What Are You Thinking ...(Eighth and Ninth Graders with a drivers license)
I know, I know, I've heard all the arguments why you allow it. Allowing your eighth or ninth grade child to have a drivers license is nuts. Have we all lost our minds, have we lost our common sense? What is the hurry? Why won't a permit do the job? Why can't they drive under the supervision of an adult for 2-3 years? I know, I know, it helps the busy family. Mom and Dad can't get them to their activities, a drivers license helps. Besides other kids have them. I want him/her to be popular and gosh darn we want to be popular parents. Well guess what, your not parents, admit it. Your friends. Your mother and father would never have given you a license in the eighth or ninth grade.
Ask any cop, delivery man, insurance agent, truck driver, salesperson, nascar driver, anyone who drives a vehicle for a living and they will tell you they want a young teenager on the road as much as they want an 85 year old senior citizen on the road. What makes matters worse is they aren't even driving their mom or dad's car, heck no, they need their own shiny new vehicle. We wonder why the world is the way it is, cuz we just can't, absolutely won't, never could, say no to an asking teenager. I'll give you a hint. Practice saying NO, say it 1,000 times and it will become a habit. It will grow easier by the day, by the daily request.
Don't get me wrong, this is not the teenagers fault. They are teenagers. They feel invincible. Heck they even think they know more about what is good for them then their parents. I know, I remember, I felt the same way. But when I did I was 17 or 18. God help us if we lose one of these kids to a car accident. I know you can't put the jeanni back in the bottle, but maybe you will know better when it comes to your next child, your friends child, or maybe even someday your grandchild.
I think it all depends on the maturity level of the freshman. Yes, there are many 8th graders and freshmen that shouldn't be driving, but there are some who are mature enough and responsible enough to handle it. If the parent limits the driving and rides with them occasionally to observe and teach, I don't have a problem with it. They need the experience.
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