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University A Conservative Harvest: A Boston Tea Party …(Global Consensus My Ass)

Saturday, October 02, 2004

A Boston Tea Party …(Global Consensus My Ass)

John Kerry said during the debate on Thursday night that the United States should not enter a war until it has gained a global consensus. He and his intellectually elite liberal friends feel much more comfortable with the permission of others before making a decision on something as important as war.

This argument disgusts me. I remember the rage and anger that I felt the afternoon of September 11th as I sat in my kitchen eating lunch. Watching the twin towers fall to the ground was all I could take. That day was the LAST day we needed permission from any other nation or council. Because only the United States was attacked, permission from other countries is voided. Why would we want to wait for weeks or possibly months to gain consensus from countries that don’t share our just cause.

Kerry’s argument has holes in it. Before the first Gulf War, the first President Bush had gained a consensus of many countries including Germany. When it came time to vote in the Senate for or against the war, Kerry voted no. He can’t have it both ways. In one instance we have a large alliance, yet he votes no, in another instance he votes yes (before he votes no) when our alliance isn’t as large. Bush should have known this fact and pounced on Kerry during the debate.

Liberals like many parents now days need permission from their peer group to feel they are doing the right thing. They are the same people that think one should never get angry. I would rather have a “MAN” that says “you are either with us or against us”. The distinction becomes very clear - either fight terrorism along side the United States or don’t expect the United States to ask for your consent. A majority of the people of this world would prefer to live in the land of the free (America), yet this same land is not capable of deciding its own fate. This isn’t logical. We have a belief that people are innocent until proven guilty, can say what ever they feel, and can choose their own religion. We don’t behead people, but we believe in the freedom of every individual, yet we aren’t wise enough to decide when to go to war.

I gave my consent to the President twice. Once on the day I voted for him, and the second time that afternoon in my kitchen when the smoke rose over the city of New York. My suggestion to Kerry and others like him is to watch videos of September 11th and ask the family members of the people who died if he has their permission. In the end, isn’t their permission the only thing needed to eliminate the poison of terrorism from the face of the earth? It was the United States that suffered and it should be the United States that decides the justification of war. If you don’t like the United States acting unilaterally, then leave, there are plenty of others willing to take your place. The lack of definate will from the people of John Kerry's ilk scares me more than any terrorist.


At 10:50 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

you want the u.s. to act unilaterally. unless, of course, it's with north korea.

the united states didn't suffer september 11th as a result of iraq, so why are we fighting them? certainly, you can say it's because the country harbors terrorists, but the same is true of pakistan, iran and did we land on iraq? vendetta and oil. not for the good of our country.


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