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University A Conservative Harvest: A Boston Tea Party …(The un-Cola)

Sunday, March 19, 2006

A Boston Tea Party …(The un-Cola)

Ronald Reagan often talked about America as the shining city upon the hill. Shining cities are built on leadership, innovation, productivity, and cooperation. Shining cities are not created when half the population is wishing for failure. We have reached a low point in American history where half of the country prefers America fail so it can gain power.

Many Democrats are going to argue they want only good things for America. I believe this to be true but only if it happens while they occupy the Presidency. Do Democrats prefer the economy do poorly? Yes, if a Republican is President. Do Democrats want us to fail in Iraq? Yes, as long as a Republican was the one who took this country into war. Would Democrats prefer the government fail to provide adequate help those caught in a natural disaster? Yes, when a Republican sits as chief executive.

Why do I KNOW this with such certainty? Current Democrats won’t admit to any possible success or offer any specific solutions. Our local mouth piece for the “progressive” left continually says no plan is required but rather his party should sit back and revel in any and all possible failures. Rather than admitting to some economic successes and saying more can be done, Progressives say only the rich are doing better.

There is no more hope for a negative result than in the war in Iraq. The left knows what happens in Iraq correlates directly to their political futures. Since they have been so extremely negative throughout the war, it cannot be argued success in Iraq helps their party. Any suggestions the Dems genuinely want America and the Iraqi people to win is pure propaganda.

The Katrina disaster provides more evidence of the Dems addiction to failure and their happiness over it. They refuse to be intellectually honest and discuss the poor response of the state and local governments. They went so far to use the race card against the Republican President. In their eyes Katrina was a disaster ONLY because a Republican, more specifically George Bush, is President.

Yes Democrats are plenty satisfied if the shining city loses all its luster. They have invented a new brand of leadership. A brand that hopes being negative is a positive. If Republicans are Coca-cola then the Dems are the un-Cola. Their way of selling their product is not how wonderful a different Cola would be but instead just that the current Cola is very bad for you.

It is said character is what you do when no one is watching. Well, political character is what you do when you are not in power. The character of the current Democratic Party will not help the city upon the hill grow any brighter. They know their success depends on as many lights going out as possible. The sad thing is they are comfortable thinking that way.


At 9:59 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I think you are generalizing. Not every person that votes democrat wants the republicans to fail. fortunately, there are still people with integrity in the world, people who want what is best for the nation, not what is best for their party.

I do agree that many of the Democrats in the government are hoping that the Republicans fail so that they can point fingers and tell America that they can do better. however, I find it hard to believe that Republicans wouldn't do the same thing if the roles were reversed.


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