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University A Conservative Harvest: A Boston Tea Party …(A Few Points)

Sunday, February 12, 2006

A Boston Tea Party …(A Few Points)

Those of you who read my articles know I often think of things differently than the mainstream. My takes tend to be a bit different than the norm. In a similar manner my take on the Michael Brown testimony on Friday before the Senate Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs Committee might surprise you.

I enjoyed Mr. Brown’s exchange with Senator Norm Coleman. Coleman was questioning Brown’s leadership and ability to get things done. Brown responded by saying, “I absolutely resent you sitting here saying that I lacked the leadership to do that, because I was down there pushing everything that I could. I’ve admitted to those mistakes. And if you want something else from me, put it on the table, and tell me what you want me to admit to.” Way to go Brownie. I loved it. He shot right back at the Senator but not quite enough.

I would have answered like this: “I absolutely resent you sitting here saying that I lacked leadership. Respectfully Mr. Senator, you can kiss my you know what. I’ve admitted mistakes but you country club Senators take none. Every day you add more and more layers of beauacracy to the system and you expect it to run efficiently. I will not take criticism from anyone the likes of you, who have never been in the trenches. You and your colleagues earmark projects for your constituents but fail to pay attention to things like levies. So, Mr. Senator, I won’t allow you to lecture me on leadership. From where I stand the leadership of this country stopped leading decades ago.”

Make no mistake I am not sticking up for the job Michael Brown did. I do however, refuse to bow at the majesty of the Senate. As Senator Tom Coburn (who should be President someday) suggests there are easily 200,000 – 300,000 people who can do their jobs, maybe even millions. How fun would it be if a supreme court justice nominee could give back the way Brown did on Friday? Brown may have helped to screw up the Katrina disaster but he made a few points with me. It was about time the “country clubbers” got some of their own.


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