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University A Conservative Harvest: A Boston Tea Party …(Jam It!)

Thursday, May 11, 2006

A Boston Tea Party …(Jam It!)

It was the afternoon of Good Friday when I called into the Sean Hannity radio program. The subject was the disgust of the registered Republican citizenry with the current Republican officials in Washington. While listening to the show that afternoon, something I don’t do regularly, I kept hearing over and over how people felt there was very little difference between how our elected Republicans were acting and the actions of Democrats. Hannity was trying to use his powers of persuasion to convince the disillusioned callers that indeed there are distinct differences between the two parties.

Since the day of my call the popularity of the President and members of Congress have continued to spiral downward. More and more Republicans are becoming frustrated and talk continues that turnout in the November elections will suffer. The point I made to Hannity on Good Friday gains more validation by the day. I told Hannity he and his callers were missing the point. The choice for those Republicans who are dissatisfied with how their elected officials are running the country is not voting for a Democrat but voting for the correct Republican.

As each day passes it should be obvious to all those who are not drunk on the kool-aid that from the current batch of Republicans in Washington only about twenty percent are the right type of Republican. The point I made to Hannity was there are thousands of real conservatives around the country who should be championed by those with the power of the talk show microphone. Grass root efforts must be established to remove the “establishment” Republican and replace them with people who place conservativsim above reelection. The public is made to believe our only choice is the current Republican incumbent and he/she remains our only choice until he/she decides to no longer run for office. Every incumbent should face serious challenges each campaign period. People like Hannity and Hennen should support challengers who will actually vote on conservative principles rather than talk as if the job is and always will be that of the incumbent.

Evidence of the failure in leadership of our current Republicans was again on display last night as Bill Frist was a guest on the “O’Reilly Factor”. O’Reilly was pressing him on immigration security, specifically securing the border with Mexico. The uncomfortable Frist nodded, stammered, and spun but it remained obvious the Senate leadership along with the current President will not be legitimately securing the border. Frist looked as weak as he did when recommending each American receive $100 to help offset the increase in gas prices. It would be embarrassing to have this man as our next President.

Watching Frist on O’Reilly last night made me think back to the 2000 Republican primary in Fargo where ironically Ed Schultz sat a few tables away from me. It was the first primary I had ever attended. After watching the festivities that night it does not surprise me the Republicans are in the predicament they are in now. All the “check pants” cheerleaders were in their glory at the Doublewood. Today, those same “check pants” types are salivating at a potential Jeb Bush Presidency. They can’t see the forest for the trees, rather than find all new blood and break the ties of incumbency they want more of the same which will lead to more of the same. The base is pissed but the base won’t do anything about it. The base needs to clean house rather than change brothers. The “lifers” in Congress need to be sent packing and new, vibrant leaders need to be brought in. The current batch of Republicans acted more conservative when there was a Democratic President than they do now.

Hannity and others are now reminding everyone that in November if you don’t turn out and vote you could end up with Pelosi as leader of the House and Reid as leader of the Senate. Well if we had Limbaugh, Hannity, Ingraham, Levin, and Hennen supporting challengers rather than incumbents we could have as excited a base as we saw in 1994. Conservatism will always win if you put the right Republican in office. Bill Frist types…inspiring?….please! He can take his $100 refund idea and jam it!


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