerry would say about it. He would probably say that he would have done exactly the same thing. Decision makers don't have the luxury of "if you knew then what you know now" kind of thinking. In football terms I want my quarterback to play on Sundays, not on Mondays.

Wednesday, September 29, 2004

A Boston Tea Party … (Kent Conrad, master of the charade)

A true fiscal conservative spends no more than he makes. A true fiscal conservative believes that cutting spending is the first option when balancing a budget. A true fiscal conservative votes yes for a balanced budget amendment. A true fiscal conservative does not believe in government pork.

Kent Conrad, the self-proclaimed budget hawk of the Democratic Party, does not believe in any of the rules listed above. Oh, every time we see him on TV he is crying about the deficit spending of the Republican Party. This is the same Kent Conrad that voted against a balanced budget amendment. The same Kent Conrad who has never proposed a single budget cut on any federal program. Kent will follow with the argument that under the Clinton administration the budget was balanced than in fact the government had a huge surplus. Another instance where Conrad is a wolf in sheep’s clothing. There was a surplus during the Clinton administration but it had nothing to do with budget hawks the likes of Mr. Conrad. Spending continued with moderate increases while tax dollars coming into the federal government soared. Clinton had a tax increase, but most importantly the economic boom of the ‘90’s provided the federal government with more money to spend. It would be no different than you getting a surprise bonus from your employer. The problem with politicians from both political parties was that they figured they would be receiving this bonus each and every year for as long as their budgeted forecasts could predict. Magically they declared themselves as budget balancers. Having done so without holding down any expenditures. Talk about pulling a rabbit out of a hat, Kent Conrad could bring more pork back to North Dakota and still claim to be a budget hawk.

As we all know, those wonderful ‘90’s did not last forever. Our 401k’s all looked so good. Everyone was making money and with everyone making money the federal government was collecting more money. Politicians were spending every dime that was being collected. No reason to expect the economic boom to stop, but it did. It did on September 11, 2001. All of a sudden those projected collections of our tax dollars were not as large as once thought. They weren’t going to continue for as far as the eye could see. Republicans even passed a tax cut, a large tax cut. You and I and everyone else got to keep a little more of their own money. Shame on us. Spending wasn’t cut, very much the opposite, our politicians increased spending. We needed Homeland Security and senior citizens needed a medical drug program. Now we have deficits for as far as the eye can see. Will we ever hear discussions on spending cuts. Hell no! Have you ever heard Kent Conrad or any other budget hawk talk about spending cuts? Rule one for a politician is pork equals reelection. Spending cuts equal a real job.

Don’t get the wrong impression; Conrad is not the only politician to play this charade. If your read enough books you will find that easily ninety percent of our politicians act the same way. My problem with Kent Conrad is that he yells louder than most about the government needing to be so fiscally responsible. The charade is Conrad is more like a dove than a hawk when it comes to cutting spending. Don’t ever believe a Democrat will spend less than a Republican. Just the words “Democrat” and “spending cuts” are contradictions. Speak softly Mr. Conrad or guys like me will hit you over the head with a big stick.

Tuesday, September 28, 2004

The Cry of the Loon …Ed Schultz (Green Eggs and Ham)

Watch out for the stampede! Don’t let the children get trampled! Pray for extra security! The Ed Schultz book “Straight Talk From the Heartland” is about to hit bookstores around the country. Only in America can a farce like this write his own book. Next he will be battling Sean Hannity’s “Hanitization of America Tour” with his own “The Heartland Straight Talk Express Tour”.

What really surprises me is that Ed is having book signings in Fargo. Doesn’t he realize there could be riots? There are many more people in Fargo that dislike him, as I do, than there are people who like him. Speak from the heartland…….PLEASE! Ed doesn’t even speak for a majority of North Dakotans. If I remember correctly our state voted for a Republican for President. Why does this guy continue to embarrass us? I can only imagine the amazing insight he will bring to each and every page. Each and every person in the Fargo area will now have a point of reference to carry with us as we work to implement the thoughts of “Ed” into our daily lives. I am certain the in depth thoughts on every page will cause me to have to read them many times over just so I can comprehend the incredible knowledge he is trying to relay to me. Something like “I do like green eggs and ham. I do, I do, Sam I AM”.

A Boston Tea Party … (Debate or A Three Part Play)

The Presidential debates begin on Thursday evening. If I were you I wouldn’t get my hopes up. The lawyers of the two parties agreed on a fifty page document that defined such issues as what questions will be asked, how far apart the two candidates must be, and even what kind of paper can be used to write down notes. A Presidential debate should not be orchestrated down to the minutest detail. For this reason I believe the debate will be much more like a Broadway play than a debate. Sure there may be a major screw up by one of the participants just like occasionally an actor can have a bad performance.

Think about it, would you not rather have a debate that causes each candidate to think on there feet? A debate where the candidates don’t know the questions beforehand. A debate that allows the candidates to go after each other on issues rather than just speak to the camera. Why should a debate be limited to one subject? On Thursday the subject is foreign policy. I would rather see the candidates jump from one issue to another and back again. Oh sure we are going to see Kerry speak without really making a point and Bush mess up the pronunciation of a few words but we will not see any spontaneity or improvisation by the candidates. In the end each party’s talking head will spin the debate in their candidate’s favor and we will not have learned anything new about either one of them. The format won’t allow it. The only thing we will know is which candidate does better in a rehearsal than a live performance. I’ll be watching but I wish we could expect more from Presidential candidates.

Sunday, September 26, 2004

What Are You Thinking? … (One Vice Down, Three To Go)

Thanks to ESPN and reality television we have eliminated the stigma of one of the four vices or addictions I had always been told to steer clear of as I grew up. I was instructed as a youth that alcohol, drugs (including cigarettes), pornography, and gambling were all possible addictions that could affect me as a well functioning individual. To this day we continue to fight against the tobacco industry, illegal drugs, drinking responsibly and all child pornography. It took years to bring the lottery to the state of North Dakota.

Because parents now days take there directions from television, gambling is no longer thought of as a vice. With ESPN showing poker on a nightly basis, poker has now become mainstream. Poker is becoming as popular with teenagers and young adults as pierced body parts and tattoos. Another case of the continual lowering of the social bar by people who should know better, parents. If a poker party is cool enough to be put on ESPN well then by gosh my son or daughter can play it as well. Besides if they are having a poker party in the basement, a parent will at least know where their kids are and what they are doing.

Again I ask you “WHAT ARE YOU THINKING?” Did you hear me? Kids are being allowed to have poker parties. It is the new cool thing. Everyone is doing it. Everyday we sink closer to the gutter. I heard one analyst on TV say last week that gambling is no different than spending money going out on the town except when you are gambling you at least stand a chance of making some money rather that just spending it. I say we go all the way, why stop at poker. Teenagers should have their own subscriptions to a smut magazine of their choice and be able to buy cigarettes. We don’t have to allow teenagers to buy alcohol because many parents don’t come down on their kids for drinking as long as they don’t drive while drinking. Some parents have forgotten that there is a drinking age limit. I imagine with the same rationale all that needs to happen is to somehow have ESPN make these other vices mainstream and parents will not have a problem with their teenagers enjoying the activity.

Kids enjoying activities like poker is additional evidence that they need more to do. Kids become so bored so quickly that they continually have to invent new things to do. What happened to going to a movie, watching a video, or just hanging with friends. I would even suggest playstation is a better activity than having friends over for a game of poker. If one child suffers from an addiction to gambling later in life, he/she should sue his/her parents for neglect. If you think your child is just more mature than others and can handle the situation then do me a favor, get off your high horse and realize for the benefit of all of us that your child is nor more special, sophisticated, or mature than any other child growing up over the years. As Bill O’Reilly says, “that is why kids are called kids and not adults. They don’t have the experience or rationale to make sound decisions”. I offer one more suggestion place the parental control function of your television on ESPN.

Friday, September 24, 2004

A Boston Tea Party ... (Why The Heading?)

Often in this blog, you will see the heading “A Boston Tea Party …”. This heading will be used whenever a subject involving politics is discussed. Why did I choose such a heading? Because as a true conservative what I feel has to be done to take our country back from the power vacuum of Washington D.C. is a Boston tea party. Republicans are no longer conservatives, they have decided that power is much more important than conservative principles. To make my point, I offer you two books that give you the inside truth about how our children’s future is being mortgaged by elected officials from both parties. Both "Breach of Trust: How Washington Turns Outsiders into Insiders" written by former Republican representative Tom Coburn and "Rome Wasn’t Burnt In A Day" written by former Republican representative Joe Scarborough, detail how revolutionary new congressmen went to Washington D.C. in 1994 with the Contract for America as their mantra. What happens during there short time in Washington will surprise most kool-aid drinking Republicans.

Tom Coburn is a doctor from rural Oklahoma that gets elected as the first Republican representative from his district in 100 years. Joe Scarborough, host of MSNBC’s Scarborough Country, was also the first Republican representative elected from his district in Florida in 100 years. Two men writing such similar books are much more than just coincidence. Their vision after leaving Washington was very much different than there vision was arriving in Washington. What they learned was that political leaders from both parties are fixated on holding power than serving the public good. They were both told not to have ideas or principles of their own but rather to tow the party line. Remember that the party leadership never EVER forgets. They were both instructed that since the Republican Party had now gained power (1994), leadership would do whatever necessary to stay in power. It became abundantly clear to each man that staying in power meant adopting a spend now, pay later philosophy. Reelection was assured by continuing to bring pork home to each congressman’s district. After reading each book, it is easy to understand that after just a few terms (by Washington standards) each man became disgusted with the entire process of spending equals reelection vs. the conservative principle of shrinking government and decided to get out of politics.

We see even more evidence of this type of leadership from our politicians today. Republican President George Bush has yet to veto any spending bill. He has allowed the addition of a new prescription drug bill and a new federal department in homeland security without cutting any spending from other areas of the federal government. I can only name one man in Washington that has enough grass roots support to get away with speaking out against his own party. His name is John McCain. Everyday it becomes clearer to me why the Republican machine did not want him to win the 2000 nomination. He would not have followed this new Republican philosophy of spending like a Democrat in the name of being reelected. He would have brought attention to the gross amount of pork being suggested by Republican leaders and like Coburn and Scarborough say being called out in public by a member of the same party does not help in reelection bids.

After you read these books you will agree that what the citizens of America need to do is the same thing that happened around 1776. A Boston Tea Party is what will be required to get our future back. We need politicians that have the will to tell us that we can’t have everything for free. We need someone to tell each grandparent that asks for a prescription drug bill to sit his/her grandchild on their knee and tell him/her that he doesn’t care about their future bills as long as he/she gets help to pay for the drugs they need. We need a leader that will tell us that in order to pay for homeland security other programs are going to have to be cut. We don’t have those leaders today, so I say lets throw all of them in the harbor like they did 200 years ago, and lets put people in Washington that have a stomach for the truth. In this election we have a choice between a Republican and a liberal, not a conservative and a liberal. I still choose a Republican, but I am not happy about the lack of fiscal conservatism. Maybe Bush will shock me and veto a bill in his second term when reelection is not an issue. But I doubt it, as Joe Scarborough says in his book, "the Republicans doctrine has morphed from the government that governs least governs best to the government that's run by Republicans governs best". For this reason I say we throw a Tea Party.

A Boston Tea Party ... (We Must Be Winning)

Keep it up "W". Keep taking the fight to the region of Islam. It must be helping. Terrorists evidently are so bent on destruction in Iraq or running from the troops hot on there trail in Afghanistan that they have no time to terrorize the American soil. Keep up the pressure. Keep them occupied. Keep them disorganized.

Those are the only reasons I can figure that have prevented further attacks on us in America. I mean I am not naive enough to believe that our politicians are capable of keeping us safe. It is not for a lack of concern but rather the inherent inability of government to do anything well. Government bureaucracy by nature never gets things right the first time. It doesn't matter whether you’re republican or democrat; after you have been in government for a period of years you lose the will or desire to function efficiently and effectively. Republicans at least realize that private business and/or industry is always better than a government run department or program. For this reason I do not go to bed at night feeling all warm and fuzzy that my government is doing what is necessary to keep my family safe.

Explain the Cat Stevens thing to me. He is found to be on a 'do not fly' list but is only detained after he has already been on the flight. We are told they are investigating how this could have happened. Officials say they realize there are holes in the system. Another report I read this week says that in trial studies it has been found that explosive devices can still be smuggled onto airplanes in most U.S. airports. I guess those are more holes in the system. Do you think for a minute that our borders are any better protected? A false sense of security is the only reason to feel safe at this point. We haven’t been attacked here because George Bush is attacking terrorists on their soil and not ours. I would suggest once Iraq is settled we move to the next dangerous Islamic country and keep the terrorists occupied. Not for one minute should you think that if they were so capable, a terrorist group could bring terror back to our land. They haven’t done so because we are doing a better job over there (the middle east) then we are here ( the U.S.).

Wednesday, September 22, 2004

Cry of the Loon ...Ed Schultz (A Gun-Totin', Red Meat-Eatin' Liberal Fool)

Give Ed Schultz credit for one thing, he is a great self promoter. He will say anything, anytime, anywhere to get his mug more publicity. We all know the saying "even bad press is good press". Only in America can a fool of this magnitude go from local sports anchor to a national voice of the democratic party. At least when he was a sportscaster he actually knew something about the subject he was covering. See if you smell what I smell in these two examples: voice of Bison vs voice of the Sioux, conservative republican vs liberal democrat. Like the character Rod Tidwell from the movie "Jerry Maguire" said, "Show Me The Money!"

During the 2000 republican primary I remember seeing Ed schmoozing with fellow republican party members at the Doublewood Inn in Fargo. I remember hearing him tote the same message as Rush did on his show. I am sure that I remember a time when the 3 amigos (Dorgan, Condrad, and Pomeroy) would only show up on his show when there was a disaster in the Red River Valley. All those convictions changed the day his wife took him to visit a shelter or as I believe the day Scott Hennen brought his true Republican beliefs to Fargo? Again give him credit, Ed knew the Fargo market was not big enough for two conservatives, especially with one that had legitimate Washington connections. Someone had to change sides. In the name of ratings, which are all that matter to Mr. Ed Schultz, Ed did changed sides. Poof! Ed is a liberal! This seismic shift (joking) only caused a small ripple in his audience. Ed had always known that to be popular in Fargo you had to kiss the butt of local farmers, senior citizens, and the teachers union, all major listeners in Fargo. It just happened to be that these are the same main backers of the democratic party. As far as the quality of the radio show, nothing had to change. I am sure that Ed has never researched a topic indepth during his career on the radio. It takes much less effort to just let your audience educate you, and to portray yourself as a voice for the common man. Like the time a local farmer called in to his show during the month of May. Ed said hello, welcome to the show......what are you up to today? The farmer replied that he was in the field. Ed then asked him if he was COMBINING? The farmer screamed back WHAT? Ed said I asked if you are combining? The farmer, now sounding angry, said NO Ed I am SEEDING, it is MAY. I'll never forget that moment. This man, who knew so little about farming, was a few years later elected The Farmers Union Man Of The Year. Another great con job done by Mr. Schultz.

I always knew this guy was a snake, but I have often wondered how other conservatives who used to so loyally called Ed during his show felt the day the music died. I mean the day he jilted them at the alter of talk radio. Could they not tell that they weren't talking to a man with any absolute convictions, or for that matter, that he really wasn't that bright? They never got the feeling that this man would sell out his own mother in the name of ratings? He did switch to the Sioux. For many Bison fans that is like selling out your mother. Do Viking fans ever become Packer fans?

Now this self promoting loud mouth is the voice of the democratic party. The left's answer to Rush Limbaugh. I would agree, he has found a home. A flip flopper of his ilk should be the voice for the party of the numero uno Flip Flopper, John Kerry. Ed is a shallow fool and the only constant about him is "ME", what is best for him. You didn't have me fooled before, Ed, and you still don't. You are a fake, the other side can have you!

Tuesday, September 21, 2004

Twins, Vikes, Wolves ... (More like 2003 than 1998)

After watching the Vikings play the eagles on Monday nite it is obvious that this offense resembles 2003 more than it does 1998. Sure it is only the second game of the year but the lessons of 2003 at least on the road look very similar. The heck with the number one offensive rating, points are what matters. There are so many things for a Mike Tice team to prove. Can they win on the road against a good team? Can Dante win a big game on the road? Will this team again lead the league in penalties as it has the last two years? 1998 was an amazing year on offense but until this team puts up points on the road the way it does at home how can we really call them legitimate super bowl contenders? Dante has yet to bring them back in the last two minutes of the game. The defensive line still looks like it has no rush. More pointedly this will be Chris Hovan's last year as a Viking, he is no where close to the player he was. It is still early but as a long time Viking fan this team still has plenty to prove to me. Potentially they can be a very good team, but I am not sure they are mentally tough enough to live up to that potential. Wins at home like against Dallas are supposed to happen, repeated efforts like last nite in Philadelphia need to become things of the past. Look at what the Colts did in Tennessee. Mental toughness and it begins with a head coach and quarterback.

A Boston Tea Party ... (Keep My Family Safe and Take Less From Me)

There are two things I expect from my government. The number one thing I expect from my elected officials is to keep my family safe. National defense is more important than any social program the government can create. I don't understand how anyone who watched the twin towers come down, doesn't have anger still burning in his heart. I want my President to go after each and every Islamic terrorist as well as each and every rogue nation. I want them to spend every tax dollar necessary to keep the fight as far away from the shores of the United States as possible. I want my borders protected. I want visitors here on visas monitored. I even want the patriot act to be as tough as deemed necessary to make sure we can find people who want to blow us up before they get the chance. I WANT my family safe.

The other issue that rises above all others is taxes. Take less of my paycheck and everyone else's paycheck. Move to a flat tax or a national sales tax. Cut programs to pay for what is considered most important. But don't take anymore of my money. Paying property, school, gas, state, sales, social security, and income taxes all adds up. The key to a balanced budget is not collecting more taxes but spending less. Just like I do with my own budget. We never hear anything about spending less from either political party. Why? cuz that won't get them elected. Don't tell me just that you are going to lower taxes also tell me where you will cut spending. Don't always tell me that the economy will grow and that is how you will pay for all the programs we have. IS there some unwritten rule that once a government program is established it is tenured? It can't be deemed unnecessary? It can't be canceled? Voted down? Retired? I don't care what you call it just stop spending so much of my money on things I don't want. Our government creates a citizenry of dependents that never hear "no". They make us believe we can have it all and pay for it later. Well I am tired of giving them my money.

Sunday, September 19, 2004

A Boston Tea Party ... (Gay Marriage)

Mike Liffrig has been running TV ads about Byron Dorgan voting against the constitutional amendment on gay marriage. While the issue is certainly valid, the Liffrig campaign needs to continue pressing the issue. Don't just stop with the one ad. What I would like to see him do is to continue to educate the public that Dorgan's vote was a cop-out vote. It was his way of having both sides of the issue. States like Massachusetts can allow gay marriage but Dorgan can say he is against it. The one big problem with this is that if a gay couple from Massachusetts decides to move to North Dakota, they are still married. Mike Liffrig needs to press hard on this issue, Dorgan is vulnerable on gay marriage. Dorgan also says we should not mess with the constitution. Well from what I can see, there are many many federal judges that do that everyday. The only way to stop them is with strict laws that provide no room for interpretation. A constitutional amendment is the best way I know to limit interpretation.

Twins, Vikes, Wolves ...

There is something almost as important as who wins or loses Monday nite's game against the eagles. How Mike Tice decides to coach a road game will tell us Viking fans a lot more about what we can expect this season. Even a loss Monday nite will not be as bad for the Vikes as will Tice deciding to coach on the road in the same manner he did last year. We all remember 4 losses to the worst teams in football. He coached those games as if he didn't trust his quarterback or his defense on the road. Well this year the offense should resemble 1998 but only if it is allowed to play the 8 road games like it plays the 8 home games. Coach the game to win, allow your quarterback and offense to score more than 13 points, and trust that your defense is atleast average. If Tice coaches like he does at home then we can expect a playoff season. If he coaches on the road as he did last year, well, when you coach to score 13 points often the other team scores 17. A win would be great, but the attitude from the head coach will last well beyond Monday's game.

Is it just me or is the time over when Brett Farve can win a game just with his arm? Thanks Brett for the interceptions against the Bears. Same old forced passes. 2 per game is now the norm.

Twins one win away from division title. Santana is definitely Cy Young award winner in AL. It would be great to beat the loud mouth Buerle on Monday nite for the crown.

A Boston Tea Party...(Arrogance and Corruption Reason for Term Limits)

arrogance: a feeling or an impression of superiority manifested in an overbearing manner.

Is it just me or do you get the same feeling? I find it terribly arrogant that someone can possibly think that they should remain a senator or representative for more than a few terms. Why do they think they can do the job so much better than you or I could? Don't they have anything else that they want to accomplish in life? Would you not think that after a few terms, one would feel it is his/her responsibility to give another citizen their chance at representative government?

corruption: a departure from the original or what is pure or correct.

Is there any chance that being in Washington as a representative or senator for 15 - 30 years one can escape at a minimum the fringes of corruption. One of the reasons I believe people stay there so long is because they become addicted to the power and prestige these positions give them. Most people in private business will change jobs many times over their lifetime as they face new challenges and advancements. Why the difference between public and private careers?

These are some of the questions our local media and political challengers need to bring to the attention of Dorgan and Pomeroy. There are hundreds of citizens of North Dakota that can do their job. Only their arrogance and sense of entitlement prevents them from retiring and finding another career. The Presidency has a limit of two terms which causes us to decide on a new vision, a new dynamic, a new image of the future atleast every 8 years. Why not expect the same new ideas every couple terms from our representatives and senators? Why not elect a new person on the merits of fresh ideas rather than what kind of pork he as the incumbent can bring home.

Friday, September 17, 2004

A Boston Tea Party ...(Dirty Politics)

O.J., "I did not have sexual relations with that woman", Enron, Rapper R. Kelly, kids with cell phones, Michael Moore, pimps and ho's, Michael Jackson, Scott Simpson, steroid use, Jennifer Lopez, 50 cent, "Fear Factor", gay marriage, Brittany Spears, marijuana use, teenage poker parties, Ricky Williams, Dan Rather, how young girls dress, Bush HATERS, the New Jersey Govenor, The Ed Schultz Show.......all this and we are surprised by some dirty politics. Well I for one am not and neither should you be. Why expect more from a politician than society.

What Are You Thinking ...(Eighth and Ninth Graders with a drivers license)

I know, I know, I've heard all the arguments why you allow it. Allowing your eighth or ninth grade child to have a drivers license is nuts. Have we all lost our minds, have we lost our common sense? What is the hurry? Why won't a permit do the job? Why can't they drive under the supervision of an adult for 2-3 years? I know, I know, it helps the busy family. Mom and Dad can't get them to their activities, a drivers license helps. Besides other kids have them. I want him/her to be popular and gosh darn we want to be popular parents. Well guess what, your not parents, admit it. Your friends. Your mother and father would never have given you a license in the eighth or ninth grade.
Ask any cop, delivery man, insurance agent, truck driver, salesperson, nascar driver, anyone who drives a vehicle for a living and they will tell you they want a young teenager on the road as much as they want an 85 year old senior citizen on the road. What makes matters worse is they aren't even driving their mom or dad's car, heck no, they need their own shiny new vehicle. We wonder why the world is the way it is, cuz we just can't, absolutely won't, never could, say no to an asking teenager. I'll give you a hint. Practice saying NO, say it 1,000 times and it will become a habit. It will grow easier by the day, by the daily request.
Don't get me wrong, this is not the teenagers fault. They are teenagers. They feel invincible. Heck they even think they know more about what is good for them then their parents. I know, I remember, I felt the same way. But when I did I was 17 or 18. God help us if we lose one of these kids to a car accident. I know you can't put the jeanni back in the bottle, but maybe you will know better when it comes to your next child, your friends child, or maybe even someday your grandchild.

The Cry of the Loon ...(Ed Schultz)

Let me know your thoughts on the ex so-called conservative turned liberal Ed Schultz. My very opinionated thoughts will be coming soon. Come on North Dakota, let him know the kind of sellout we all know he is.