What Are You Thinking? … (One Vice Down, Three To Go)
Thanks to ESPN and reality television we have eliminated the stigma of one of the four vices or addictions I had always been told to steer clear of as I grew up. I was instructed as a youth that alcohol, drugs (including cigarettes), pornography, and gambling were all possible addictions that could affect me as a well functioning individual. To this day we continue to fight against the tobacco industry, illegal drugs, drinking responsibly and all child pornography. It took years to bring the lottery to the state of North Dakota.
Because parents now days take there directions from television, gambling is no longer thought of as a vice. With ESPN showing poker on a nightly basis, poker has now become mainstream. Poker is becoming as popular with teenagers and young adults as pierced body parts and tattoos. Another case of the continual lowering of the social bar by people who should know better, parents. If a poker party is cool enough to be put on ESPN well then by gosh my son or daughter can play it as well. Besides if they are having a poker party in the basement, a parent will at least know where their kids are and what they are doing.
Again I ask you “WHAT ARE YOU THINKING?” Did you hear me? Kids are being allowed to have poker parties. It is the new cool thing. Everyone is doing it. Everyday we sink closer to the gutter. I heard one analyst on TV say last week that gambling is no different than spending money going out on the town except when you are gambling you at least stand a chance of making some money rather that just spending it. I say we go all the way, why stop at poker. Teenagers should have their own subscriptions to a smut magazine of their choice and be able to buy cigarettes. We don’t have to allow teenagers to buy alcohol because many parents don’t come down on their kids for drinking as long as they don’t drive while drinking. Some parents have forgotten that there is a drinking age limit. I imagine with the same rationale all that needs to happen is to somehow have ESPN make these other vices mainstream and parents will not have a problem with their teenagers enjoying the activity.
Kids enjoying activities like poker is additional evidence that they need more to do. Kids become so bored so quickly that they continually have to invent new things to do. What happened to going to a movie, watching a video, or just hanging with friends. I would even suggest playstation is a better activity than having friends over for a game of poker. If one child suffers from an addiction to gambling later in life, he/she should sue his/her parents for neglect. If you think your child is just more mature than others and can handle the situation then do me a favor, get off your high horse and realize for the benefit of all of us that your child is nor more special, sophisticated, or mature than any other child growing up over the years. As Bill O’Reilly says, “that is why kids are called kids and not adults. They don’t have the experience or rationale to make sound decisions”. I offer one more suggestion place the parental control function of your television on ESPN.
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