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University A Conservative Harvest: A Boston Tea Party …(Big Bold Letters)

Wednesday, June 28, 2006

A Boston Tea Party …(Big Bold Letters)

The fictional movie U-571 released in April of 2000 detailed an American crew capturing a German submarine during WWII. The dangerous mission allowed America to obtain the Enigma cipher and decrypt Nazi messages used by German U-boats operating in the North Atlantic. It is said the ability of the Allies to decrypt the enciphered messages hastened the end of the war in Europe by two years. Would that have been true had the New York Times, as it is operating today, learned of America’s seizing of the Enigma cipher?

Under the rationale of the New York Times one can imagine them printing the news on the changing of the hands of the Enigma machine because of the public’s right to know. It is also very easy to see how the releasing of such information would have hurt our ability to defeat the Nazi’s in Europe. What is hard to imagine is during that era would anyone or anybody do something so blatantly anti-American? Most certainly not but it was a very different time.

Today, we have half the country bent on destroying a single Presidency. We have leakers inside the government who place their political feelings above those of patriotism. We have a media anxious to turn the American citizen against a war the media believes is wrong. Neither “rat” will stop until they face substantial punishment. In the late 1700’s America had the sedition act which prohibited any anti-government speech or print. We certainly should not go down that path but it does show in our history that our leaders felt an open press yielded tremendous power.

In times of war the power of the press can work against our ability to wage the war effectively. The zealousness of the New York Times to participate in doing so has taken journalism straight to the toilet. Their willingness to educate our enemy will and has cost American and Iraqi lives because of what they deem as the “public’s right to know”. The public needs to know the press is sabotaging the public’s right to be safe. It does not take an Enigma cipher machine to translate their message. It is being written over and over in big bold letters, TREASON.


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