Goes Unnoticed
Remember the kid that no one paid attention too. He wanted people to notice him but most never did. He would stand up and basically say “hey, hey, hey remember me … over here, hey, hey, hey” while jumping up and down and raising his hands in the air. This image is the same one I got yesterday when I heard the reasoning the Supreme Court had ruled in a 5 – 3 vote giving terrorists Geneva Convention rights.
As we have seen in fairly recent opinions Stevens, Breyer, Ginsburg, and Souter believe America’s courts should take into consideration the rulings of foreign courts. It is because of these root beliefs by these justices that the constitution was thrown to the side. In their rulings the constitution is NOT the ONLY document to be used in considering law but only one of many documents including many foreign. The constitution gives no power to the judicial branch in carrying out wars. This responsibility is for the executive and legislative branches. I have no problem with them ruling the President needs to consult with Congress in dealing with enemy combatants but there is no reason Geneva Convention rights should be given to members of terrorist groups.
Our Supreme Court made sure yesterday that we had not forgotten about them. All the debate over the last couple years about the war had excluded them. As is their modus operandi in our recent history they again over-reached. All should say their prayers every night President Bush will get the opportunity to appoint one more justice. Only then will the Supreme Court again become the branch that goes unnoticed. Stevens, Breyer, Souter, and Ginsburg evidently share the same opinion as the New York Times about this war. On Independence Day of 2006 our country continues to move closer to the rest of the world rather than standing alone as a Republic which operates only under its own constitution.