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University A Conservative Harvest: A Boston Tea Party …(Bat Phones)

Tuesday, February 21, 2006

A Boston Tea Party …(Bat Phones)

The conservative pundit Fred Barnes calls it redefining conservatism. Mr. Barnes was given access to the President for his book “Rebel-In-Chief”. He has been pimping his new book and stoutly defending our current President’s version of conservatism. News-flash to Mr. Barnes, conservatism does not need any “redefining”. Today the “redefiner himself”, President Bush, announced he would use his first Presidential veto if Congress failed to allow the United Arab Emirates to take over six American ports.

In my eyes this is as screwed up a political move as the nomination of Harriet Miers. The United States should not allow any Arab nation to be involved with anything related to our border security. In order to be consistent I also want to say I support the profiling of Arab men in our transportation systems, something most hypocritical Democrats outraged by this port issue do not.

Proponents of the UAE takeover argue the country is an ally of ours and to prevent them from doing so would offend them. I hope they get as offended as many Arabs did over a cartoon in a newspaper therefore providing more evidence of the differences between the two civilizations. We refer to Saudi Arabia as an ally of ours as well yet the major course of study for Saudi Children is anti-American hatred. Our allies in the Arab countries continually have captured Islamic terrorists escape from their prisons. The most recent escape involved tunneling out of a prison, which is only possible when someone in authority helps to facilitate it. We cannot allow even a remote possibility of such a facilitation to take place on our soil.

The most obvious evidence the President is wrong on this issue is Jimmy Carter agrees with him. Carter also agreed with the President’s nomination of Ms. Miers. It was “unredefinable” conservatives such as Bennett, Kristol, Ingram, Limbaugh, Frum, and Levin who caused the Alito confirmation to happen. Well, their bat phones are ringing again. I hope these same conservative superheroes will again answer the call.


At 9:10 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Wow, for the first time in his administration he is threatening a veto over this. For the last 6 years he has preyed on our fear of a terrorist attack and the need for security. Is he that politically inept as to think the American people will stand for this. And to threaten a veto is the congress tries to stop the sale?
Oh this is going to be too much fun to watch. But I guess we shouldn't be so surprised, You mentioned Meiers, but let's not stop their, let's list a few more of his failures, oh let's say: Iraq, Katrina, Social Security, Medicare Part D, the deficit, the AMT so I guess this just fits his pattern. The republicans who are up for reelection must be just gasping for air.

Let the fun begin.

At 11:26 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Limbaugh? Rush is a radio talk show host who gets paid millions upon millions of dollars for the garbage that comes from his mouth. If he had real though in his head and wanted to make a difference he would run for office. Besides I don't take my brand of conservatism from recovering drug addicts.

What Bush has done to the party is make democrats look like the conservatives and the real conservatives look like idiots while they try to defend him and his administration.


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