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University A Conservative Harvest: A Boston Tea Party …(Kool-Aid vs. Principle)

Tuesday, October 05, 2004

A Boston Tea Party …(Kool-Aid vs. Principle)

Are you a principled American? Do you know the difference between what is ethical and what is unethical? Most of us would answer, “yes” to both of these questions. So let me ask them a different way. Does being a principled American depend on the political party one is involved with? Does common sense not apply when your political party is being criticized?

The term kool-aid drinker is applied in politics when a person is considered to accept any explanation given for the stance his/her political party takes. Kool-aid drinkers exist on both sides of the isle. Watch “The O’Reilly Factor’s” mail segment and you will see how two different people will call Bill a liberal or a republican depending on the narrow tunnel from which their beliefs are held. Two separate people, watching the same news story, see things totally opposite because one is a Republican and one is a Democrat. Now I agree, this is to be expected considering the different ideologies of the two parties but there are some issues that are undeniable. They can’t be spun and to spin them only makes you look like a moron.

As we near the election the kool-aid drinkers become more intoxicated. Allow me to list a few issues I think are absolutes. Bush is honest and truly believes in his decisions. Kerry changes his mind. Bush lost the debate. A President should be able to articulate himself better than repeating “hard work” fifteen times. Democrats are anti-war. Iraq is a mess. To use the statement “if you knew then what you know now” it totally retarded. Both Bush and Kerry came from privileged backgrounds. Kerry has had 9 different views on Iraq. France, Russia, and Germany had ulterior motives for not joining the coalition. The United Nations is corrupt and therefore compromised when making decisions on Iraq. The victims of 9/11 are heroes. John Kerry’s statements after returning from Vietnam hurt his fellow soldiers. If your only argument is Halliburton, you have no argument. Kerry’s record in the Senate is anti-defense. Bush spends money like a Democrat. All politicians tell us what we want to hear rather than what we need to hear. Most commercials run by both parties are really pathetic in how childish they are. Two men running for President should be able to have a free flowing debate on all issues, to expect less from our candidates is shameful. This is a war of religion.

Whether you are Democrat or Republican some things are certain. When you decide to look at every issue logically and not provide an excuse or spin from your tinted political party view, you become principled. If you can’t stop drinking the kool-aid then I suggest a twelve-step program.

Oops, one more absolute, Ed Schultz is a dunce.


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