A Boston Tea Party …(A Badge of Honor)
Senator Byron Dorgan wears it like a badge of honor. He wants us all to know that North Dakota ranks third in per capita federal spending behind Alaska and Virginia. He has turned so many citizens of this state into dependants that he boasts about bringing federal assistance to them. We should be very very proud, NOT.
When the United States was created the forefathers never imagined such a time when a politician would be rewarded for adding more spending to the federal government. They felt less government intervention was best. In some warped way Byron and his politically intoxicated friends in Washington think that by taking more of our money and spending it in the most inefficient manner possible, they should be rewarded. There was once a time in this country where people were proud enough to reject this type of thinking. People wanted to be rewarded for hard work. I know my grandparents felt that way. Today we have been convinced that big brother (the federal government) will be there to help us.
In times of natural disasters like hurricanes and floods some federal help should be expected. But guys like Byron continue to bring more money back to their constituents not because it is always needed but instead to buy votes. Most people I know have not gotten a dime from the federal government and hope they never will. We imagine a time where Washington spends only what is necessary and our politicians are elected because they spent LESS. Consider this concept: I work, I get paid, I get taxed less, the government spends less, less is spent on my state, and I end up better off. The harder I work, the more successful I am, the more money I have. With the help of a balanced budget amendment the government has less to spend, so spends less, Byron brings less home, Byron goes home. We create a brighter future for our kids and once again get back to a society of doers rather than moochers. People our grandparents could be proud of. When I speak of grandparents I speak of those folks that are over 90 years old. Anyone younger has been part of the society that has rewarded people like Byron Dorgan. The hope of the future is going back to the self-reliant attitude of the past. People from those generations deserve the badge of honor.
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