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University A Conservative Harvest: Windblown Hayseed

Thursday, February 02, 2006

Windblown Hayseed

With the loon (Ed Schultz) now off the airwaves in Fargo we are left with his underling. This blog has had a tremendous amount of fun taking shots at the loon. Since we are no longer able to listen to him (a good thing) for inspirational material, my attention will have to turn to Joel Heitkamp. While poking fun at him will not be as easy (because I don't have the same history as I had with Ed), I will do my best to drill him as often as I am inspired. Joel will have his own new section in this blog entitled "The Windblown Hayseed". Please allow me some time to get a fix on the "hayseed". This guy sounds so small town I barely ever listen to him. One thing I do know is he is an unapologetic Democrat so it shouldn't be to hard to find material to write about. Sorry Joel, you are next in line.


At 8:10 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I had suggested Braying Jackass, but this is so much better, CLASSIC. A hayseed indeed!

At 8:43 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Why don't you come clean on your blog. You claim that you don't tow any party line, but it is obvious that you do. First, there's the loon now the hayseed. What, you don't want to do O'Reilly or Hennen? It's OK to say you're a republican and tow the party line, really, it's OK but don't claim to not tow any party line. What a sham!

At 9:16 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

No sham whatsoever! I am not tied to any party line. I am definetely not a Democrat. I am a conservative. I am much more conservative than this administration. Do I vote Republican, yes, because there is only two choices. No conservative blog in this area attacks the current Republican way of doing things as much as I do. It is what makes this blog unique. In my eyes ALL politicians are open game regardless of political affiliation. There is no kool-aid on this blog hence no party line. I have said making fun of Democrats is as easy as 1,2,3; sincerity comes from challenging Republicans and getting them to act as true conservatives.

At 9:17 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

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At 11:07 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Wow, I must have missed something in your last few blogs. Not much about challenging the Rs to do anything. You all like to rail against the so-called tax and spend liberals. At least they pay their bills. As to the conservatives, they want to spend spend spend and then cut taxes. Talk about overusing the US charge card. You all will cut school loans and medicaid in order to give tax cuts to the wealthy while our soldiers are without body armor and adequate rehabilitation. You voted to give oil companies subsidies when they have posted the largest profits in their history. I must have missed all that on your blog.

At 11:22 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

You must not have read enough of my articles. I go after current Republicans when warrented. Trust me, I want a balanced budget ammendmant more than you can imagine. Before I give one more dime of my hard earned money to any politician I want spending cut across the board, there is so much waste. I'll make you a deal for every three dollars they cut in spending I'll give one dollar in additional tax. When this government is a lean mean fighting machine is the only time any American should be willing to pay anymore taxes. Your side refuses to cut a dime in spending. You just want more of my money and that is really really sad.

This is what makes me a conservative and you a liberal. I think any spend happy Republican should be replaced with fiscally responsible ones. If people like me were elected I guarantee every bill would be paid for but you would whine like a little baby.

At 11:37 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

then the democrats will be in charge come November because your party has spent more than my liberal friends in six short years and have put this country in debt for years to come. I dare say that if this were Clinton and Dems in charge, you would be screaming bloody murder for impeachment. Yet, such silence from the conservatives. Why, because the conservatives are up to their necks in the Abramoff scandal and the conservative like Norquist and Reed are so deep into the scandal that they are crawling back into their little holes. The total lack of integrity and accountability of the Republicans is beyond belief. And don't think that Boehner will be any different, he will just be slicker. He is, after all, known to have passed out tobacco lobbyist checks right on the floor of the House.
so please, spare me your $3 for $1 ideas. you can't sell it and I'm not buying. You guys have squandered the biggest surplus in our history, lowered our standing in the world, made us the biggest debtor nation and keep spending, spending, spending. Please bring back the days of the good ole liberals!

At 11:41 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Wow! I wonder who the true partisan is? As long as the far leftists like Kennedy and Kerry speak for your party Republicans will win elections well into the future regardless of whether they meet my conservative priorities. Please stay tune to upcoming Windblown Hayseed articles.

At 1:37 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I find it interesting to note that you consider yourself a true conservative (republican) and yet when I call myself a liberal, somehow that is a "true partisan." I admit I am partisan, yet somehow you cloak yourself by saying you do not tow the party line but yet you do.

I think that the trends are changing when you look at the map, Arizona and Colorado are trending blue, just look what happened in Colorado. Look at Montana. California rejected the conservative antics of Schwarzennegger and even he is moving blue. Virginia elected another democrat governor and Santorum is in trouble in Pennsylvania. The politics of the conservatives are fast becoming the reason for change in this country. Again, you may try to paint all of us with the brush of Kerry and Kennedy, but I ain't buying it and neither are a great many in this country.

At 4:57 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

One more thought for the name of your new subsection. EDHEAD RETREAD. If you would smack Ed Schultz on his be-hind, you would give Joel Heitkamp a concussion.

Keep up the good work.

At 12:27 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Ed Schultz is now on AM 1660.....BITCH :)

At 6:53 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I amthrilled that Ed is back on. I do hope that you try to multi-task. It is clear that Joel's numbers came in higher than Hennen. If ND is so conservative, why hasn't Hennen been Number one yet. Where are his faithful listeners. Tired of all the bull, I'm sure. Let's hear it for the loon and the hayseed. As your Bush says, Bring it on!

At 8:21 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Wow! Bitch, 1660, Well there goes one more channel to wipe off the car dial. As for Heitkamp Ratings, if you would do some research, you would see that when Heitkamp took over, he had a 6 point spread on Hennen. The most recent has them nearly in a dead heat. I am no Hennen worshipper, as it appears you are of Schultz and Heitkamp, but I will say that Hennen is true to his convictions. I can see Heitkamp going home and wondering why he got into radio as he is faced with more slime than when he is trying his way at politics. As for ED, he simply has no convictions other than what is good for Ed is good for Ed and if he has to sell his soul, just name a price. You are right, most of ND is conservative and in case you were wondering most people do not waste all of their time worrying about ED and if he is on, and the conservatives are all working and probably do not have radio on. Sorry that was a cheap shot. But true.

At 8:53 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Ouch, Anonymous, that was quite a cheapshot, but that is what we have come to expect from your type. I am just not sure how you have come to determine that Hennen has convictions and Schulz does not. I think it is interesting that you know his motives for changing political parties and that it is all for the dollar. You would think that you would cheer for that since conservatives praise the free market system, but yet when a democrat does it and takes advantage of the free market system, his motives are questioned, yet Hennens are not. While I do not subscibe to that contention as I know Ed personally, it is interesting that you have differing standards when it comes to self-promotion. When it's a conservative, it's great and when it's a "liberal" it bad.
Hmm..... Just a thought.

At 5:47 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...


At 5:48 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Sorry, meant to say thought not though

At 8:27 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Dear Love ND, or maybe I should say HOmeeee. If you are not the one of Ed's few friends, or those who claim to be his friend, and not one of his staff, then let me just explain to all of you who think Ed is so great and fair and has open microphone. I will point blank say that I do not like Ed. I have met him and have talked to him and he is an arrogant ass. I have more things to say about him, and knowledge about him that I will also not stoop to.This is what he does when he constantly bad mouths Rush and Hannity and those with whom he competes. That is pathetic but then consider the source. I listen to Rush and Hannity and have never heard them say anything personally about Ed. When Ed first started and as recent as several months ago, I have called in and commented on how easy it was to get into his show, only to have the person answering the phone, tell me to F--- O--. This has happened on more than one occasion and to be accurate it has happened 4 times. The other time he just point blank said F--- You, you piece of sh--. That is class isn't it. It is about as classy as the speakers at the king funeral or the person who is acting like a little kid saying ha ha ha Ed is back on 1660. You can pick out today's liberals by the way they scream and yell and try and shout down those they debate, when their arguments have no merit or substance. I could care less if Ed Schultz is on the air or if he is taking money that Randi Rhoades was offered to be a dem mouthpiece or if he is shooting a dog somewhere, driving through some guys field when he says he is hunting, or any of that. He is ED Schultz, and there is no one more important than ED at least in his mind. As for ED and him doing what you say conservatives do, you might want to rethink that. I am all for someone working hard to succeed, and those who have wealth handed to them, well more power to them, but I have more stories about Ed that rank him right there with barnacles on a ship, but I will stop now, as I have reached my time limit for time wasting. We will all be judged one day so most of this is a waste of time, but it is fun once in awhile to watch you libs immitate the tasmanian devil and spin around screaming.
Have a great day.

At 3:23 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous, I am not on the staff of the Ed Schulz show, so the reference to Homeeee is incorrect.

I find it interesting to note that you condemn the entire 6 hour funeral for Coretta Scott King when a few of the many and I mean many speakers that day, made political statements during their comments. But it is so typical of you to paint everything with a broad brush. I did watch most of the telecast, and I can count three out of approximately 35 speakers and performers who made a few comment, not their entire comments were political.

And I think that "thou dost protest too much" when you say you could care less whether Ed is on the radio or not. Your continued diatribes about him belie what you write.

I have not tried to scream and shout you down. I have written reasonably and even provided some facts to support what I wrote in earlier posts. You may not be using caps to scream, but your last post was certainly screaming loud and clear. I would be more than willing to have a discussion with you but in this ares may be we can just agree to disagree.

At 4:23 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Love ND, You are getting some of my words towards you confused with those of the other anonymous who spouted out the word "Bitch". I was responding to that as well. As for the funeral, 3 out of 35 is too many to make political statements. As for screaming and yelling myself, I am very mild mannered but the few times I have listened to Ed more than a few minutes, he has been lying to his audience and the staff he has is pathetic as I made reference to on my last post. In all of those times he swore at me on the phone, I never once swore back but rather asked why the hatred and such harsh comments were directed to me. I agree that we can civily agree to disagree, but as for sitting down and discussing Ed or Anything else political, I think we would both be wasting our time. I am sure you are a fine person, I just ask that what Ed spews does not make you believe him, just as what Rush and Hannity spew are also taken with a grain of salt on my part.


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