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University A Conservative Harvest: A Boston Tea Party …(America Yawns)

Tuesday, February 14, 2006

A Boston Tea Party …(America Yawns)

What will it take? Kool-aid drinkers from both sides please, please pay attention. It is our responsibility as citizens to fix this mess and it crosses party lines. I write, write, write like a lone wolf howling in the wind. Hours are spent talking about a hunting accident when day after day the government pisses millions of dollars down the drain. Oh, It may get glossed over for a few minutes but where is the outrage? Democrats don’t believe there is waste. They want to throw more money after bad money. Republicans say they are concerned but the wasting never ends. Deep down most of them don’t mind the waste as long as they get their share. In the meantime the American citizen takes it in the ass. You see I am one of the few who is actually royally pissed off about waste but I need you and your neighbor to join me.

Government reports detailed tens of millions of dollars of fraud and mismanagement in the Katrina disaster. IS ANYONE SHOCKED? Why do we tolerate this stuff? If it were to happen on a rare occasion I could live with it but we all know there is waste upon waste in our current system. We print and handout money like there is no end to it. It makes not one bit of difference which party is in control. Waste still runs ramped and no one cares. For the life of me I don’t understand why not.

The solution does not exist with the current state of either political party. Neither party has the discipline or leadership to stop waste. Both sides, however, do a great job of blaming the other for the problem. What is needed are the expectations of the American public. We, you joining me, must demand that this repetition of waste come to and end. If we allow it then we are in effect to blame. Our government should run like a lean mean fighting machine but instead leaks like a sieve. Everyone just keeps on keep’n on. When will it stop? The modus operendi in dealing with the feds is how can I personally screw them for money. There is no honor anymore. You don’t have to be a genius to rob the federal government. A child could do it. We now even expect it. There will be jokes about the waste of Katrina on Letterman and Leno within the next day or two.

The baby boomers are now retiring. The people who created this culture of waste and allowance are going to be crippling this country with entitlements. In order to pay for all the bills ahead of us we must begin by demanding we get our money’s worth. Boston Tea parties were created over issues like this, yet America yawns. People like me will keep howling. When will you listen? I say throw them ALL out and let’s start this system over. What we have now is not what our forefathers expected. Why are so many willing to allow it?


At 9:27 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Why not eliminate Congressional pension system, convert to S.Secutity. Single term posts only for Congressmen. Outlaw lobbyists. Establish pay as you go system, no more deficit spending. Line item vetoes to eliminate pork fat bills. No more millionaire lawyers. Elect farmers, teachers, mechanics and others with common sense. No anonymous votes.

At 7:50 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

"Jack" now your getting it. It takes new ideas and a break from the careerist politician to solve these problems. Term-limits I have said will cure the common cold. I can solve the deficit in one day but I don't have to pander to anyone. How can we get others to begin the march? A Boston Tea Party for this century.

At 9:35 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

If I didn't have to work I would spend all my time on this effort. I think we need a 3rd party- somone like a Ross Perot to lead it. The deficit would be gone if the govt. could collect unpaid taxes. News reports say $345 billion yesterday. Conrad knows all about number crunching and taxes. He could fix that if he had the power.

At 10:14 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Jack, Jack, Jack... you mention in your first comment that we need to get rid of current congressmen then you say Conrad would fix the problem. Conrad won't fix diddly he would just raise taxes and say problem solved. Remember the common folk you mention as elected officials....Conrad has been there too long he is now part of the problem. I would say that even if he was a Republican.

At 11:32 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I guess you might be right, Perry - I still respect him for his tax knowledge and he seems to want to have a balanced budget but he probably is contaminated. I hear him on radio saying we could balance the budget if all unreported taxes were collected and that does make sense to me, doesn't it to you?


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