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University A Conservative Harvest: A Boston Tea Party …(Just a Thought)

Friday, October 15, 2004

A Boston Tea Party …(Just a Thought)

I wonder...

Do you think it is possible that the baby boomer generation will never produce a leader that can rally the people of America? Someone who can get more than fifty-four percent of the vote? Look at the leaders of that generation so far: Clinton, Gore, Bush, Cheney, Kerry, and Edwards. They are an impressive bunch, aren’t they? Do you think the baby boomer generation has the stomach for war like the generations before it? Do you think it is possible that the baby boomer generation will bankrupt the country rather than sacrifice the way generations before it did? Do you think they baby boomer generation will ever stop electing politicians based on the amount of pork they bring home? Do you think the baby boom generation will allow social security to be reformed so that their children and grandchildren will get back what they pay in? If the World War II generation is called “the greatest generation”, will the baby boomer generation be called “the failure to lead generation”?


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