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University A Conservative Harvest: A Boston Tea Party …(Hell Hath No Fury)

Friday, February 10, 2006

A Boston Tea Party …(Hell Hath No Fury)

Those in the beltway of Washington D.C. do not comprehend how serious those of us common folk fell about closing our borders. They are placing politics with our security. The answer to this problem involves both sides getting some of what they want. True border security involves two issues. How do we keep illegals from entering the country and what do we do with the illegals already here? I would solve those issues in this manner.

Border security for American citizens is what our federal government is there for. The solutions do not need to be politically correct or as Fred Barnes said last night, “Seen as friendly.” Instead border security needs to be effective and unyielding. The first part of my solution is the creation of a wall because nothing works better. Building a wall does not mean immigrants are not welcome. It does mean they can only enter our country legally. Because a wall is so efficient in keeping out illegals the cost of building it can be offset with the less man-hours needed to patrol it. Only after we stop illegal entry can we offer anything resembling a guest worker program.

America does need people to occupy the jobs that for some reason some Americans refuse to do. This does not mean, however, companies should be given carte blanche in hiring them. As much as I would prefer all illegals were sent back to their countries, it is not feasible. We must deal with those who are here. I would give notice to all illegals that they have a ninety-day period to register nationally. They would be given allowance to seek employment. After ninety days all employers would be required to verify their employees have the proper registration. If the employee failed to deliver such registration the employer would be required to report them. Failure to register would mean exportation back home. Registration would allow them to stay in the country and earn citizenship after a number of years. Employers would not be allowed to look the other way any longer. They can only hire workers with the right to be in this country.

After these two solutions are implemented a guest worker program could be created to fill the remaining jobs. Immigrants can be allowed to enter this country in the same manner they have for hundreds of years…legally. America sits and waits while conservative Republicans battle with the administration on a solution. While it would not be good for us to find a terrorist entering the country from our southern border, it would be interesting. I would love to see all Hell break lose as the American people hold every single national politician responsible their lack of leadership on this issue. It may take something like that for the next Boston tea party to happen. A solution seems simple to me but I don’t have to pander to anyone. All our politicians need to remember, attacked once we will deal with it...attacked twice...well, hell hath no fury like an American citizen left unprotected.


At 3:24 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Building a wall will never happen in this country, never. There is no political will for it nor will people accept it. If you want to stop illegal immigration, there is even a simpler answer. Simply enforce our immigration laws against the business community. But that will never happen as long as the business lobby remains in charge. Why don't you think that Bush and the Republicans have not push an immigration bill through Congress, and why hasn't Bush put in a bill, because the business community doesn't want it. They want the illegal aliens, they hire them. Stop the businesses from hiring them, more inspectors to go into businesses, huge fine for any business hiring an illegal alien. Don't tell me they don't if they are illegal, they do know but they want to hire them so they can pay them less and skirt our laws. We don't need no stinking wall, we just need to enforce the laws on the books. Just like those who don't want gun control always say, just enforce the laws we have.

Why don't you advocate for more INS inspectors to go into businesses. The illegal aliens will stop coming to America when businesses stop hiring them, plain and simple. And businesses will be much more careful if they are met with hefty fines and the closing of their business for few days. Loss of a business license will also bring the hiring of illegal aliens to a screeching halt. But as long as Business has an appetite for screwing the worker, this won't happen and people like you will scream and yell about building a wall! What hooey.

At 3:57 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

"stop hiring and they will stop coming" hilarious. "Love ND" debating you isn't even a challenge. Illegals would rather starve in America than live in least here they can get medical care even when not a citizen. Come on, bring your "A" game or go play on some junior varsity blog. Debating you is like debating Ed. That wasn't a compliment.

At 4:31 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Wow, when you don't have an argument, then insult, that's how it works with you. I gave an answer and you stoop to ad hominen attacks. I'm not even debating you, there has to be some reality to the debate and you bring none. You wouldn't know and "A" game if you saw one.

The fact remains that your party doesn't listen to you, which is why I'm the only one who responds. I really must be bored to tears to have this much fun with you.

Perhaps you should check to see how much money is flowing back into Mexico from those illegal aliens who aren't working. They are certainly not here for the welfare state because they've been cut off of that for quite some time.

Again, there will be no wall as long as the business community controls what happens in congress. So your attacks are wasted on me. I'm the least of your problems, no one's buying what you're selling.

At 11:25 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Ask my opinion on this subject a few months ago and I would have told you that if I were President (of King for the day) I would take each and every illegal and promply return them to their country of origin. If they tried to enter the US again I would do the same. Enter legally and I would leave you alone.

I wouldn't put up walls, walls can be climbed and taken down. I would employ hundred's of thousands of Militiamen in each state and entrust them with protecting our country from illegal entry.

Now, how do I feel today... exactly the same, but stronger! Why? To be honest, I just got out of jail, doing my time for a DUI/felony conviction. I have been out of jail for 2 weeks and I am unable to get hired. I worked in a career for 9 years, have some college under my belt... but I can't get hired. I did my time, I am turning my life around, but I am unemployable. I've visited the job service places and I've filled out the applications and I've waited for interviews... nothing. Nobody is offering me money to pay my rent or buy me food (luckily I have a very supportive family)... I am going out every day in the cold and looking for A JOB.

And here I read a suggestion where illegals would be 'given notice, 90 days and an allowance to find work'! ARE YOU F#!@ING KIDDING ME! First off, there are Americans that will do the work that SOME Americans 'refuse to do'. I'm one of them. But you know what, we have too many employers that won't even hire Americans.

I'm a hard worker and I will do anything right now just to make some money. But it ain't happening.

I'd move to Canada if Perry became President, but unfortunatly my felony would keep me here.

This country has completly turned it's back on it's own people. I am one of the many Americans that have messed up in the passed and I am trying to correct my wrongs and become a productive member of the GREAT society, but the rest of America would rather deal with an illegal than accept own of there own. There NEEDS to be a 5-10 year moritorium on immigration. Nobody comes in, nobody. Illegals are sent home when found and America fixes American and Americans.

At 10:08 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous, are you kidding me? It is illegal immigration that is preventing you from getting a job? Let's see, hm..... a felony conviction for dui, must have been a pretty good history there to get a felony conviction. And you can't get a job and it's the fault of the illegal immigration policies of this country.

You claim that you will do the jobs that these illegals are doing so now let's fix the policies so you can get a job. Hm.... you can't get a job because you are a felon, plain and simple.

Now, with that said, I wish you the best. You indicated that you have some college under your belt so maybe you should go back to college and finish a degree. During that time you would be able to get an internship to try and repair the past history. It will take time to repair your criminal history but possibly going back to school, getting good grades and doing volunteer work and getting an internship in your field of study will get you back on the right track.

Setting up militia on the borders is not going to make you employable. I wish you the best of luck but don't look to illegal immigrants to blame for your situation.

At 10:12 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

"Anonymous"...I said I preferred that illegals be shipped back home but until someone can tell me how that can be done effectively there needs to be another plan. Placing demands on business to only hire those with proper registration will open up some jobs.


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