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University A Conservative Harvest: A Boston Tea Party …(Taking A Mulligan)

Friday, April 07, 2006

A Boston Tea Party …(Taking A Mulligan)

Close your eyes and repeat after me: it is not amnesty. It is not amnesty. It is not amnesty. It is not amnesty. It is not amnesty. It is not amnesty. It is not amnesty. It is not amnesty. Ok, you can open them. Darn, it is still amnesty. It is not amnesty. It is not amnesty. It is not amnesty. It is not amnesty. It is not amnesty. Jeez, calling something it isn’t usually works for Democrats…it is not amnesty. It is not amnesty.

Weak-kneed, spineless members of the Senate have said this mantra over and over this week. The Senate yesterday reached a compromise that breaks illegal immigrants down into groups. These groups are based on how long the individual illegal has been in this country. Basically, the illegals have been put on the “honor system”. They are expected to honestly tell us how long they have been here. Only those who have been here for less than two years are being sent back home. All others are allowed to stay but it isn’t amnesty.

This weekend is the “Masters” golf tournament. If you have ever played golf and moved your ball away from a tree or out of a divot or not taken a penalty stroke when you hit your ball into the water or not counted a short put you missed you have broken the honor system used to govern the game of golf. The Senate is expecting those people who broke the law in order to come here to work to honestly document how long they have been here. They expect more from these people than the average scratch golfer. Illegals will police themselves. Can you say RIDDEN with FRAUD. A golfer is playing a game while an illegals’s future is in the balance.

In 1986 our government gave amnesty to three million illegal aliens telling us it would stop the influx of more from entering this country. Twenty years later the Senate has decided to take another golfing no-no. The Senate is taking a mulligan. They are taking a do-over and are promising the same thing as in 1986. What they say isn’t amnesty does nothing and will do nothing to stop more illegals from coming instead it rewards them. Amnesty is bad enough but amnesty without a wall is traitorous. J.D. Hayworth, Tom Tancredo and others in the House must reject what our “country club” Senators have agreed upon. It is the only honorable thing to do.


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